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Everything posted by tonatopia

  1. I stand corrected. 2011 brownlow; Moloney, equal 7th, 19 votes.
  2. The same reason why Ross Clarke jones surfs gigantic waves, the challenge. We need the best, so let's get the best. No more gambling.
  3. Moloney, bog, [censored] on a bar, the next week, bog again. Im not looking for choir boys. Nb. Moloney nearly won the brownlow in 2011, and won the Bluey. Neeld has fcuked us, big time.
  4. Neeld is not respected. He came to the club and immediately [censored] in our face. Clubmen like moloney and rivers could smell it from the start. Neeld is not our man, how bloody obvious does it need to be. We desperately need new leadership. This week neeld, next week mclardy. It's not about scapegoating, we need a complete cleanout. A new start, a new spirit, a new determination. Get Roos!
  5. True, whoevers decision it was to put Fitzpatrick in hospital instead of letting him play finals for Casey is a Galvani and should be removed from our club. That decision was a dog act, disgusting.
  6. I don't think so, I think it's a case of right person, right time. Think about the parallels between schwarzs life and the current plight of the MFC. It's like a phoenix rising. I think schwarz can feel it too. Our club does not need a a businessman, we need a hero. A champion who has been to the depths of despair and risen again to greatness. A man with his finger on the pulse, time on his hands and a microphone to the city. I don't believe in messiahs, but ATM, the MFC needs one. Like stynes who built great spirit in the club, schwarz would do the same, but with a little more grunt and power. Mclardy oversaw too many mistakes and failures. He has to go. Schwarz seems like the right man at the right time. In life, there is one thing I'm certain about, it's that determination and passion can get you to the top. We need schwarz to inspire the club to greatness once again. Paul Roos would help aswell.
  7. An ex player told me that senior players do not support neeld. Therefore, we either sack our remaining good players or we sack neeld. The writing is on the wall. How long do we have to persist with the blindfold on. We need; New president New CEO New ticket New coach New start New spirit New hope New future Hurry up!!!
  8. gracious my arse. keep pretending buddy. Maybe go to training, I heard morale is good there.
  9. I thought you were gracious in defeat. ha seeya
  10. If we were winning games, we would not even consider Darwin or Casey. This is just patchwork for despair.
  11. All I'm saying is that the biggest way of attracting supporters is having character players and winning games of footy. Also by having a charasmatic president who is on the radio or TV. And yes, if you think school visits is a better proposition than winning games, you do have rocks in your head. I would be telling the players, just concentrate on winning games, cancel everything else. And i do question your business sense, if you think Schwarz with a good board of businessmen wouldnt be fantastic for the club and its morale, your mad. just an old piece of furniture you are. Let us young blood have a say and pave the way to Glory. your generation failed, many times over. Please get out of the way, your generation of adminstators have lost us.
  12. I run a company with 23 staff. Built by my partner and I. Started off with $2k. mate, I know how its done. Determination can get you anywhere.
  13. Go get em Ox. If life hasnt killed you, I dont think the silver spoons at the MFC will. Show em how its done.
  14. Casey, a growth corridor? Looks more like the outskirts of a growth corridor. I'd rather jump into Dandenong if I had to. Bentleigh Club, cheap pokie machines right? Yep thats fantastic for supporters. Get real. Where is our home? What are our colors? Who wants to play for us? Where are our crowds? Darwin Demons? Where is Moloney, Rivers, Jurrah, Wona? Who has been recruiting for us? Why is the club so divided? Why do people laugh when I say I follow Melbourne? Why havnt we developed players? Why do we pick dud coaches? Just off the top of my head.
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