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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. 6. Oliver (5.05) - the first score of any MFC player above 5 this year on my system with a score of 5.05 in only his 3rd game. Vince went close last week with 4.98. Well done son!! 5. Viney (4.45) 4. Hogan (4.43) 3. Tyson (3.95) 2. Vince (3.93) 1. Dunn! (3.75) - welcome back Dunny! *Have only seen the most of the 3rd Quarter plus highlights. Normally wouldn't but basing this week's votes mostly on my comparative ranking system in order to meet the deadline. Yep it's a pretty tacky method but hey some of us can't afford Foxtel or a trip to Tassie! P.S. Last week we only had five players get a score of 3 or more. This week we had 12. Harmes lead the tackle count with 10! Viney the most inside 50s with 8. Vince & Viney both with 10 clearances. Oliver & Gawn next with 7 a piece. Apologies to Gawn - no hit outs to advantage stats in that mix.
  2. Nah, game was won and lost in the 3rd by No.15 Would have been 3 to 4 goals up going into the last with a whole lot less pressure and a fairly cruisy finish. Our boys came back and came back hard. Matches are won and lost in tight quarters. The 3rd was a great arm wrestle by us and we would have won this match under "normal" match conditions without the blatant bias of the umpires (in this case mostly one umpire's influence). The MFC needs to ask and demand answers from the AFL on that 3rd quarter. It was an unacceptable game changing/determining performance. Time to earn your $$ PJ!!!
  3. * Umpire & pre-determined result brought to you courtesy of the AFL
  4. Demons have to make a big deal of that 3rd quarter! Is 15 on the take?
  5. Nothing new. First free kick last week at the 12 sec mark to the bombers wasn't there either. Was a ball up every other match (except ours).
  6. I'm thinking which poor option choices are we going to make and how many passes we will miss by foot
  7. While the article is spot on (in terms of our woeful history since 2006 on consecutive wins) it doesn't really add any light as to the "why". How about interviewing the Captain, the Coach, the club's psychologist!?? (Do any clubs still have one of those!? Regardless, we need one!!). We deserved the spotlight after last week but Lloydy could have done better. Anyone bagging Lloydy as a footballer (other than his staging which I couldn't stand myself) is probably just J that we didn't have him at our club. Guy was a dead eye dick and a super hard worker on all his patterns/leads In order to get the break on his opponent. If the Hulk gets his work rate up anywhere near this his performance/output will go through the roof (if we can get enough ball in effectively!) ...."I was taught very early on in my time at Essendon that respect isn't given, it has to be earned over a sustained period of time and excellence." ....
  8. That will depend on how quickly and effectively we deliver the ball i50 PG. Need quick thinkers/ball movers. Hope we don't start Clarry in middle like last week. Go with your 3 guns to start almost every time (Vince, Jones, Viney) until the heat is off a little. Then switch your 2 gamer in for the rotations. Game will be won and lost predominantly through the middle and whoever does the "all team" defence/attack things better than the other. We will need to set up our defensive zone and press super quick as Nth love to sling shot in the blink of an eye via Harvey whenever possible. I sure hope The teams don't line up as listed. Salem has nice silky skills and moves well but I have no confidence in his defensive side at this point to go with Boomer. Pretty sure that's part of the reason Grimes is back. Our forward line looks too short to trouble anyone at this point. We need Dawes back and fully fit to give Hulk a nice chop out, take the heat off him, provide a desperately needed 2nd tall option and play higher to create more space for Hulk (& Jeffy when back) to do their work in behind. Hulk needs to work higher as a starting position also. Sitting in the square with the way we deliver (or don't) to the hot spot just isn't going to work. Our mids and HBs are almost always coming in under a high degree of pressure also which means many kicks will be hitting the 30 to 50 meter zone rather than 30 & less. This is where Hulk will need to work on his game, regardless of who he is playing for. Also Hulk's kicking accuracy outside 40 meters drops significantly (accuracy is always going to drop the further out you are ...I'm speaking of his drop in accuracy vs the league average drop). This could be related to his kicking method. Working fine (i think it's above league ave) at about 40 or less but no so good outside 40. To have confidence playing higher he may need to rectify this at some stage with the help of a kicking expert (internally if we have one or an outside ex sharp shooter....FEV!!!?) Good luck to the boys. Hope we are competitive and it doesn't blow out but preparing for the worst.
  9. Maybe we should swap teams and give the seniors a break. Might freshen em up ?
  10. What's happening? Do we have any fit players left?
  11. The more things change....the more they stay the same! How is Terl still on our list?
  12. Ah thx only thought Garlo & Brayshaw were the ommisions
  13. Gawn needs to lift for us to have any show of playing a competitive match out. Last week was pretty poor. Allowing opponent front position too often, falling over too often in the contest. 9 effective disposal and 3 clangers. Play Pedo as the 2nd tall forward rotating at CHF with Hoges. Don't have any other options as this point other than a camio from Dunn. Pedo aint a match winner but he at least gives a decent contest, can mark i50 and kick a goal and is competitive on the ground.
  14. Ok mate. Maybe going a poor early crow and nothing in it as you say.
  15. Just wanted to give credit where credit is due. Reckon our handball and pressure in and around congested packs has improved greatly from previous years. Well done to the boys and Roos/FD on this. Much work needed on the outside/run work side though. Still handballing to stationary targets behind at times when the best option is forward and/or the overlap. Lumumba the biggest offender here last week. Running himself into trouble when a 2nd handball (after the old 1 / 2) forward or over the top on the overlap (as first option rather than continuing to run and carry after after the old 1/2 into congestion) is the better option for the team. Love his initial break away run but needs to work on this. Also players need to block for each other at times once he/others take off. Too many running in support for the receive. Can't all run and carry. Everyone needs to play their part. Lumumba is a great potential asset off HB IF we can get the run and carry part fixed both with him and with what others are doing once he takes off.
  16. We will find out tonight Satty Footy clubs have been known to tell a few little white lies from time to time ;-)
  17. Pretty sure he tweaked his knee again at the one minute mark of the 2nd quarter last week Poita. I hope i am incorrect and it's still just a "minor medial" as we were told but if it's worse than that we may not see him for many weeks or the entire season. Was more surprised at his selection last week. Seemed very risky and too early to me.
  18. I think half the battle Praha is that we still have a number of players from the horror years that fall back into the ugly footy ways/decision making/poor execution skills that we displayed pre Roos and and in Roosy's first year or so. Can't teach an old dog syndrome. As much as i appreciate their endeavor and contribution they have given (and are giving) the club, in some cases, they are a chain around the "Roos" picked newcomers necks. We also lack "Vocal" leaders on each line who can show the way to our new blokes and try and lift them, guide them, show them how it should be done when the going gets a little tough which it's going to during most matches. As you say, coming from a long way back. Might be the next generation of players that comes behind Roosy's picks (ie., Goody's) before we finally see something that resembles a competitive AFL season that most clubs put up (during a reasonable year) rather than just the odd game here or there. My other concern is the lack of intensity/effort/2nd efforts/ferocity that other teams seem to bring more often than not, especially at the start of matches (Port last night). This surely has to derive from inner motivation (player character...are we selecting the right character traits for individual leadership when drafting? Maybe we have been latterly) and surely the coach has to take some responsibility here also in terms of motivating the boys and getting them up pre-match. If we brought this to most matches i think we might improve further and snatch a few more games we are expected to win (like last week) and maybe a few we aren't!
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