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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Some of the Lions defenders wow. Andrews not going with Miachek ...he lead out with no opponent. Bobby Hill wandering around on his own with 15 meters around him.... And again!
  2. What the. How does that happen? Theyve had a horror week
  3. Also got stacks of interconnecting buses including many via Chadstone. Heaps of bus routes also head into Chadstone from pretty much allover Melbourne.
  4. The same MCC that took our home ground advantage away when they stopped us training at the G in 1985 SW It ceased to be our genuine home ground from then onwards. The thought that we have always been a part of the MCC is a nice bit of football romance from yesteryear but in reality the connection was only marginally kept afloat for some time by the MFC/MCC offering dual memberships for those MCC members who wanted to take them up. The FD & players garnered no match day advantage (when playing at the G) vs most other Vic clubs, other than those that rarely play there including interstate clubs, from 85 onwards. As you know we were cast out and ended up at the junction to train where no VFL matches were played at all from the time we commenced training there in 85 so no home ground advantage here either. Since then (until maybe post the Stynes / Bailey era?) we have always been treated as the poor cousin by the MCC and asked to train in a cow paddock (until very recently) down the road at Gosch's and share facilities with multiple other codes. This romantic view that we must be 'near' our sprititual home (in a training/HQ sense) is a lovely idea but that's all it will ever be until or unless we are willing to look at something that offers a realistic development opportunity somewhere away from and outside of the CBD/MCG precinct. Where, as Old Dee has succinctly pointed out infinitum, all possible alternatives within those inner Melb precincts have been well and truly exhausted and are now defunct. Even if there is some sort of development at Gosch's, surely given the constraints of all the various parties and their self-interests/agendas, we will end up in a massively compromised outcome that is not even close to A grade vs the rest of the comp?
  5. If that development is well under way and we havent announced anything then i'd be surprised if we are part of it? If so that leaves Gosch's and given the restrictions/limitations on building anything substantial in and around that precinct i would think whatever is announced is likely to be pretty modest at best.
  6. My lil storm cloud goes one step further and almost always leaves her car unlocked. ...she's never liked that car so kind of makes sense haha
  7. By the time we annouce anything that redevelopment will be getting demolished for the next development
  8. Oh boy.... Old D's gonna feast on your carcass Mr Mo
  9. One of the sickest parties i went to as a young fella was in Romsey. The night was going swimingly, alot of fun was being had by all. Romsey's local country girls were quite hospitable to say the least. I met a nice outgoing lass at one point and we seemed to be hitting it off. A few more frothies later and before i knew it it was almost time to hit the road (designated driver had seen enough lol). However, just as i had finally worked up the courage to ask for her number, she decided she had downed enough amber fluid herself. So much in fact that she kindly shared a massive projectile vomit with anyone close to her. And that ladies and gentleman was the end of that little escapade. What's that Robert Palmer song...ah yes... "Simply Irresistible"
  10. So how's Moe working out WCW?
  11. This is a real oppprtunity to put the foot on the throat of the Eagles. Goody will need to enforce the no mercy rule though to avoid it becoming a casual slack fumbly shiiiitfest where the boys only do 'just enough' and we only win by 2 or 3 goals
  12. I doubt they'd promote Scache for an AFL game straight after concussion without a stint in the Mcgoos to let him find his feet again but stranger things have happened.
  13. More than likely Tomo for Hibb (if injured) imv if Tomo's Casey (and recent AFL) form is anything to go by.
  14. Maybe the club can buy a handsome mansion in a very attractive location somewhere around Melbourne. Uncle Byron's seasonal holiday house, you know during AFL season 😉
  15. Let's hope it doesn't come to this. If it does come to pass though and we did get so many 1st rounders then we would need to ensure we nab Harley Reid as fair compensation.
  16. My dog's name is "Ollie" (short for Oliver... "cough"), i reckon they're related somehow as he always barks when Clarry kicks a snag (absolutely nothing to do with me yelling "Clazza" i swear!). I've got a 2021 Premiership mug with Clarry on it. I would now classify that as "a valuable used vintage item". She a big coffee drinker? I'm happy to do a swap here as much as it pains me to give that mug up!
  17. Decent player in a mediocre team (at present).
  18. Usually sits off as the spare intercept though W? He does try and play back of shoulder when required but he aint no Petty or May in this regard. Wouldn't he be better off on Allen and May takes the more fleet of foot (vs Allen) Darling (in a straight line only!).
