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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. The whole AFL thing is weird if you ask me. Like i can view smart replay 12 hours after a match on my PC or Smart TV but cant view it from an android phone. And don't even speak to me about apple. No bloody flash
  2. Can i have one with my profile pic on it?
  3. Gday OD! Thought you may have taken too many bex or something after 4 in a row
  4. Took 7 seasons but finally has a decent sized AFL body which probably helps with confidence when attacking the ball/hitting packs, tackling etc. Gone is the TAC type bod of a young recruit
  5. Plough would be kicking regular "6s" If he was playing for the doggies at Etihad now (roof closed)
  6. I'm often rogering someone on the 2 way here... do I get an Invite?
  7. Doc you realise that every single word on (I witnted to type "In" but the software wont let me....admins!!!) every single post will now be dissected and scrutinised by Saty!?? Oh wait, he does that with all posts. Pls Ignore everything I just said
  8. First time listener. Nice work guys. Great to hear from Greeny
  9. Yes that was the highlight for me on the day also Clint. I remember commenting to bro about that at the time, that slight delay of handball allowing Vanders to run on a little and gain space whilst also drawing/halting players around him for a split second was the sign of a mature player beyond the years of Clarry. Only the first game but looking good. Fingers crossed and touching wood as i type.
  10. Will watch with interest SW. Also not much mention of Matty Jones's effort in this match. Going to watch the last 3 quarters with him in mind also as statistically his game was at the same level of output (maybe not impact & and on scoreboard) as Kennedy's. Ranked him equal 4th on the day with Kennedy, his highest ranking since i've been running stats on the team and maybe his best game for the MFC so far (statistically anyway). Included 20 effective disposals (2nd only to the Jones boy) at an efficiency of 95.2%, second only to Garlo (defender).
  11. Provided some decent pressure in the forward line. A nice goal early on .... A Clanger thru the mid was about his only blemish on the day. Young players do this from time to time as long as they don't continually do it as part of their general game. Only 7 effective disposals on the day but 7th best disposal %, 3 of those ahead of him defenders. Didn't get enough of the pill maybe but 2nd lowest time on ground behind Clarry. Like to see how he goes this week but probably one of the first cabs once Gus is up. P.S. One of the first but not before Bugg who statistically (and in real life from my point of view on the day) ranked behind Harmes. We need more than one week's effort before making harsh decisions on anyone IMO but again once Brayshaw is fully fit he's more than likely going to dislodge one of these 2.
  12. Lumumba yes. Tyson I would give one more week. Dunn for Frost if available.
  13. Jason Taylor on 1116 SEN now speaking about the drafting of Olly
  14. Bombay would u kindly refrain from using the combination of words Pedo/Ruck In the same sentance In any future posts. Your co-operation on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  15. Wasn't it SY. Haven't been that excited for a young fella's first up for a long time. Must watch the last quarter. Was at the game but only watched the 1st quarter replay so far.
  16. In terms of attack on the ball, body language and influence on the outcome (ie., goal assists, solid passing up the field, contested marks, marks i50) i would say that's the best game i've seen one Mr J Watts play for this club. He has now set a standard. Now for the consistency (with this type of standard as a minimum benchmark). Solid stuff Jacky boy!
  17. Don't think the Pies will get the chocolates Ethan. The loss of Swan & Sidebottom along with a speedster/goal sneak out in Varcoe will leave them very exposed. Even against a fairly decimated Tigers line up. Rance should be able to hold Cloke to say 2 or 3 max (hasn't kicked more than 2 goals in last 7 or so) and then it's just a matter of shutting down their smaller brigade up forward. Can't see how the Pies can kick a winning score. Whereas the Tiges still have 2 decent avenues to goal in Vickory (one trick poney but can mark/kick a few and bring ball to ground for their crumbers) and Reiwoldt of course.
  18. Agreed. He will quickly cement his place in the 22 once he has had a fair run at it with some consistent time on field (ie., enough games under his belt and a decent tank). Brayshaw has sublime skills, combine this with decent agility and the ability to create time and space both for himself and those around him. A great gift to have in today's game where it is often dominated by super athletes who can play a tad. Brayshaw can also tackle like a bull as we have all witnessed. Much to learn and no world beater but defintely in our top 22. Had him ranked at 17 in 2015 based on (weighted) selection of average stats last year up to Rnd 17. The top 5 in those averages were Vince, Jones, Cross, Garland and TMac in that order.
  19. C'mon Stuie stop exaggerating. There was usually a good hearty home made soup by one of the mums/volunteers on offer as an alternative to sausages And what the hec's wrong with the bat anyways
  20. SW i think we might be have to wait at least another 2 decades before seeing such match ups! Hey i thought i saw Old Dee in the crowd straight after the first goal by Jeffy yesterday (1:30 left on the clock in the first quarter. Look for OD fist pumping!). Anyone heard from OD lately? Maybe he's still recovering from our improved form
  21. Agree his handball decision making is AFL level when in congestion. It's what he does/doesn't do and how much time he takes to decide to do it when out in the open a little and having to kick which is letting himself down. Along with his pedestrian speed over the turf. Cant compare Frost (not a mid fielder ...half as many games) and Oscar (again not a mid fielder and 3 games) to Dom (mid fielder with 50 games ...same as Viney). You can cover pedestrian speed issues a little if you are super elusive and able to make your own space/time with other sublime agility skills a la G Ablett Jnr, S Mitchell (neither of those pedestrian but referring to their agility which makes the time/space) G Williams (super pedestrian) but i dont see this in Dom's game.....yet. If you read the context again i'm not saying Dom is a basket case as you infer, what i'm saying is, given his time in the system and the problems discussed he is probably borderline (out of the mids) and may be overlooked for Brayshaw once he is available IF (emphasis on IF) he doesn't improve his present weaknesses (decision making in the open/speed of decision making in the open/accuracy by foot). I'm sure Roos/Fd will be working on correcting/improving these issues as we write. I see Dom as more of a Josh Kennedy type than a game busting beast in Priddis. A long way to go before he gets there but hoping he can up the ante from here.
  22. His frustration is a combination of poor delivery at times, being restricted as he at tempts to move off the mark for the lead and not quite knowing or being capable of making separation from bigger/just as agile/stronger opponents (like Davis at this point). The Hulk/Club will hopefully address these in time. Bigger opponents ...can work on this with the assistance of an experienced forward who can show him the way to run patterns/make separation early and lead into space more often. At the moment Jesse often leads his opponent to the ball (without losing him early) hoping his ability/talent/skill at the contest will win the day. This will work some of the time at AFL level but not as much of the time as it may have at VFL/More junior levels. IMO this is where the main frustration lies and we quickly need to get the likes of Derm or Carey down their to show him the tricks of the trade in losing his opponent much earlier before leading and where to lead to/other patterns/hard work required to get the pill/u contested mark more often. A combinatin of extra strength/agility work in the gym over the next few seasons will see him take it to another level.... subject to the above happening.
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