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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. I recall some of the pack marking but the goals were very sketchy so that might explain it Wells ty. My most vivid memory as a kid was the last second chugging of a shortish stick..just before the siren and stomping the butt into the ground as it went off before the first bounce.
  2. Could pretty much write that for all forwards who play there atm
  3. Had a better forward line when they were smoking on game day...
  4. I'm sure things will improve a little with those returning 58 but unfortunately too little too late. I'm not sure those returning will have that big of an impact as what some here are hoping/suggesting as you tend to find players coming off big interupted pre-seasons / injuries rarely find their way back to their best form consistently, other than the odd decent performance here and there. I suspect the W/L results will be up and down regardless, just like the rest of the season, with the occasional pleasant surprise win. Cheers 58 & hope the second half brings some joy. Couldn't be much worse really and should (in theory) only get better as you suggest. ✌?
  5. Out of 34 players who played two or more matches in 2018, Oscar finished the season ranked 27th statistically 58er. He wasn't the lowest ranked defender though. Frosty finished 30th and Hunt the lowest (and lowest ranked of all players) at 34th. Keep in mind Oscar was often taking the Opp's best forward though. Up to and including round 9 this season (from 32 players who have played two or more matches)... Oscar is ranked 20th. Up 7 places on last year, although many are well off their best or haven't been out there as we know. The only defender ranked lower after last week was Hibb, sitting at 26th. Looking at Hibb's last 3 rounds though (including West Coast), he improved out of sight and was ranked 10th overall in that three week block. Oscar's form also shot through the roof, finishing just behind Hibb ranked 11th. Defensive coach....are you referring to McCartney or the line Coach (Chaplin) 58er? Defensively i am not as concerned as i am with many other aspects of what we are / aren't seemingly doing. Too many to list.
  6. Thank you DZ. How many coaches are in the box again? Instead we threw Spargo to FF at one point! Lets forget why we were what we were last year WITH Gus spending a big chunk of time through the middle. As one other option, how about Chunk forward (having had no impact for 2 quarters) , Spargo on the bench (having had no impact for 2 quarters), and Gus through the middle (see earlier parentheses!).
  7. This is partly true but so is Yeater's call Jnr. There is another problem i'm seeing which i will get to later. Yeater is correct to a point. We lack some outside speed and a genuine inside/outside mid also. We are slow to get away from opponents in congestion. Especially when we play either two or sometimes three out of.... Chunk, Clarry and Viney... through the middle at the same time. PEDESTRIAN mid field that is too easily corralled and tackled to oblivion until the inevitable turnover which sees the quicker (outside balanced and slightly better skilled on the outside) opp easily run off. Last season we had an in form Brayshaw who came in for an injured Viney and completely changed the 'look' of our mostly inside biased mid field (with Viney in) and helped to transform us from a mostly inside plodding mid field to a dangerous one. along with some help from Harmes. This took the imbalance away from the plodding 3...either by accident or design, and helped turn our season around IMO. Where is Brayshaw now? Ok maybe he started terribly out of form and was never able to get back (actually gotten even worse unfortunately) but he just hasn't been or hasn't been able to impact going through the middle. It would appear he is mostly playing a wing role now, and to the team's detriment. And when the ball does get out there are few options outside of Salem (who obviously didn't play today) and Harmes on the outside. A classy speedy outside wingman to accompany Salem on the other wing and a genuine outside/inside mid are a must get if we are to turn this around. IMHO many of our turnovers are generally also caused due to a lack of burst speed away from congestion or from an opponent. Players that are one paced are more likely to be run down easily or have the feeling they will be, and are then under perceived pressure that they should dispose of the ball quickly (and rightfully so) or they will be tackled quickly. Smith's lack of speed, where he got tackled off HB early a great example of that and the fear that the lack of burst speed creates. On the other hand, having that initial burst or speed or turn (whatever you wish to call it) allows a player, with just a few steps, to escape from congestion or an opponent, assess a little, then more often than not find a target (assuming he has basic level AFL disposal skills). Yes, SOME do not and may never gain this and it wont matter what turn of speed they have. But that is why you recruit for both. If they don't FCS don't recruit them (outside of rucks and the odd genuinely talented big grab key forward or key back). The other part i wanted to cover here is structure and organisation around the footy. I thought ours was terribly poor today and we, yet again, regressed to a structure that saw us with too many at the contest while allowing the Giants too many on the outside periphery ready to pounce on the inevitable loose ball or scoop up the receive and get the ball moving lateral or forward quickly to their advantage. This allowed them some fabulous delivery inside 50, leaving our defenders terribly exposed far too often. And we not just had too many in at the contest (poor structure), we had too many slooow plodders, in at the contest who were then unable to get back with any speed into defence and help out once the ball left congestion in the hands of the Giant's outside sweepers OR to help out in covering their switch. Poorly structured, unbalanced (too many slow inside plodders at the coal face for the center bounces) and in general too many one paced players who have no initial burst speed. The structure and imbalance can be corrected by training / drills to a degree. How it hasn't by this point is a major concern. The burst speed factor should also be a plausible fix if the so called high performance manager was working some magic. It would appear he isn't though with a few (naturaly gifted?) exceptions. Aside from high performance the only other option there is to recruit it in from outside.
