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Everything posted by Ungarieboy

  1. Having more good players in the academy lifts the standards and the quality of the academy (other participants) - so there's still benefits of him being there.
  2. In the bargain bin - is Owies, but it's not a bargain if we don't use it (we do have a few forward flankers already).
  3. Significant improvement is not going to come from other clubs discards! Yes a bargain can be found, but the majority are at best maintaining the status quo or on the decline (they are discarded for a reason). We need to identify and target the good players, regardless of contract i.e. Gegordies, Callaghan, Miller, Brayshaw, Reid, Flanders, McCluggage, Rowbortom, Hewett, etc Clubs like Brisbane, GC, Blues have more potential top end talent coming in, so shake the tree and see if a quality midfielder falls out - we should have the cash to make things interesting (or as North did with us/Viney tighten our salary cap to help future raids)
  4. I'm struggling to remember, but Mackin Chaplin Zanker Campbell MacNamara Heath
  5. An easier draw can also reduce the wear and tear on players (opposition intensity and maturity not as high) and can help build confidence (young players and out of form).
  6. We should be advantaged by a far essier easier draw, for as a bottom 6 side we should play 2 of the bottom 4 twice and one at worse 2 top 8 sides. I'm predicting Richmond (due to Anzac eve game) and West Coast. We are likely to volunteer for (Adelaide/Port again in gather round.) so expect the Crows as a double up Then it's two of the next group outside the 8 - we host Collingwood this QB so they're likely to be one ( plus the AFL likes a potential drama story) which would leave one of the lower ranked teams - I'm expecting Gold Coast but would prefer the Saints. Lastly two sides in the 8 (1 from top 4) probably Port or GWS for the Alice game And then bulldogs, though as we have potentially a lot of interstate double-ups, we'll likely request a bigger club (for crowd revenue) so perhaps carlton or Essendon. Tigers, Eagles, Crows, Pies, Suns, Port, Bulldogs double ups: In theory this is as hard as the draw should get. But it could easily be Tigers, Eagles, Suns, Saints, Dockers, Pies, Hawks
  7. Hore Mackin Gold Macca Gillard Pearce
  8. Go Saints, Pick 5 would be nice!!
  9. Gawn Picket Tmac Langdon Rivers Turner + note not saying they are all in the "best", but at least not in the worst!
  10. Trac to GC for Miller and there first rounder, then throw 2 top 10bfirst rounders and the future first rounder at Reid (WC). Oh plus lots of dollars!!!!!
  11. Viney Langdon Salem Gawn Turner Kolt
  12. Langdon McVee Gawn ANB Picket Petty
  13. Langdon JVR Rivers McVee Tmac Fritsch
  14. Why won't our midfield tackle? Are they bringing back bruise free football!!!
  15. Langdon Chandler McVee Picket Moniz-W May Our midfield got beaten for 3 quarters of the day and many disposal were inflated by unclean rushed disposals!
  16. Teams are starting to expose Boweys lack of height in the backs, but against GWS this shouldnt be a problen - so he gets a reprieve. What GWS had is speed and in form Hogan. Salem should play in the midfield or be given a rest. We have to tag Tom Green (note they ate not a high inside 50 team, so restricting Green is a must). On a brighter side, they wouldn't have a clue who Bedford should go and tag!!!!!
  17. Langdon Chandler Windsor Mcvee Billings Maybe Kolt - he didn't get beaten my much in the 2nd half!!!!
  18. Haven't had the chance to read this thread, but a simple fix (in principle) * acidental (legitimate footy act I.e well executed spoil, tackle, smother, etc) results in concussion - suspension is the same time as the concussed, but emain eligible for brownlow. * careless (mistimed footy act) - suspension is the time of the concussed plus one week * reckless (unrealistic attempt of a footy act) - suspension is the time of the concussed plus 2-3 weeks * intentional (non footy act such as a punch, elbow, headbut, etc) - minimum 5 weeks, but grading should start at 8 and work up/down from that point Note some may say it's unfair to lose a week for an accident, as it was legitimate footy act; but it is also unfair on the victim to lose a week - sometimes in footy you can just be unlucky (in this case both players).
  19. McVee Picket Rivers Windsor Tmac Langdon
  20. Rivers JVR McVee Chandler Langdon Windsor
  21. Viney Rivers May Salem Sparrow Gawn
  22. Listing a whole heap of positions that need improving, then stating we draft for them isn't going to work. Beyond the top 30 picks or so you're unlikely to find an A grader that is a significant improvement on our regular first grade players - to do so relys more on luck! Similarly turning the list over by more than 6 ot so players; means you are likely bringing in 3rd - 5th rounders and other clubs Non required players. Again unlikely to be a significant improvement This gets exabercatered exponentially as we turn over more players. Note: to bring in quality normally requires giving something of quality up, which in turn then requires quality to replace. We need to go hard for a quality established midfielder, trust our developing forwards will develop, groom Petty as the May replacement and hope we find a gem in the draft. As such we should throw the bank at T Miller or Brayshaw!
  23. JVR Salem Rivers Windsor Gawn Tmac
  24. To many midfielders getting votes - they got smashed! And they don't tackle!
  25. McVee May Petty Bowey Tmac Rivers Windsor Viney Langdon ANB Oliver Picket Chandler JVR Fritsch Gawn Trac Salem K Brown Woey Kolt Turner Sparrow Petty back is better for both him and team. Oliver may be getting it, but very little is effective - he'd be a real headache in the forward line though as he can get his hands on it - forcing defenders to panic. We alsi need lots of run to match the pies out of Defence - note I suspect pup will be one of those players who plays better with good players around him i.e. first grade.
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