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Everything posted by Ungarieboy

  1. I was more meaning targeting players like Petty, Kossie, Jackson, JVR, Rivers, Chandler, Brayshaw, etc. This puts unnecessary pressure/distraction on the player during the season and club (to lock them into long term deals, as 2 years remaining seems gettable). Would you put in the effort to sound out a content contracted Essendon player knowing you have to deal with Dodori?
  2. Had anyone considered that Melbourne's fair and reasonable approach to trading; has mades us a target for raiding players!!!
  3. Purcell Bannan B Mackin Goldrick Hore West
  4. Whats the chances this creates a favourable McAddam deal in the future, considering how well they've benefited from this one.
  5. Paxman Hore Mithen Goldrick Hanks McNamarra
  6. Hanks Purcell Birch Pearce Zanker McNamara
  7. Love this idea; but would take it a step further: NGA first round products require the associated club to match points plus 40%. NGA 2nd round plus 20%. It still provides opportunity to reward clubs NGA efforts, but not provide a free hit. Other clubs potentially benefit from the deals required to accumulate the necessary points! And of course, AFL gets more media coverage from the speculation!
  8. The kangaroo court would also have chucked out the hypocrisy of Maynard having the time to react to Brayshaw "veering" into his path by noticing it, comprehending the outcome enough to react with the thought procedd of thinking "[censored] he's there"; while also arguing there's not reaction time to brace for contact!!!! The act of jumping and bracing was a predetermined singular action; this is actually supported by the biomechanic person - as he stated there was no time to adjust once launched. Also if there was a report why wasn't the umpire there providing his view (something I thought they had to do) and if this was a test case then surely the AFL (tribunsl) would require evidence from Brayshaw so as to understand all aspects in making an informed decision.
  9. How about Whoever instigates head high contact gets penalised (suspended); therefore takes responsibility for the action and consquence. This includes duckers, leading with the head, bumps, spoils, tables and tripping over ones feet!
  10. I challenge both Buckley and Cornes to go back through the footage of their careers and produce just one example of them attempting the same footy act!!!
  11. Haven't had the chance to read all this thread, so apologies if this is repetitive. THIS WAS NOT A FOOTBALL ACT. I've played and coached footy for over 40 years and never once have we practice (trained) to smother a ball like this. Smothers are part of training, but it was two arms across the body as the kick left the boot, not more than two metres afterwards!!! In fact if player did attempt this "footy act", I would teach them not to, as they'd be as likely to get hit in the face; or sidestepped. Of course presently sidestepping is not a consideration as no-one would expect this "footy act" to actually occur. Brayshaw had kicked the ball with more than enough time to ensure it could not be impacted by the oncoming player, and under the rules and any normal act of footy that should be the end of it. He or anyone would not have been expecting any form of contact; particularly contact that amounted to an old fashion shirt-front!!!! Also if Maynard had of made contact with the ball, then this would have delayed his action to tuck his shoulder in to "protect" himself. Missing the ball by inches doesn't mean you were in the contest, it actually highlights you were never in it and that's as close as you could have gotten - Maynard couldn't have moved any quicker, but if he somehow did, Brayshaw would have just kicked it earlier!!!!!
  12. It's not about replacing players, it's picking your best side. Backs McVee May Lever Bowey Smith Salem - Lever gets exposed as our 2nd tall, therefore we need another (one with pace to cover Lever and May intercepting). Mids Langdon Viney Hunter Oliver Gawn Harmes - Harmes plays a strong tag on there best clearance player (Cripps) which effectively means our remaining 2 v theis. Like Aus cricket team of past years, successfully targeting their captain can also demoralise their team. Forwards Petracca Tmac ANB Fritsch Rivers Picket - have Rivers play the Melks role of being the defensive forward in the air (which he has already done in defence); plus he's a bonus when ball hits ground. Give space to Trac. Fritsch or Picket who can all beat their opponents 1v1 in the air (but not packs) Bench Sparrow Hibberd Chandler/Jordan Grundy ÷ Chandler for run or Jordan for midfield time so Trac plays forward more. Grundy rucks more from the bench with Gawn resting forward (for Rivers) who can float into midfield on occasions. Grundy could also spend time as a tall midfielder or even wing. Tmac can go back with Smith/Lever/May going forward so their defence can't settle!
  13. From a North supporting mate, who wants to see Maynard similarly banned.
  14. Our best football is 3 tall backs (freeing up Lever to intercept). When only playing 2, Lever can get out marked, even May might lose a couple. 3rd tall defender options are Turner, Smith, Thomo or Tmac. Petty is injured, Hibberd is not a tall. I'd go with Smith as we need speed as well; the pies exposed our backs lack of pace and the other teams will have noticed. If we get past next week, a likely match up with the lions will see Cameron twice as dangerous as Bobby Hill.
  15. Elliott could have had 2-3 goals in the first quarter alone. It wasn't until he injured his ankle (slowing him down) that Hibberd came close to quelling him. Plus his (Elliott's) supply dried up in the second half.
  16. Heath Bannan Hore Mackin Mitten Hanks
  17. Viney Trac Fritsch Bowey Brayshaw Rivers
  18. Lever ANB Sparrow Viney Rivers Melks
  19. Viney Picket Chandler Brayshaw Rivers Trac * though Smith was amongst our best whilst the game was hot!!!
  20. Gawn Petty ANB Viney Rivers Trac
  21. Viney Picket Langdon Chandler ANB Brayshaw
  22. Gawn Trac Melks Lever Sparrow Smith - okay I guess 30 mins of footy is not enough fo the votes so instead I'm changing this to McVee
  23. The Lipns midfield will scrag ours; applying physical heat (grappling, wrestling, tackling, etc) before we take possession of the ball; particularly at ball ups. This creates a messy disposal, whete thete extra midfield numbers clears it. With no Oliver I expect Viney to be targeted, whilst I don't have faith that Sparrow, Jordan etc can cover this.
  24. May Langdon Salem Trac Sparrow Spargo * Edit, had to get Sparrow in
  25. What about St Kilda's talls? May should handle King; then where are the threats (fwd, back and ruck)? Maybe, going with one less tall this week, is the go!
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