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Everything posted by Ouch!

  1. Perhaps you should have clicked the link, then watched the video. Matt just did a transcript of the interview which you can watch on the club site. Matt probably staged that whole interview as well
  2. Ouch!

    So Shoot Me

    Whew, thats one way to suck the life out of a light hearted comment. With all of the over-analysing going on about our form, our players, our club .... this came from no-where, ....not that I am scoffing at you for doing it Billy... B)
  3. Ouch!

    So Shoot Me

    This would have to be one of the best lines I have seen on Demonland for a while.... I love that
  4. Still Waiting: Interests: long term Viability and Sustained Success. Expectation: Immediately Even if you had bothered to read the threads regarding the Senior Group meetings the club is having/arranging with various supporter groups you wouldn't want to consider that IN the interest of Long Term Viability and Sustained Success we need to look at holding the course that has been set by Neeld, Misson and the football department.
  5. I presume you mean recent history (Pre-emptive text?) Cement history is very good though :D
  6. I can buy the argument that the rebuild has come unstuck, I can even buy the argument that the CEO plays a part in finding the coach and employing the people in the football department. I don't even have a problem saying that the CEO and Chairman do have some part to play in the failures that have occured leading up to and including '186', but if I am reading some people right (and probably not referring explicitly to you rjay) but people want to replace Schwab ... and some want McLardy gone (which potentially would be a spill of several board positions) because they have some an involvement in what has occured in the events surrounding '186'. If that were the case we are talking about almost every single significant position in this football club being turned over in the space of a year or so. We have completely rebuilt the football department (but thats not enough) our medicos, physios, recruiters etc all new) but heck thats not enough now people want to rip out the CEO and possibly the Chairman of the club and think that it will all be ok, because new = shiny and that means better! Stability off the field at this point is the best thing for our club ON field with the year we are having. That does not mean everyone there is perfect, and blameless, but really think about what you are suggesting and the impact it might have to the club.
  7. It could even be argued that with less run and spread due to fitness levels being what they are that players need to be even more precise as to hit players under pressure from opposition players that they have not broken away from. A smaller margin for error means you look like your skills 'appear' worse than those of players who have a greater target zone to hit as the player they are hitting up has managed to spread more effectively.
  8. I think he is the "Weapon" and apparently answers his phone with that as well
  9. No results On the field... Off the field I think if you look at when he was bought in by Stynes, I think Schwab and Stynes have done an incredible amount to get the stability of the club off the field right. I am not saying everything was done right, and I don't have a clue (like most of us) about what really happened leading up to 186, but regardless, he has definately produced enough positive results that enable the club to now invest in the footy dept to the level that can see results achieved ON field into the future. For the record I believe you might be correct, Cam said when he came back to Melbourne to live that he didn't want another football CEO role, but Stynes convinced him to come on board. I would be pretty certain that he would be looking at an exit strategy from the club whenever the contract is up... I think it's unlikely he will continue for another contract.
  10. .... thats the only bit you could respond to? Seriously?
  11. You are contradicting yourself here when just above you write "The game was there for the taking against Carlton at 3 quarter time." Which is it? Can't have no chance, and then have a game there for the taking at the same time?? From my take against Carlton we were struggling to stay with them through the 3rd quarter and the boys put in a very big effort to stay with Carlton, who it's fair to say didn't make the most of the opportunities they had.
  12. The clubs rebuild ON the field maybe hasn't been great. but he has been involved off the field in getting us AND Freo into strong positions. Using the same logic above about him only seeing finals 4 times in 30 years is as useful as saying Richmond should get rid of Chris Newman because whilst playing for the club haven't played in a single final... it must be his fault then ??. Listened to Cam Mooney yesterday.... he says it took Geelong 44 years to get their rebuild right. I am not trying to say we have to wait that long after what Neeld is implementing, but too many people get swept up in the "immediacy" of getting a result now.... it's gonna take time, and I for one am glad that IF we have another year or so of learning this plan (and pain) that at least we are sound off the field and we have the resources available to us. (For those I do credit Cam Schwab for....)
