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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. The only thing that's pathetic is that most supporters wanted Daniher gone, and wanted to clear the list, and now they are crying and whinging because oh my god we like totally lost to last year's premiers with half of our side not playing. I guess I should be used to the extreme mood swings we experience on these boards after every game.
  2. Yesterday's result is no indication of where we're going this season... unless of course Bailey wants to field a VFL line- up each week. I don't need to repeat the number of regulars who missed yesterday and how raw their replacements were. I was more interested in the quick ball movement, which yes, we did struggle to implement (again, you can't expect players who have never pulled on the boots to execute such a plan perfectly), but at least it's going to help our forwards when we get it right. Also interesting was that Bailey was not afraid to experiment and try first gamers or second gamers in important positions. Sure, many of them struggled, but it's a fantastic experience for them, and it gives Bailey something to work with. I rather see McNamara than Ferguson, I rather see Buckley over Godfrey. When you clean out your list the way we have, you will not have 44 players capable of competing straight away. It's a short term sacrifice. The good news is, that with Neita, McLean, Rivers, Bruce, Dunn, Frawley, Davey, Petterd etc... we are no longer a VFL side, and we are no longer short on experience in key positions. I also wouldn't be surprised if Bailey is keeping his cards close to his chest in regards to implementing a specific game plan. No point revealing your hand before the season has even begun.
  3. Finally, my two great loves are coming together! :D I love the silver design personally. It's classy and unique and it won't clash.
  4. Ha, there is little to no chance I will be conscious at 7am on Sunday morning Taping is the way to go it seems.
  5. Meet Graz- the voice of reason! Thank god someone is catching on
  6. Awesome read to start the day :D He has made some truly idiotic decisions lately, but his strength of character to own up to those mistakes and go out of his way to discuss them with his coach, is a great indication that as a whole he is so much better than these individual incidents. He clearly loves the club, and he clearly knows what he wants to achieve. Maybe in certain moments his age catches up to him, but I don't know many 21 year olds who are as passionate and as focused as him. The day he is appointed to be the captain of the MFC, is going to be a very good day indeed.
  7. At least he's come down to earth and is realistic about where his career is heading. His time is running out and he absolutely must make the most of his opportunities this year, or he may not get another. For him to finally get a full pre-season under his belt is fantastic. No doubt we could use someone of his talents, especially now that TJ is gone.
  8. What time is the replay on Sunday? I won't get to watch the entire match on Saturday as I have to be in the city at 6:30, so Sunday replay might be the way to go. Stupid AFL planning, as if you can't work out that it gets hot in February and properly schedule games to begin with
  9. Round 1 of the NAB Cup... could there be a more meaningless game? All of our older players, or anyone who has been on a modified program throughout the summer should be rested for this one. If we progress, and as we approach the season, more and more players will start to get a game just to get them prepared for the real deal. If all goes well, everyone but Wheels and Bartram should get at least one game under their belt between now and Round 1. I can't think of one team that is fielding a full-strength side this week. It's just not logical.
  10. "Dunbar replaces Barry Prendergast as Innovations Coach after Prendergast was appointed to the role of Recruiting Manager at the Demons."
  11. I would say that, in doubt for Round 1 are: Bartram, Whelan, Bruce, Wheatley and maybe Rivers and Petterd I think Bartram and Whelan will both be lucky to sneak in a few games in 2008, as it really doesn't look great for them. On the other hand, for Moloney, Sylvia and Brock to have done a large chuck of the pre-season (Brock's injury seems minor) is absolutely fantastic! I wouldn't worry too much about that. A lot of players were rested or not risked. If anyone has a niggle at this time of year, and many do after a full pre-season, you would not risk them in a practice match (which from all reports was pretty rough and tough). That does not mean that the players who did not play are not fit, it simply means that they are too high risk. Certainly I wouldn't want Neita to have a training injury like Bartram had last year and still has not recovered from.
  12. You can get plain scarves from the Demon Shop for $10.
  13. Hey, don't discriminate against us young cynics I must say I've lost my patience with Yze, but I'd be thrilled if DB manages to change him. There are not many players more talented than Yze,and if his skills are applied in the right way than we'll be a much better team next year. He could easily kick 40+ goals from the pocket in 2008.
  14. I am willing to wager money that we will not finish last.
  15. The same figure has been up on the website for well over 2 weeks now. I'm sure it has increased in that time, but they haven't bothered updating it.
  16. Just on Ch. 7- Breaking News: Harris is going to get the sack either tonight or tomorrow. The two main reasons being the poor overall profits from last year, and the 70% staff turnover. Possible replacements: - Cameron Schwab - A possible first in football, a woman to take over the job, most likely one that is already on the board at the club.
  17. Will wait for confirmation as well, however 4-6 weeks is hardly disastrous if true. Sure it will put him behind the eight-ball in terms of fitness preparation, but a round 2 or 3 or 4 return is hardly going to change the course of our season. He has always been very fit, so no doubt he'll be able to make up for lost time quickly. Just as long as he didn't injure his kicking knee, because god knows he doesn't need any more reasons to fluff them kicks
  18. Speaking of Geelong, I read in the paper that Scarlet won't be playing in the NAB Cup against us either, as he's had some sort of knee operation. Juice to kick 15 :D
  19. Excellent thanks. Gotta remember to ring Foxtel and change over to the Sports Package, which is the biggest ripoff package of them all. Bring back the Footy Channel I say! <_<
  20. Dean Bailey wants to move Bell to the midfield!! WOO HOO, I have been advocating this move for years and finally we have a coach who agrees :D Oh hang on, there was other stuff written in the article?... oh right, well if the club feels that there is a better person for the CEO position than Harris, and if they think that last year's financial results were largely his fault, than of course they have to make some positional changes. There have been a lot of movements at the club over the last 6 months, what's one more?
  21. Does anybody know if our NAB game against Geelong will be televised (Free or Foxtel)? I would love to see the game but unfortunately I have to be at work that day. I'm hoping I could tape it and watch it later, but I can't find any information on broadcasting.
  22. The most interesting thing about the article IMO is that the players were made to cast their votes in front of the whole team. It certainly eliminates any favoritisms that may have happened with a closed ballot. From an outsiders point of view Green is definitely a deserving leader, but if this experience helps him to get better, than I'm all for it. He certainly won't lose any credit from supporters who understand his character and respect the way he goes about his footy. He'll be back in the leadership group by next year, without a doubt.
  23. Well now you stole my thunder... Forward is where he should play. Far too unaccountable to play down back and not good enough to play in the midfield anymore (too much competition for spots as well). We need small forwards who can apply pressure on defenders. If Yze can learn to do that, he'll be a very dangerous and important player for us. But then we've been waiting to see him learn for so long... maybe Bailey can bring that change in him.
  24. It's just a media cover-up. He was suspended for a reason, and he's lucky the suspension is relatively mild. Hopefully he'll learn from his mistakes, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  25. I disagree. Someone like Carroll really needs the pre-season to prove himself again. This way, he misses the first two matches in which Frawley and maybe even Garland take over his position. If they perform well, they're half way to taking his spot in Round 1. He is far from safe in our backline, basically he is in our best 22 out of necessity moreso than ability. This combined with his off field behaviour means that Carroll has to really fight for his position in 2008. Missing the pre-season will seriously damage his standings going into the season.
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