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Queanbeyan Demon

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Everything posted by Queanbeyan Demon

  1. So close LG. He was 28 when he played in the premiership. He missed by that [. . . . .] much.
  2. I don't care if he plays in the reserves then.
  3. Off the top of my head . . . Doug Wade, John Rantall, Barry Davis, Stan Alves, Greg Wells, Val Perovic, Bryan Wood. And that's seven over a 10 year period. I could go on . . . . . . . but point made.
  4. Mate, if Admin were to ban all the six year olds on 'Land, the site would be liquidated. Who would @WCW post with?
  5. Very good chance we go through undefeated from here . . . multiple injuries to superstars and Mayfades excluded.
  6. Schizophrenic was mentioned above. What is my diagnosis please? I want Horethorn, Filth, Essendrugs, Jeelog all to finish 18th. Happy for Bunt Road to finish 9th.
  7. Good point about Norf A-S. For a club who has been so innovative for half a century, they have certainly lost their way. And your point about money for good quality journalism is well made. The whole sector has been hollowed-out by the tech-revolution. The industry's response in Australia to this upheaval has been astoundingly incompetent. Hope you're not a jorno A-S. :-I
  8. From my point of view, there are still big problems. Do I watch the cats game from last year, the granny, or last nights demolition job again over the weekend? (Phukkkkit. I’ll watch them all,)
  9. Finally we beat a side above us on the ladder.
  10. Wilson is brilliant IMHO. Do I always agree with her? No. Does she sometimes get it wrong? Yes. Who amongst us hasn't made mistakes? We're all keyboard heroes to some degree, including QD. Pointing out the errors of others whilst being reluctant to admit our own is par for the course online. She has been brilliant in holding the often nefarious VFL/AFL to account for decades. She used to get suck into Oakley and Vlad on a regular basis. And as for the morons in clubland . . . she's been superb. For example: the hypocrisy of the Swans whinging while benefitting from COLA, draft concessions and AFL handouts to recruit stars, the series of completely dysfunctional administrations at Linton Street over five decades, with a spectacular highlight (hard to pick one admittedly) being the duplicitousness fiasco involving Blight (thanks for all the headlines Minibus), she was the first to go after the Golden Child at Windy Hill before it became popular game fishing, she couldn't stand the Elliott cheating regime at Royal Parade, she chased down the Crows in 2018, called out the finger up-the-date debacle at Bunt Road for exactly what it was, she went ferreting after Meth Coke, and called out the sanctimoniousness at the Filth on a monthly basis. And finally, I would say this. If she is talking over Triple Chins, I am not surprised. She has been subjected to, and had to put up with, sexism, prejudice, misogyny, behind the hand sniggers, and white male 'right to entitlement' at all levels of the game for a long time. How she has survived it is amazing. She must be a strong person. She has had to interrupt to be heard over the egocentric, self-important, arrogant and attention seeking FWs for a long time. Wilson has played a huge part in paving the way for a greater role for women in the game. Her legacy is assured.
  11. I love this idea SoNS. I don't umpire the game mate. Jenny has a way of clarifying the holding the man/holding the ball rule. See ya in Bali Jordon.
  12. Glad I don't watch the sh$t show. Norf lost their first four in 1975.
  13. I would have thought the obvious candidate is starring the League in the face. Either Max or Daisy.
  14. There must be two Graeme Samuals. For a moment there I thought you were talking about the one who was on the Commission when the knife was plunged into Fitzroy's back, literally in the dead of night. The same one who tried to rat-phukc the Deez in '96.
  15. Can anyone name one player who has gone back to the West willingly and played as well as he did in Melbourne?
  16. Murder on the Dance Floor on so many levels. The only thing the Filth would be spewing about is that the AFL's compensation to Colinwood for loosing Jordan at the end of the season is diminishing hour-by-hour ATM.
  17. Specifically, what do you suggest Colinwood do BBP? Just interested.
  18. an attempt at a play on words only Bro. very poor attempt. Wasn't a comment about you or your post in anyway. :-)
  19. They miss-placed you number dee-tox. You'd be far more interesting :-)
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