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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. OD, if we keep dishing up these horrible performances and you keep turning up at Casey, you might even get a berth in the seniors as sub. Got a trench coat?
  2. Miss it like crazy ....especially in the cauldron at Windy Hill and Pie Park. Good times, Standing on empty 6 packs with the plastic tied back over to see over the heads of the older blokes in front lol. I forgot two other classics, Ray "Biffo" Biffen and Mark "jacko" Jackson. Although i doubt either of them would get much game time with today's rules and tribunal outcomes. The Jacko days, now they were scary lol.
  3. That's because we have no heavy hitters with mongrel in the team Red. Jones boy goes at it pretty and i'll give pencil his dues as he hits pretty hard at the contest, but they're the exception. No one else worries the opposition physically. In addition we don't worry them in the skills department much either. It's a free kick for most clubs when they play us. They can bully us on the ground and they know there'll be no one coming back at them and they'll win as well. With Dawes weeks away, there's also very few leaders out there other than Jones and maybe Cross at this point. Easy pickings Red. What i would give to have Balls, Yeater, Sean Wight and Crosswell running around out there as well as big Carl in the ruck. Fidge and Stinger off the bench wouldn't hurt either. Teams would at least fear and respect us a little, even if we were getting beat.
  4. Thanks for the review guys. Really appreciate it. The 2 names that pop from both of you are Clisby and McKenzie. Might be worth a run through the seniors for a few weeks. I realise Blease is flashy but we really need some run (line breaking and overlap play) and i would be willing to look at him as well for 2 or 3 games and see whether his disposal/consistency has improved at all. We seriously need to move away from the possession obsession seen so far if we're to have any hope of winning a few games. Clisby for Terlich maybe. McKenzie for Evans and Blease for Bail? Probably shuffling the deck chairs but worth a look for a few weeks i think. Although i have't watched today's games (AFL/VFL) so i'm totally guessing on those change ideas.
  5. If he comes in, more than likely Murphy. And i realise Simpson plays of HB but he's often involved in many of their forward thrusts when he gets loose, running hard to create options through the middle. Shutting one of these 2 down will help our cause to some extent and possibly limit the scoreboard damage.
  6. That's correct. The stat that relates to what the poster was referring to Original post from Sassy...... "I'd rather see Nicholson than Grimes, both have shocking disposal, but at least Nicholson is going to run hard and have a fair dinkum crack" end
  7. No it doesn't. You're incorrectly making that assumption. That's why i said ..."if you had to make a choice between the 3 on stats alone (and i realise that doesn't happen)" ie., addressing Sassy's post and recognising the fact that stats are only an indicator of what HAS happened in the past (and sometimes a very poor one), definitely not a panacea for everything on the field or team roles/selections etc. You may well be correct.
  8. Yes but there's elite runners all through the league now Sassy. We need elite runners plus those who can get it or get on the end of it, plus have a decent efficiency level (ie., close to the League average of approx 70% in 2013). Nicholson at around 65% isn't quite up to it (not alone though....read on). Although he may have improved over the off season i'll give you that. In addition he is well ahead of Blease (57%) and Bail (56.8%). If it was between him and Bail i'd say yes to Nicho for sure. Not Grimes though. While losing Grimes to Clisby might be a gain, i'm not sure Nicho for Grimes would be at this point. I could well be wrong though. As i mentioned, Nicho might have stepped things up in the off season so who knows and Grimes may have dropped off from last season.
  9. I would counter that last stat with another very important one though Sassy.... oversight on my part. We need to actually get the ball and players need to know what patterns to run and places to run to where they can be on the end of it as well. Average Effective Disposals (per game) to Rnd 17 Last Season Clisby 17 (Ranked equal 1st) N Jones 17 (1) Grimes 15.7 (3) M Jones 13.9 (5) Evans 10.6 (18) Nicholson 9.1 (19) Strauss 8 (23) Jetta 7 (27) If you had to make a choice between the 3 (Clisby, Nicholson or Grimes) on stats alone (and i realise that doesn't happen) this stat and "effective disposal %" would suggest that Clisby should be considered for a guernsey just ahead of Grimes and a long way before Nicholson.
  10. I would go Strauss, Clisby or Jetta before either Sassy. Effective disposal % up to Rnd 17 Last year was.... Strauss 87.8% (Ranked 1st) Jetta 87.1% (2nd) Clisby 83.2% (3rd) Grimes 74.9% (14th) Nicholson 65.6% (29th)
  11. The worst part is not being able to ever get excited about any game or feel what it's like to actually beat an opponent. Especially the artificial ones like GWS, GCS and Freo. I wish Roosy luck. He would need an absolute miracle with injuries etc from here to find a win or maybe 2 lol I suspect he'll have very little hair left, and what's left will be jet grey by year's end. Poor bloke must be having kittens around about now
  12. The best decision i've made this year, no Foxtel subscription. Not sure i want to watch it. For those who were there or watched it, Is there any light that would suggest i should?
  13. I think that may have been our last chance to win with this current line up. Might change with Hogan and or Dawes back but i can't see us winning a game from here without either of them back and fully fit. What happened to Blease today btw? Just an emergency it seems
  14. Any chance we could get it inside 50 and keep it there for more than 10 seconds?
  15. Usual story.... no surprises. The other team always finishing strong and over the top of us. Umpires paying easy frees to the opposition ensuring they get an armchair lead FTW. The agony continues
  16. I can't agree on Fitzy. He's not even close to AFL level atm. Mind you i dont rate McDonald up forward either but anything tall and athletic is a mobile option that's better than Fitzy at this point.
  17. Agreed on JHK for Fitzy. Should start the 3rd IMO. Frawley another 10 minutes up forward. If no effect i would swap him for McDonald lol
  18. Yep.... do the players though? It's all between the ears in this second half. Game's there to be won. Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst
  19. I just heard a tackle count completely different to the one on the AFL website so i stand corrected. Might be ok
  20. Getting wacked in the clearances, stoppages and tackle count. If the boys can turn that around somehow we win this game. Mind you that's easier said than done lol
  21. Up to Round 17 last season Disposal Efficiency Evans 68.5% Nicholson 65.6% AFL Average for 2013 (excluding us) was approx 70.8%
  22. Hoo Fricken ray!!!! Dunney boy. Can't question his committment and versatility in this team in last 12 months.
  23. Kicking efficieny so far in 2nd quarter Demons 44% Giants 50% The wind wouldn't be helping but sheez
  24. I'm wondering if we'll actually score a goal for the whole match lol
  25. This is a run and carry to i30 and shot on goal game if i've ever heard one. Not going to score much from 40 or more out i would think. Time to sub Fitzy and get JHK on and up forward to crumb
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