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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. waay back in 71 or 72 me and a friend went to see the dees train at the MCG ...and to try and get some autographs. From memory that day I got Greg Parkes and Max walkers (which was as swirly and colourful a signature as the man himself) Somehow we hung around for long enough so that, as we were walking back to the tram, Paul was also walking the same direction... training bag in hand. He was so open and friendly and we talked for maybe 10 mins, which for an 11 yr old was like a small meeting with God. I remember him asking us lots of questions and the memory of it still lingers. Despite the lack of success the team of that time had, the names from those days remain my absolute favourite.
  2. Strawbs suspension was a big moment. He won our b and f that year. But let’s face he wouldn’t have helped with the shalacking the following week.
  3. Those are my memories as well. In the end I wasnt that disappointed we lost that elim to the bombers as it was suddenly obvious we werent going anywhere that year. I remember being at the G when we easily beat Port Adelaide in round 18? to go to the top of the ladder and at that stage I thought we were good. But by the time the final came around it was clear that injuries and form has killed us. North were on the top of the ladder a couple of years ago at 9-0 and they were just an av team ....similar story I think.
  4. This is a misrepresentation of the truth I think, remember he chose Carlton of all places. So if " tanking" ( and lets not forget at the time it was accepted and industry wide) was his big issue then of all clubs Carlton would have been his least preferred. Brock was rejected for the captaincy, had lost pace and wasnt being offered the size of the contract he wanted.
  5. It was a good win but it left me with a hollow feeling in the days after. The saints were set to smash us half way through the game and got crunched by injuries. We over ran an injury riddled side but it was clear we were never going far in 06 or in the years around it . We were like north, a good average side and no better. We had an aging list , well past its prime and in 2007 we lost our first 9 games and were off the cliff. Daniher was sacked at the end of the year and the era of Bailey , Neeld , Schwabb, tanking and Scully ( plus Trengove, Cook, Blease etc etc etc ) had begun. This win was the last ray of light at sunset hitting our faces and immediately after the dees headed deep into the darkest of dark nights.
  6. It wasnt a disaster from a contested ball perspective , a fitness perspective or from a score perspective. Losing by 5 goals to the eagles in perth is no disaster. But the style they played with, the way they moved the ball forward and the fact that the game was over at qtr time was a disaster. I think we all felt let down because after the build up over the summer, precious little was different from the worst of 2019.
  7. As long as that time is after a dees premiership and his norm smith medal then so be it!
  8. Sounds strange to say but one of my all time favorite games was round 9;1971. We beat St Kilda, who were runners up that year , by 3 points to go 8-1 in the season. It was my first year barracking ( 11) and I was crazily waving my crepe paper flogger . I Sat with my friend 2nd story up behind the goals leaning over the railings and, in our rocking and shouting etc, I remember the people behind us were worried we were going to fall off! I was strangely disappointed this game didn’t make it to the top 100. Wells, Parke, Hardeman, Alves , Keenan , Barry Bourke , Biffen etc. The names of that era still remain my favorite even after all this time. The dees went on a big and gruelling pre season camp that year ( ahead of the times at that point) players took time off work and at the start of 71we were fitter than everyone else. But critically and unfortunately only 22 or so went , or could afford to go , on that camp . Mid season we got hit hard by injuries and, with poor depth as well as the new players coming into the team not having the same conditioning base, we went from 8-1 to finish with only 3 wins from the next 13 games. Still, round 9 1971 sits high in my all time favorite game memories .
  9. Yes true...under NORMAL circumstances. Pulling money out of the club right now just feels so harmful that I hope peoples circumstances would have to be really tough to do so .
  10. Suddenly from being behind re no dedicated melbourne vfl team we're back in front on that score. On similar matters, as football depts shrink will AAMI actually work out ok for us now....OR given everything is being reduced everywhere could we get back to training on the mcg? OR is thinking about the future in any way right an utter waste of time?
  11. Agreed. I hope the club acts when it has to and not when it’s deemed to be acceptable. “ sorry we had to fold. I know you all loved the club and we would have asked for help but it was the wrong time. Rest In Peace mfc”
  12. To be fair, It was all u folding so fast Im not sure anyone really understood the significance At the start of it.
  13. Agreed. I was shocked to see him so easily beaten. I want to cut him and the team some slack but wc in the same boat .
  14. Feels deeper than one or two players. We were pretty much making it look hard all over the ground. To be fair they’re a very very good side....and to be fair we’re just not. Unfortunately I think a 5 goal loss is a good result for the mediocre team we are.
  15. Not yet... but the “ boys are working really hard” I expect a lift by 2022
  16. There’s a couple of hours of my life I’ll never get back. I’m glad I know they worked so hard off season as if I didn’t Id swear theyre playing exactly the same way and repeating Exactly the same mistakes. Boring footy. Nothing team. I’m glad I don’t have to watch that [censored] for 10 more weeks.
  17. If/ when we come out of this building projects offering jobs and growth may be very on the cards.
  18. well it’s a crap way to get there but a 17 round season is the first “ fair” season since there was 12 teams and a 22 round season. i’m not sure what the future holds ( who is!) but i’m happy w a 17 game season and hope they stay w it altering home and away each year.
  19. not meaning to be a pessimist here but what makes you think this is over and done with in a year? we’re heading into brand new global territory which could well also bring on the mother of all financial collapses. On top of the climate changes arriving it’s getting hard to make firm predictions about what 2021 will look like! hope i’m wrong on that but i get the feeling there is much to play out over the next year and we may not completely recognise ourselves at the end of it.
  20. Cant help but wonder how the umpiring would change in WA sans fans.
  21. It was the first time I’ve seen Jackson and tbh I was a bit shocked at how far off the pace he looked. He’s got a full year at Casey coming up with perhaps a game or two late in the season. He’s out of my 2020 plans but firmly in my 2021 thoughts.
  22. It’s a pretty ordinary looking game. It’s a good physical hit out but I’m not seeing too much to get excited about in our style yet bar real endeavour.
  23. His dad has been very unwell by all reports so perhaps his abcense is related..but Im guessing.
  24. Wow... that’s big news. That would vfl and IF all went well that might translate into round 9 or so. Like everyone else here my fingers are crossed.
  25. I’m not sure he’s been “ trying harder” perhaps it just looks different from a captain somehow. Max will get serious when the game is on. Imo most importantly He’s got to remain himself .
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