  19. They only have the one serious tall in Allen. May can take him yes? Then there's Darling at only 191cm. Could piggy take him at 187cm or do we need to bring Tomo back @ 194cm or not quick enough off the mark to go with Darling? Or May to Darling, Tomo to Allen? (Hibb out) That leaves Kozzy in for Melk with Jordan as the sub?
  20. Tomo could handle the Petty role in the short term while we trial Petty up forward. Tomo was in VG early form from what i saw and was unlucky to be dropped. You can't judge the success or otherwise of this experiment based on one week's result. Just hope the FD has the balls to hang in there for at least another three weeks (barring a complete flop in the next match or two) and let Petty settle. It will take at least two to three weeks for Petty to gel with the other forwards and the mids (and visa-versa) and to get his timing / running patterns up to speed. In all reality he probably needs a full pre-season doing so. Maybe he did get some serious time in this position pre-season. One of the track watchers might be able to shine a light on this?? Kev??? Gee my call about not getting GrunDEE at the start of this thread is starting to look very poxy indeed!
  21. Weighted Average Scores up to & including Rnd 3 , 2023 vs H&A Season 2022 A tad early at only three rounds in. Not very robust numbers yet of course however let's take a quick squiz at where the boys are tracking vs 2022 (without getting too carried away just yet). Having said that, for those players that have played 3 full matches, the quality of the oppo has been at a pretty high level so IMHO this is a pretty fair indication of how they're travelling vs 2022 (so far). Note the team rating vs 2022 is up a substantial 8%. Although we were also up early last season vs 2021 and of course dropped away in the second half. Keeping the lid well and truly shut tight for now. Note: Some of the new recruits and debutantes obviously don't have any previous data with the MFC to use as a comparison. Hence some do not have prior ratings or percentage / ranking changes vs 2022. A number have also only played one match so their ratings will likely be skewed to some degree which is pretty obvious. Have also noted which players have been subbed out (<) and which players were subbed in (>). Where a player was subbed out super early for injury reasons (less than a full quarter played), resulting in very minor output (eg., Max as one good example so far), i will not be penalising said player by including that match for averaging purposes as that would dilute their rating significantly and unfairly IMV. Player 2023 Rating 2023 Rank 2022 Rating % Change vs 2022 2022 Rank Change in Rank vs 2022 C Oliver 5.517 1 5.320 3.70 1 0 K Pickett * 4.825 2 2.118 127.81 21 19 C Petracca 4.400 3 4.456 -1.26 2 -1 A Brayshaw 4.238 4 3.839 10.39 5 1 Max Gawn # < 4.125 5 3.215 28.30 8 3 T Rivers 3.692 6 2.423 52.37 18 12 Steven May * 3.650 7 3.971 -8.08 3 -4 J Jordon * 3.650 7 3.164 15.36 9 2 B Grundy 3.575 9 - - - - Jake Lever 3.492 10 2.703 29.19 14 4 A Tomlinson 3.263 11 2.079 56.95 22 11 J V Rooyen # * 3.125 12 - - - - L Hunter 3.042 13 - - - - Ed Langdon 2.992 14 3.109 -3.76 11 -3 Jake Bowey 2.908 15 2.856 1.82 13 -2 H Petty 2.733 16 2.392 14.26 19 3 Jack Viney 2.725 17 3.971 -31.38 3 -14 K Chandler 2.600 18 3.128 -16.88 10 -8 Alex N-Bullen 2.600 18 2.688 -3.27 15 -3 T Sparrow 2.500 20 2.665 -6.19 16 -4 T McDonald # 2.488 21 1.939 28.31 26 5 Bayley Fritsch 2.275 22 1.936 17.51 27 5 J Harmes 2.225 23 3.082 -27.81 12 -11 Judd McVee 2.183 24 - - - - Ben Brown # < 2.033 25 1.759 15.58 29 4 C Spargo 2.017 26 1.981 1.82 24 -2 M Hibberd * 1.700 27 2.613 -34.94 17 -10 B Laurie < 1.150 28 - - - - J Melksham > 0.408 29 1.947 -79.04 25 -4 Team Rating 74.42 68.89 8.02 * Only played one match, rating is not an average rating # Hit outs to advantage not counted < Subbed Out at least once or more > Subbed In at least once or more Stats courtesy of footwire.com
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