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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I signed up for a digital membership, and I already regret it. Firstly I can already tell given the AFL is running the digital memberships that it is going to be a big dumpster fire, as apparently the membership and tickets are loaded together as the fixture gets released. Trusting the AFL to do anything digitally, especially in combination with the powerhouse that is Ticketmaster (remember the joys of trying to buy finals tickets on their server?) doesn't sound good. Had I known the digital membership was being run by the AFL I wouldn't have signed up for it. Secondly, they still mailed me a pack, which is pointless because I asked for a digital membership to save on paper, and the pack itself was completely empty except for a thank you pin for sticking with the club in 2020. WTF? If you are going to waste postage and trees and plastic, all the things I specifically didn't want, can you at least send me some stickers so I can drive around in my 4WD with my Melbourne sticker like a [censored]?! Uncool.
  2. You’re right. The electoral college means nothing.
  3. Just a few more hours... and then let's see what the narcissist and his brain-washed deluded followers have to say next. We all know they'll desperately try to cling onto power and spread fake news until their last day in office. What an embarrassment this guy and his administration is to American politics.
  4. Correct, and to bring up the Bush v Gore situation is just silly, because that election did come down to one very tight race in a swing state, which when the votes were eventually hand counted after the fact, showed that Gore actually won. This election's results are so beyond doubt, but the Republicans who implored their supporters not to participate in mail-in ballots are now losing their mind that states which count mail-in ballots last (completely legally) swung in Biden's favour after the poll votes were counted. Yet I don't see them complaining about Trump shrinking his lead in Arizona or indeed winning Florida after Biden had a lead there. How convenient. It is one thing to align with Republican views, or even to support some of Trump's work. It is another to be sucked in to the literal horse**** that is coming out of his campaign with no evidence whatsoever. When Giuliani is your legal representation you know your defence is hella flimsy.
  5. LOL he has photos of suitcases with votes? I wanna see them.
  6. I am well aware of what per capita means. It takes nothing away from the fact that better leadership would have significantly reduced the number of deaths and in fact, infections in the US. Oh yeah and the US is 6th in the world for infections per capita. Or is that irrelevant? Also please can we not compare the Bush v Gore situation. An election that was decided by one state and with less than 1000 votes. Biden has such a sizeable lead, that all it does is make Trump look like a bigger sore loser. It's funny how the Republicans thought Hillary was completely outside of her right to challenge an election, again won by a smaller margin, where she won the popular vote (Trump lost it by a landslide), and yet it is completely ok for Trump to drag on this pathetic game of his and continue to throw the dummy instead of doing something useful with his remaining days in office. Speaks volumes about his lack of care for the job.
  7. Hang on, are you suggesting the US Covid numbers are ok because pre capita they aren't cracking the top 10? Really? Their rate of infection is amongst the highest in the world, their daily death numbers are climbing and the holiday season and deep winter hasn't even hit yet! They are a first world country, their death rate should be much lower as should their infection rate. If Americans actually had a president in charge who took Covid seriously, instead of holding superspreading events, or a present who cared about healthcare, or even a president who wasn't such a self serving piece of horse [censored] that actually passed the stimulus packages he promised, then maybe, just maybe, the US wouldn't be doing so badly and quarter of a million people wouldn't be dead today. Their handling of the pandemic has been nothing short of embarrassing, but it is no wonder when their president is nothing short of embarrassing. Instead of fighting an election you know you lost, spend your energy fighting Covid you [censored]!
  8. I hope that post round 6 we will at the very least know when we have home and when we have away games, even if the timeslot and venue are not 100% decided. Not just from a planning perspective for the club, but for supporters too. I plan holidays (which lets be honest, where the hell am I going in 2021 other than my backyard?) around the fixture to make sure I miss the least amount of home games possible. I am sure lots of people are in the same boat, not to mention those that want to travel interstate for matches.
  9. When draftees are born in the 2000s and you own handbags older than that.
  10. Welcome to Melbourne Jake. I am going to go ahead right now and apologise in advance for our supporters who love to judge a book by it's cover and write off players they have not seen play for more than 1 minute. If you were 198cm but couldn't run or kick, they'd call you the next Buddy. So errr... good luck.
  11. Any recruiter who picked Oliver deserves a lot of credit. There was a lot of shock and rage when that selection happened and well, aren't we all glad we didn't end up with the highly touted Parish (who is an OK player but is no Oliver)! Jason Taylor has a lot of runs on the board, both with early and later picks. I am more than happy to reserve judgement on selections until we see how they pan out. I have no doubt we tried to do more pick swaps and move up the draft order on the night, but obviously just could not get anything done apart from the late pick exchange with Hawthorn.
  12. Who has time to watch paint dry? Sorry I mean this draft? Wake me up tomorrow when we get to pick 18.
  13. This draft like 2020 is just dragging on unnecessarily.
  14. Any reason to drink Aussie wine is good for me!
  15. And how convenient that Daddy got Trump out of military service. Is Trump not a war monger or is Trump just a coward? Sanctions countries and then runs away and lets Israel do all the dirty work of killing all the Iranian nuclear scientists and destroying their plants (which I fully support by the way).
  16. I am born and bred Israeli. I can tell you that those 'peace' treaties are nothing but financially motivated by both sides. It has nothing to do with peace. The UAE and Israel have not been at war. They simply had no diplomatic relationships, but there was no war. These deals with signed to allow tourism into UAE and to open the flight paths. As for the Jerusalem move, it was an unnecessary distraction in what is already a fragile environment, and it fixed nothing in real terms. Please look into the history of the scum that is the PM of Israel, so you can better understand why he and Trump have such a great working relationship. Both are in power to save their own [censored] from a long line of lawsuits, and both have twisted their own beliefs to suit whatever narrative helps them stay there. Natanyahu hasn't been able to form a majority government for years (3 elections or was it 4?). He just plays lapdog to whichever other political party will side with him to form a coalition, including the ultra Orthodox who are basically bleeding the country dry while refusing to serve in the military or work. But I digress.
  17. I love Gawn and I know these garbage articles are just fodder for the media and have to be done. But Jesus if my eyes could roll out of head while I read the same thing each pre-season, I would have gone blind years ago.
  18. Making finals is the bare minimum, and no injury list or pandemic is going to forgive yet another bottom 8 finish. But really if we don't make and win at least one final, then 2021 makes us no closer to a flag than we were 4 years ago under Goodwin.
  19. Americans aren’t ready for a female president. It’s sad but true. Harris wouldn’t beat Trump. She’s more likable than Clinton but she’s still a woman. And a woman of colour at that. America is far too conservative for that.
  20. Are you just blindly ignoring the 250,000 Covid deaths in his own country? Or does it not matter if people die on US soil from a disease he could control with lockdowns and mask use? By the way, if 9-11 happened under Trump, he would have done a hell of a lot worse than Bush ever did.
  21. Two things... 1. Biden was a safe choice to combat Trump as he's more centre than most Democrats 2. Harris will be as much the president as Biden will be, and she is an absolute gun. P.S. - The Trump legal team reminds me of a bad Soviet circus from the 1960s.
  22. Not revealing the full fixture is just ridiculous. Forget club planning, fans want to know and plan their time around games. I understand the Covid argument, but we need to go into the season with a full fixture and a contingency plan.
  23. I’m really worried that 71,000,000 people are stupid enough to vote for Trump and now 2 more idiots seem to have found their tribe. God help humanity.
  24. A piece of [censored] has more integrity and decency than Trump, his disgusting off spring and his band of pathetic lackies
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