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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Unfortunately as much as i like the Frawley move i can't recall him taking too many contested marks in general play?? Need to hit him on the lead i would think.... Tyson? The Toump has the highest efficiency in the team atm but isn't playing. Frawley and Watts next. Frawley can't kick it to himself though and has Watts even had a kick lol?
  2. Every team turns it over Titan. I would rather see us take more risks and run/carry overlap play the game than the possession obsession of the last 2 weeks. It's what happens after we turn it over that is the problem. Top teams don't worry about it so much or drop their heads (stop chasing/harrassing/picking up loose men etc) like some of our blokes do. If we do this better we will create more turnovers ourselves and get the ball back again. Our other major problem, which is very obvious for everyone, what we do with it when we cause a turnover. Most teams tend to score against us too easily from turnovers. We struggle to score from any turnovers atm. I suspect having no targets or goal kicking power is the main reason along with our usual poor delivery methods i 50
  3. That's weird. Not saying he doesn't turnover but he doesn't even register on the clanger stats. The Jones boy leads that stat until this round.
  4. Viney being involved takes a heap of pressure of Cross, Jones and Vince...gives us another rotation to grind em down through the middle. The middle contest will determine this IMO
  5. This is an extremely young team we're playing. Persistance and hard nose never say die footy will win this, subject to umpiring influence
  6. Oh of course, umpires bail them out lol....forgot about their extra man
  7. Yep. I would have pulled the trigger on that move early last season. He's been pummelled from pillar to post. A change up just might work...for everyone
  8. I just want max effort, chasing and tackling all day, regardless of turnovers or scoreboard
  9. Preparing us for a "No Frawley" backline next year i would think WYL
  10. Seems to be a theme happening here. Are you guys subtly suggesting we change our name to the old Essendon name of yesteryear??
  11. PJ you are spot on in terms of where the buck stops. That's why i'd rather see Roos signed up for as long as possible. I don't want anymore excuses for anyone pulling on the red and blue. Sooky time is over. That's a fair assessment i think CBF. I wouldn't expect us to go anywhere near the top 4 this side of 8 to 10 years. And that would be assuming we got everything right from here. I like your abreviated name by the way. Reminds me of how i feel when bro asks me if i'm going to the match
  12. I'm sure he's thinking about these two as well C&B but not easy to replace Frawley at this point. I agree that his efforts, after the initial contest and spoil, is sub par. He also tends to take the "safe option" but not necessarily the best options when disposing the ball on the run or after receiving. I think Howe would need to seriously perform whatever role he's given this week or i think you might find he'll be out as well C&B. Trengove on the other hand is not the hardest player to replace or improve upon given his poor form in the last 12 months. Not a key position player like Chip either.
  13. Agree Clint. Not only is he slow across the ground, he's very slow to react, with or without the ball.
  14. Clark - "Blankety Blanks" Garland - The only time i want him leading is with a heap of bounces, breaking lines and hitting up leads. And defensive punches lol. That's the best leadership he could give this Ent footed back line atm. Frawley - Has never been a stand out leader IMO. A solid defender in the one on one contest but if he wins the ball he refuses to take opponents on or take any risks. Always the easiest give off lateral/backwards or just down the line for James. Trengove - Love the bloke and hope he turns it around but i have a friend with a tortoise that moves faster. If you aint got it you aint got it. Jones boy - The clandestine leader of the club for the last 2 seasons IMO. Doesn't need to become the stand out leader, as he's already standing up IMO. He is leading by every example, every bruising tackle, every clearance. The only thing missing here is match winning finish and top line disposal . Other than that we have ourselves one worthy captain. He's leading the averages on so many key stats including..... contested, uncontested, clearances, effective disposals and tackles so far. What more can you say! If these blokes follow the jones boy and we get ourselves some great outside runners to take the game on, and a forward line (who knows when these things will happen), we will start winning.
  15. A well constructed post, again, steve. You have a good objective view of things mate
  16. Yup... Punt Rd rarely moves quickly. And i can meander a little. Not many argue as the bus is about 12 meters long and weighs just over 12 ton unladen. There's also a thing called a bus stop. And yes i have to do return trips past there about 30 minutes after each journey into city. Might be slow but not THAT slow Akum haha
  17. Yw Ox...just some very loose observations
  18. I'll believe there's progress when i see them running around on the park kicking butt.... we couldn't have had a worse start to an opening of a season than this IMO. Well, unless we lost say the Jones boy as well to injury pre season (touch wood and my block head).
  19. Frankly, i have NFI when i will see it turn. The sooner the better
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