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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Nah, dogs are special, kind and give back so much more than they take Clint. They also cover their own turds. Every dog also has Its day. Something I doubt we will ever be able to say about the MFC
  2. Deescraceful. Beaten by team only put together in the last few months with a few nice rookies thrown in who ran harder, were more desperate around the pill and ran to space/on the lead on umptean occasions to ensure their runners up the field had multiple options on the spread. Their spread and hard work killed us and made most of our guys look like the team that had been pieced together in the last few months. The melbourne of old reared its ugly head today. Kent, Salem, Bugg, Hogan were shown up by a 2nd gamer in Clarry. Some of Kents/Hogans work or lack-there-of today was horrid horrid horrid. Thought we might have been moving forward but we took about 5 steps back today.
  3. On the way in now to meet up with bigger demon (bro). Should be an interesting encounter. If the umps are fair I say we win comfortably. If not, anythings possible. Hoping for 10 plus but I'd be happy with 1 point
  4. Some horrid play by both teams through the middle and around the ground in general. Comedy capers. BOG Houli. MVP for the pies was without doubt the Umps who helped them to stay in touch and then steal victory from the jaws of defeat in the last 10 mins with assists from many Tigers in particular Vicory's brain snap short pass to no one when a shot at goal would have sealed the match or a draw at worst. Watch out tomorrow Demons. We could be next on the chopping block courtesy of an "umpire lead" miraculous Essendrug comeback similar to tonight. Will need to be 10 goals up (or more) at half time to avoid a repeat I reckon.
  5. I'm concerned about the Gus selection. A little too early given the nature of the injury? I'll leave this in the hands of the experts of course but i thought early reports had him out for at least 4 weeks to be sure.
  6. It's certainly a good deal for MFC supporters Stinger. 10% off food & bev as well as a free pint if we win after the match. I might give it a try with bro before the match on Sat
  7. Gut feel says there's some other issue other than form Moon. Too good/reliable/experienced to be left out before the likes of Frost/Omac at this point in his career. It could also be match ups and team balance at selection table. I'm sure Dunny will be back at some point. I said last week that he might need to recharge a little after leading the backline under so much pressure for last few years. It might also be his choice at the moment as he might be mentally shot who knows. How does he look at training i wonder?
  8. The whole AFL thing is weird if you ask me. Like i can view smart replay 12 hours after a match on my PC or Smart TV but cant view it from an android phone. And don't even speak to me about apple. No bloody flash
  9. Can i have one with my profile pic on it?
  10. Gday OD! Thought you may have taken too many bex or something after 4 in a row
  11. Took 7 seasons but finally has a decent sized AFL body which probably helps with confidence when attacking the ball/hitting packs, tackling etc. Gone is the TAC type bod of a young recruit
  12. Plough would be kicking regular "6s" If he was playing for the doggies at Etihad now (roof closed)
  13. I'm often rogering someone on the 2 way here... do I get an Invite?
  14. Doc you realise that every single word on (I witnted to type "In" but the software wont let me....admins!!!) every single post will now be dissected and scrutinised by Saty!?? Oh wait, he does that with all posts. Pls Ignore everything I just said
  15. First time listener. Nice work guys. Great to hear from Greeny
  16. Yes that was the highlight for me on the day also Clint. I remember commenting to bro about that at the time, that slight delay of handball allowing Vanders to run on a little and gain space whilst also drawing/halting players around him for a split second was the sign of a mature player beyond the years of Clarry. Only the first game but looking good. Fingers crossed and touching wood as i type.
  17. Will watch with interest SW. Also not much mention of Matty Jones's effort in this match. Going to watch the last 3 quarters with him in mind also as statistically his game was at the same level of output (maybe not impact & and on scoreboard) as Kennedy's. Ranked him equal 4th on the day with Kennedy, his highest ranking since i've been running stats on the team and maybe his best game for the MFC so far (statistically anyway). Included 20 effective disposals (2nd only to the Jones boy) at an efficiency of 95.2%, second only to Garlo (defender).
  18. Provided some decent pressure in the forward line. A nice goal early on .... A Clanger thru the mid was about his only blemish on the day. Young players do this from time to time as long as they don't continually do it as part of their general game. Only 7 effective disposals on the day but 7th best disposal %, 3 of those ahead of him defenders. Didn't get enough of the pill maybe but 2nd lowest time on ground behind Clarry. Like to see how he goes this week but probably one of the first cabs once Gus is up. P.S. One of the first but not before Bugg who statistically (and in real life from my point of view on the day) ranked behind Harmes. We need more than one week's effort before making harsh decisions on anyone IMO but again once Brayshaw is fully fit he's more than likely going to dislodge one of these 2.
  19. Lumumba yes. Tyson I would give one more week. Dunn for Frost if available.
  20. Jason Taylor on 1116 SEN now speaking about the drafting of Olly
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