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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Great to hear but i'm taking this week by week. Fingers crossed. Smith likely to be listed as such for the rest of 24 surely? Somewhat concerning. Hopefully no set back here. Looking to the rest of the reports from track watchers here with much interest.
  2. Marty & Turner competing for the 4th tall posi as coverage for Tomo/Lever in case either gets injured or ends up coming off the boil. Or need to be managed in season. Or alternatively one of them (Most likely Marty at 190cm vs Disco 195cm) comes in for tomo vs a relatively shorter oppo forward line up if needed? Howes played his early days at Casey off a wing before eventually being pushed to HB and seems more suited to playing wing. We may see him here at some point before the year's out and eventually he is a good chance of pushing Hunter off that wing and making it his own, subject to taking the next step this season. His two way running and skills by foot will be a very handy addition coming inside 50. That's what will set him apart if he gets his chance, assuming he's built the tank this pre-season. Will def be an interesting watch for mine and i hope this is where the coach/FD see him playing in future, and they give him a fair crack at it when the time arises. Windsor is probably at least a year away from threatening that on the other (Lingers) wing but you mever know. He might get his chance earlier depending on how he goes at Casey and how Lingers is fairing with his fitness / form during the season.
  3. Great reports from all thanks fellas. BBB is surely not going to make it for the start of the season? Are we able to move him to the long term injury list and place someone else into the mix? Does that seem more likely than not? The elephant in the room would appear to be obvious and surely that leaves us somewhat vunerable here in terms of depth and roations? Aside from Kozzy playing some substantial mid minutes and Sparrow taking his game to another level. Possibly Rivers getting some more mid time. Who else do we have up our sleeve here or will Kozzy, Sparrow &/or Riv be enough? Is the Kolt or even Seston an option to get some minor minutes? Billings? Sparrow seems to be getting some match sim time in there but personally i'd much rather see Howes / Turner covering the back half and push Bowey up higher to utilise his speed, intercepting and elite passing closer to goal in order to up that last entry inside 50 and commection with forwards (McAdam/Fritsch/JVR/Petty & Melk when / if he returns in time to have an impact). He is also a reasonably good shot at goal it seems, even from a fair way out. That last kick inside & connection was an obvious issue for us in 2022 & 23 and needed to be resolved. While it's often hard to guage from training i'd be interested to hear from the track watchers as to whether they feel we are addressing these mid/forward shortfalls or not in terms of filling the gaps and/or obvious changes of positional roles of certain players from their prior modus.
  4. From an energy / distraction perspective it would appear as if this may be so in the short to medium term. The off field issues (and some on field ones) obviously a major part of all this. Anyone who thinks otherwise has their head in the sand imv. Rightly or wrongly (and yes i've been wrong many times and may well be here) there's also been a wiff of NQR about the club ever since the notorious Entrecote episode. Mere coincidence? Possibly. But one thing i do know, the faux pas we've witnessed (those we know of) only began to emerge from that moment onwards. I also think SG would need to have a significant change up to his playing style / game plan if we're to have any chance of cracking another one under his tenure. Is this possible? Of course. Likely? Who knows. Going on past experience, SG doesn't come across as the avant-garde type. However given our last two finals series flops, he may have to be from here on if he's going to get us into another big dance. More of the same can't be the mantra from here on surely? The first few rounds should certainly paint a fairly clear picture about whether he's decided to make a noticeable change up or not during the off-season. If he doesn't i would be pretty worried about our prospects in 2024.
  5. Serious overtime at Casey (blowing-a-gale) fields can have that effect Mr Fence
  6. Your curiosity need look no further gents. I have it on good authority that the club refers to this as anti-WC (C for cyclone... so that's Walking Cyclone) fencing!!
  7. If the usual Nor'wester gale was blowing WC they could spend every minute of every training session practicing goal kicking and still end up with a zero sum gain on our second half of 2023 accuracy i reckon. Just my view but i'm guessing it would be a shizen ground for any kicking skills / kicking execution type training or anything where the air conveyance needs to be air borne and hit a.target or get anywhere near it! I'd take Gosch's almost every day over Casey from this perspective.
  8. Thanks again Mr Fence. I hope you took a few frothies with you on your trek out to the Casey everglades. Glad to see you didn't feel the need to refer to Series 3, episode 4... "The Day The World Ended", even though i personally feel this to be the more appropiate reference whenever i've ventured out there over the years!
  9. Pretty sure this is old footage of Picket after taking a wrong turn just outside the fence on one of his Casey training missions last winter!
  10. Very central. Looks promising but only time will tell. Would be a major step up from the blowy hole out in the sticks at Casey which is 45 minutes travel or more for most Melb metro residents. Thunderbirds are go! Just hope i survive to see it if it gets the go ahead.
