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Everything posted by Ungarieboy

  1. Petty Lever Brayshaw Hibberd Harmes Langdon Hard to give it to midfielders when they were smashed.
  2. BBB was good particularly in the first quarter, when the game was hot and needed to be won.
  3. Viney Lever Harmes Brayshaw Oliver Trac
  4. So the reigning premiers (equal top side) and playing the most top sides in the remaining rounds; can only get one Friday night game!!!! I'm sure there is a 2nd v 3rd there; a 2nd v 4th there, a grand final rematch, just for starters!
  5. To regain form you don't overhaul your game plan and structure, you tinker with the pieces that are not aligning; and build confidence. Note: It is crucial to do this without detracting from the working pieces! No need for Brayshaw to go in the middle, but with Salem in, he can definitely go to the wing - which strengthens that position (no disservice to Jordan). May to fullback is a no brainer. This then realigns the back 6/7 to all working parts. The midfield don't need changing either, though Sparrow could easily make way for Jordan. Melbourne's forward line functions on 3 pressure smalls, Fritsch and two talls - this won't change dramatically either. BB will be one, Mitch and Weid are both very similar with neither being strong contest marks - Weid plays taller which may help. Though I'd go with a Tomilson/Petty rotation. For me, and with consideration to keeping to the game plan / structure. Hibberd May Lever Bowey Petty Salem Langdon Viney Brayshaw ANB Tomilson Spargo Picket BBgun Fritsch Jackson Oliver Trac Rivers Jordan Harmes Weid Med sub: Sparrow
  6. Some observations Hibberd is slow and got exposed by pace Salem doesn't look match fit yet M Brown didn't contest the ball, particularly in the air Sparrow takes to long to move the ball forward And why do we insist on going with a forward pocket as our medical sub, it exposes us significantly when an injury occurs (unless to Spargo or Picket)!
  7. Oliver Brayshaw Petty Viney Jordon Turner
  8. So if Melks can be so easily triggered by such a comment, then watch what opposition players are going to serve up (relentlessly) on the field! My kids serve up worse to their siblings but don't go around decking each other in response. The extent of the GF thrashing, makes the seriousness of the comment even more laughable, further demonstrating the reaction was way over the top. May though should be punished for drinking with concussion as it definitely could inhibit his recovery (short term and possibly long term).
  9. Changes should always improve a side. Our backs are in no drastic need of improvement, but regardless, this will occur naturally with Mays inclusion. Tomilson is no fullback (we recruited him as a wing option) but still a good 3rd tall option - allowing flexibility of one of Petty, May, Lever to be considered forward. Swans exposed Hunts defence (isolated one out), which also allowed them to push their forwards/wingers up the ground and cramp our forward line. Other teams will try and follow this - though May coming back, it may not be as effective considering he plays a goal keeper role. The Swans and Dockers also showed how to stop us from scoring and it's simple actually, clog up the space in our forward line preventing our marking targets from leading to the "v" in front of goal (our smalls are pressure players not leading/marking options), then pressure the midfield to force a long kick (seems to be our preference, rather than lowering eyes going into the 50). Tmac, was crucial to this as he competed in the air, allowing our pressure smalls and midfielders a chance at ground level - which also puts pressure on their backs and midfielders; and consequently restricting their ability to run off and transition the ball quickly. Petty may help here, otherwise Gawn seems next best. Fritsch is a third tall and should not be considered as a KPF. Note Gawn forward weakens our midfield play, as Jackson doesn't do enough in the air around the ground. Our midfield loves to run out the front of the contest, but unfortunately this means if theirs get there hands on the ball first we are exposed to a quick clearance. Teams have worked this out to and are defending our front, and using the release handball to move the ball forward from the back of the contest. May is an obvious in, and M Brown an out - he's the same type of player as his namesake (so is Weids). Also having a small as an emergency seriously exposes us if a tall is injured - Hibberd or Rivers would be better suited
  10. Drop Ben Brown and Fritsch and Tmac won't kick goals, team balance is more important than individual stats. for example: In my son's team, though he's not a high possession midfield, when he's in the midfield the invariably win and our centre invariably gets best on ground: when they go with a high possession midfielder instead our centres game drops off - combinations in footy is important. Harmes importance in our midfield should also not be underestimated .
  11. Out: May, Melks, Weid, Dunstan, and likely Petty In: Tomilson, Tmac, Langdon, Harmes, and perhaps Salem and Hibberd Not sure who covers Petty - we need Tmac forward. Could Daw fill a spot? There's some serious inclusions coming in the next couple of weeks! Just have to get past this week.
  12. I've been a strong advocate for the day grand final ............ until yesterday. Eddie made some good points which then aligns with: A twilight grand final still suits the kids - the can be in bed by 7.30pm , 8.30pm or even 9.00pm (older ones); BBQ's are still on the cards either leading up to it in the afternoon, during half time or for dinner, Last year we did the kick to kick before the game when it was warmest and during half time; and though not a bonus for all - the delay in drinking was actually more conducive to a good night of celebrations. THE BIG THING though, is it's more suitable for interstate fans, parents of kids with other commitments (casual jobs such as Macca's or sports such as basketball), Tradies or retailers working Saturdays, etc. It also becomes easier for other sports fans who may be attracted to the one-off event (upon arriving home from their non AFL activities). The crowd will still be a sell out regardless (unless it's the Giants v Sun's or Power)!!! Night grand final though - Yuk;! It is not kid friendly, BBQ friendly, and possibly even conducive to good footy (dew). Celebrations start to late, and the gap between the start of the day and game is intolerable; Oh and for some who still start drinking in the early afternoon, then their ability to watch the game 4-5 hours later could become significantly inhibited!!!!!
  13. Also playing with your brother can be a negative as well. Not all siblings are best friends, or buddy buddy; and even when they do get on well - don't necessarily like sharing the same close friendship groups.
  14. Don't know if it's been mentioned, but not playing in the midfield, and playing with Melbourne where there is more support on the ground (less heavy lifting) would likely extend his career by a few years!!!!! Particularly with his concussion issues. This also reduces financial differences over the entirety of his football career.
  15. Brayshaw Picket Gawn Viney Tmac Harmes
  16. Touk Miller Harry McKay would be handy to.
  17. Brayshaw Langdon Oliver May Spargo Tmac
  18. I was coached from a very young age to always mark to he ball on the goal line, or Shepherd it through if an oppo player was close. I still coach the same thing. The one time I didn't follow the instruction was in a representative game where the ball bounced on the line went straight up over my head then back towards goal on second bounce clipping the post on the way. If this happened to Tmac, everyone would be screaming at him for letting it go!!! As for awareness, you eyes are on the ball first, periphery is then for other players who could impact the play, then goal posts, and lastly a line on the ground!!! Note just letting the ball bounce through, is often enough for a back running full speed to touch it, should it be a slow bounce. I seem to recall our backs save many a goal by not giving up on a certain goal.
  19. Gawn Viney Brayshaw Hunt Rivers Olliver
  20. Oliver Spargo Petty Sparrow Gawn Harmes
  21. May Langdon Spargo Petty Viney Jordan
  22. Gawn May Harmes Sparrow Jordan Brayshaw
  23. Colvin Paxman Bannan Goldrick L Pearce Heath
  24. Therefore if fit BBB on for Weid (He knew the deal, the taste and confidence gained should spur him on even more) If fit Lever in for hunt/tomilson depending on matchups.
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