  13. Now, just to be clear I am not a Moloney fan, but after reading this http://www.theage.co...0528-1zebe.html He (Andrew Walker) also singled out midfielder David Ellard's shut-down job on Brent Moloney. "I think he had 30 odd touches and he had Moloney for the day and I think he kept Moloney to maybe 13 touches so that was a real standout for me," he said." (Last paragraph) it appears as though Moloney had Ellard tagging him, and did a job on him. Also after listening to Neeld's press conference after the game he said he doesn't have concerns about effort and attitude, it's just he isn't in great form. I don't think Moloney has ever been great at shaking a tag, but (for those who get to watch games live) have teams been putting a heavy tag on Moloney and could this be a significant part of why he seems ordinary so far this season? He is our current Bluey winner, and polled well in the brownlow, I wonder if teams have decided to put a hard tag on him this season and our other boys in there (with the exception of Jones) have not been able to cover the loss of his clearances as a result? As I have I don't get to see a lot of games live, but it would be interesting to note from those who have been to our games this year is this happening? or is it too simple a reason ?
  14. Ok, fair point, didn't realise that.
  15. This is a bit of mis-information also... Who are the three? Neeld - yup thats 1. Who is the second one? If it's Leigh Brown then thats thats just wrong, retiring players go to other clubs all the time, we didn't poach him from their coaching ranks. Collingwood is being precious, it happens to every single club out there, we lost Wellman to Essendon AFTER he signed a contract to continue with us apparently.
  16. Like Face your demons said above Carlton, cos I don't want to wait any longer... I want a win this week just to shut people up. (But I do have a particular hate for Carlton too!!!)
  17. Not sure if anyone has seen this yet? http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/beleaguered-watts-taps-in-with-malthouse-20120524-1z7vo.html Have to say it says a lot about Watts that he would approach someone who questioned him and his work ethic earlier in the year in order to get some ideas on how to improve as a player. Good on him.
  18. ".... and whilst we are at it Jonesy's and Clarks Tatts are better too!"
  19. Not that I am aware of, I imagine the only reason that they would have been assigned those picks is because everyone assumed them to finish last and second last this season.
  20. Now we just need to ask each of the players to spell Melbourne and we got our man!!
  21. Umm.. been checking the boards most of the day myself (work and home) If I felt that there was an appropriate thread I would have used it. My apologies for not checking and missing the last four comments you made @ approximately 7:36 when I posted this almost an hour earlier. Next time I wish to post would you like me to ask your permission as well?
  22. To what? Mike Sheehan's article? it's down on the left under the "news.com.au" articles. (They are previewing the article FFS!) Edit: arrgh down on the right sorry (thats how filthy I am.... Can't tell left from right LOL
  23. I get it, the MFC is playing horribly, nothing has gone right this year.... But Mike coming out of retirement to take his chance to slag us off in media print as well? The AFL media circus is seriously crazy at the moment, and rather than putting something out there that requires thought.... it's the cheap attacks that are akin to laying the boot into a person when they are prone on the ground that get me. Even the article today that Jolly wrote,... he was happy to slag off Melbourne when he was there, lets drag up the corpse of the past and lay the boot in that one too. PLEASE GET A WIN SOON BOYS!!!! I just am so sick of the shite journalism rehashing the same things over and over
  24. Me too This is probably where the music and footy analogies end. The players don't have the feel/instinct to do things spontaneously. With Music you know whats coming, you know when you are verse/chorus etc. You know you when to play loud, soft, when to start when to finish, when your shredding guitar solo is.... its all prepared and known before hand, and there are no suprises unless someone throws something @ you on stage! Footy is unpredicable and this is where the instinct and knowing where you are/should be, and those around you... Without "this" touch we look slow, unsure, flat footed, prone to errors.
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