  11. Agreed i can't stand all that hype rubbish. Just get out there and play white line fever (like Demons) every game. That's all that matters from that point and it shouldn't need constant pre-match re-emphasise via corporate branding / vids etc. Very cringeworthy.
  12. Lack of run and very disappointing skills. Fumbled and bumbled all night and for a team that is lauded for its run & carry via slick handball prior to the match, along with dominating hard ball gets, this aspect seemed to dry up pretty badly in this one. You would think the commentators were getting mixed up and referring to Brissy as they were the ones bringing the run and and much slicker game that connected well. They were also the ones picking up most of the loose ball stuff and easily matched or bettered us with the contested hard ball side. We stopped hand balling / running and mostly just kept bombing down the line. Occasional switch across HB but very little changing of angles when coming through the corridor & forward. Whereas Brissy did very well in this regard i thought. A number of times we had two to three loose players in the middle but they were ignored and instead we mostly punted down the line to a congested cotest and much of the time over the heads of our girls up forward who were mostly pushed under the ball by clever play from their Brissy defenders, who then took the easy uncontested mark out the back. Starting to appear like no Paxy, no Demons (against the best clubs anyway)? Don't think you can play all three talls of Zank, Bannan and Taylor up forward either. Probably would have asked Bannan to cover their big forward (Davidson?) after quarter/half time. She was in pretty good form and Bannon played her early career in this role from memory.
  13. I particularly liked this part from that same.article... ..."I've been fortunate enough to captain Stingrays and Vic Country this year, so it stems from a young age but it's more about being selfless."
  14. Only going by what i've read / listened to Colm. Most are saying these four will be likely gone. You could be correct though of course and if so that would be a decent result. If that is the case i'd also be pretty chuffed if we picked up DeMattia with 11 as well. The guy has some wheels and a pretty decent left foot on him. We need some speed on the outside and a raking left foot wouldn't do any harm either coming inside 50.
  15. Missing the point. For our needs many have said Sanders is possibly the best fit for us, and some are saying Caddy next up if we can't get hold of Sanders. The other is of course McKercher sitting alongside Sanders (only my view). My preference is Sanders by a fair margin and following that i'd go Caddy. You obviously won't agree and will say (using our current hand without any changes) Curtin/Leake etc. Others will agree with you. All good. The problem with our present hand of 6 & 11 (from my amature keyboard seat) is that it probably won't get us either of those first two. I'd rather have one of them (Sanders all day every day) than none of them and have to settle for somewhat less attractive prospects with our current hand (only my view) such as Leake. If we are willing to trade up to get one (in this case Sanders if we got pick 3), and North were willing, why wouldn't we? Sanders/McKerchen are a bit away from Reid sure, but then there's a gap between those three and the next 8 or so. Then a fair gap between those 11 (or so) and many of the rest bar Demattia who i believe seems a bit under rated in many if the so called expert rankings. P.S. im hapoy to cop any heat on Sanders, Caddy & DeMattia also. Many on here scoffed at me (and Ollie, although he was into and out of alot of options at times lol) when i was pushing hard to use a higher pick for Kozzy in the 2019 draft as well. He was sitting at around 30 odd in the rankings at the time and many thought my suggestion was crazy.
  16. Is it worth trading 6 & 11 for P3 from North to ensure we get Sanders or Caddy? Otherwise there's a good chance we don't get either. My preference is Sanders from a needs perspective. My view means nothing of course but i feel he's the best target for us if available (behind Reid). That's if they would of course. The only reason they probably would is to accommodate a trade for 1 with WC.
  17. Would rather get Sanders (will be gone unfortunately) or Caddy over Leake.
  18. I got all of them in 5 minutes but i was waylaid and couldn't post all my triumphs. Just so youse all know i got them all i'll give you a brief extract so you know i'm ridgy didge on this... 44. 5.0. in Waikiki Haha and as i type that Curtin FM in Perth plays Hawaii 5.0. theme song ...what the!
  19. Thanks Luc. But is there a Kindle version as i will need to have it on constant playback for even 10% to stick!??
  20. Hopefully not this morning pls WC... after about 5 scotches at 2am any brain off will be an auto default win to you! Regardess, you'd probably win anyway. Not exactly Quick Draw McGraw here.
  21. One of the occasional highlights of World Championship Wrestling on a Sunday Red if my memory serves me correct. Hosted by none other than Jack Little!
  22. Ok so for WCW coz she a bit slow.... GYG's throw away line at the end of their cringeworthy ads is "Love ya". Sort of another way of saying "love ya for spending your hard earned on our Nachos menu 10 different ways" or in short... "Thanks suckers!"
  23. You don't think you're over estimating the talent and quality of this draft prospect somewhat NC? 🤭
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