  8. You are conveniently missing the magic bullet point again Nasher. As coach said, no one is saying that but he does offer a hard match up given his height and removes the opp's tallest defender. In today's case that is most likely Davis...who might "run off" and damage us as you say but he's probably a better chance at outmarking or spoiling a more evenly matched player in height like T-Mac or a Smith vs Pruess. The opp hardly going to put a medium of small on him who can run off an damage ...badly. Let's look at your criticisms.... Outpostioned outmarked..... Contested Marks (averages): Ranked equal 4th in contested behind Smith, Gawn and just behind T-Mac. Not too shabby. Marks i50: He is equal 5th with T-Smith. Again not too shabby does nothing whatsoever at ground level MFC - average Ground Ball Gets inside 50 rankings to Round 9, 2019. Looking pretty good here especially given his size ...even outdoing Hunt! gets destroyed by defenders running off Most likely but what super tall forward wouldn't such as 2 meter Peter or big Cox at the Pies? You give up a little to gain in the marking and a bit of goal scoring area plus someone who can bring the ball to ground for smalls and medium smalls to work off and crumb / score from! And guess who leads the goal scoring averages this year? One Mr Pruess at 2 per game. The next closest Hunt averaging 1.22 per match. Again, is he a magic bullet? Hell no! But if i'm tossing up who i bring in on match day and it's a choice between Spargo (or even T-Smith) or Pruess....i know who i'm choosing given our present game style.
  9. That would be whoever re-appointed Goody for another four years instead of a shorter term performance based contract.
  10. Thank you coach. It's not rocket science. At one stage Goody had Spargo at FF with Davis manning him!! That might work if you were bringing the ball in quick and dirty like Port did to the Eagles. Certainly not with the bash / crash / bombing style that Goody has us playing.
  11. No i actually think he is probably a champion guy of very nice make up and character PF. One the players are happy to follow and see good in. Unfortunately at this point (and not sure he ever will be but happy to be proven wrong as we have no choice stupidly signing him for another 3 years) he is not a very good AFL coach.
  12. Yes i knew that Nasher. The fact that even synical you could see this only reinforced the call that Pruess for Spargo was always a better option. No ifs or buts. The fact that the coach can't see this, and continues to blindly play a severely out of form Fritschkreig (and has continued to do so watching him slowly ebb away with each match) down back is enough to convince me (along with a number of other glaringly horrible errors this season) that Goody just isn't up to it. We have chosen the wrong horse IMHO.
  13. Yet he (Spargo) can't run quick enough to catch anyone YB. And we continue to make a mess of most of anything short when we did try coming inside 50. Then the bulk of time bomb to the hot spot where no one takes a contested mark with i believe one exception by T-mac late in the match. Pruess Pruess Pruess for Spargo all day every day unless you can be 95% certain it's going to [censored] down...and even then i wouldn't play Spargo unless there was no other smalls to choose from.
  14. Impossible to explain the inexplicable DZ. See Nasher's post above for the obvious answer that most were calling for pre-match. This is one VERY poor call and the one that tells me Goody just ain't getting it. There are so many coaches that would be better for this club and this list right now ...here's just one example if he could be bothered (yeh yeh he's washed up and probably past it but couldn't be worse than Goody at selection and game day!)...
  15. We recruit too many bog ordinary footballers, with a few exceptions, while happily taking other clubs NQRs. All thiz while missing way too many good ones. No wonder the Casey cupboard is bare. Nothing's changed on that front in 50 years plus.
  16. Worth a re-run. We are soft as butter and came out with zero intensity, season on the line!
  17. And there lies the problem Hellish. The entire club needs a rocket or not only will 2019 be the season that wasn't, it will carry on for an eternity and multiple boards/coaches/teams to come over further decades of wilderness!
  18. Im sorry but this is rubbish. Teams with good methods, training and structure who come out with white line fever (we dont!l) still hold up ok and some very well with a stack of injuries or also ran players. See the Hawks & Tigers pls. They don't plumb the depths that we do and find soldiers to come in from downstairs who play a role no matter how few games they have behind them. This is a 'whole of club' problem from the boot strapper, the recruiting team, the line staff, the coach and many of the players who go missing when the heat is on.
  19. It's only his 2nd game in a bog ordinary team coached/drilled and trained seemingly very poorly though DJ. Quality of the posessions seemed quite good.
  20. He has till Rnd 6 next season to prove otherwise Stranga. His performances at selection, positional set ups and match day game style too hit and miss so far. Too often loses the game pre match or with the starting line ups. Too easily out coached and often coaches us out of any chance of winning from the get go of match. Has not shown he has what it takes so far. Will need a stellar 2nd half once the better players return to turn that impression around for mine.
  21. Junk time goals from everyone this quarter.... percentage was definately part of the coach's speech at half time!
  22. Not one player lead up at Wags coming inside 50 then...deplorable methods up forward from us
  23. Copped a heavy hit mid way through the 3rd. pretty ordinary before that though. Playing Ollie, Viney and Jones at the same time or even two of them through the mid field together is a recipe for a loss on this ground. Again...poor coaching on Goody's behalf
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