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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. His new sport will be getting into Hollywood starlets' (tartlets?) pants
  2. I actually heard on the radio this afternoon that there are reports he's hooked up with Cameron Diaz apperantly...
  3. If by "poor" you mean "incredibly stupid", than you're right.
  4. My friend is not a Melbourne supporter she's an Essendon supporter, which begs the question, why am I going out of my way to make her a nice going-away present? Should just throw her on a plane and never speak to her again
  5. And yet that doesn't make them similar in any way, shape or form as footballers. It's the other 'shape' issue that makes them similar But yeah, storm in a teacup. Edit: Just saw on Ch.10 that Sampi has been offered the chance to come and train with us, so we're obviously keen. Lets see how badly he wants it!
  6. You know that's not what he was insinuating, as he said "colour". Don't think I was being defensive, just explaining my position. IMO Sampi has a lot of issues that I can't see him overcoming. Happy for us to pick him up, and for him to prove me wrong though, as he does have unique and freaky talents (which yes, are often common amongst indigenous players).
  7. Yeah, that's the similarity . Very offended that you'd think that! They are both very talented, but they both have off field issues and fitness issues. I understand that Sampi won't cost us as much, but there is a huge chance that the outcome will be the same. Byron may not have had a lot to prove, but he had a real reason to sort himself out for the sake of his kids and family. Sampi is incredibly lazy and has serious commitment issues, the fact that he couldn't get a game ahead of Armstrong, is a big worry. Of course if the club decided to take the risk, that'd be fine by me, but if he can't get motivated to get a game with a successful club like West Coast, a club ridden with footballers who have issues, than what hope does he have with us?
  8. Ummm where did you hear that Hughes was delisted? He is still on our rookie list as far as I know. As for Neaves, he might be doing a pre-season with us with the hope of getting pick up again either by us or another club.
  9. Pretty sure he'll play a lot more in the midfield this year Dan. He is not strong enough to play as a key marking forward, but his agility, height, skills below the knees and pace make him a unique midfield/tagging prospect. Also wouldn't mind him on the half-back line. I see him as a bit of a Cameron Bruce type, and he should learn to play in different positions if he's to become a truly excellent player (which he absolutely can be).
  10. What an enormous transformation for this guy, who a couple of months ago looked like an absolute certainty to be delisted after struggling with injuries and poor form. It's a credit to him, and he deserves the best of luck going forward!
  11. We really really need another crumber, so it would make sense for us to look at Sampi. However, he does have shades of Byron about him, minus all the medals!
  12. Yep, you think it can't get worse... and then... it does! No wonder people wanted to hit him while he was in Europe. The stylish Europeans probably found his 'haircut' extremely offensive, or maybe they were anti-fur activists who mistook his hair for a dead animal?
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if Brock is appointed captain next year. Bailey made special mention of him (and Petterd :D) in his press conference.
  14. I think Brock and Jones are both very unique in the way that they go about their footy. Sylvia doesn't seem to have the same sort of application, but than who does? I can't think of too many players who would go for a run on the Great Wall of China while they're on holidays. We're blessed and lucky to have these two and the future is indeed bright when you consider that they will be leading this club for the next 10 years.
  15. Thanks Diablo... finally a decent picture I can use (and yes, it really is for my friend ). Jonesy and Brocky leading the pack, is there a better way to start the pre-season?
  16. *cries* Now you can understand why I am jealous that you get to go to training tomorrow while I get to spend yet another day swearing at my computer.
  17. Oh, I can't wait! The thought of getting that photo will get me through the practice exams and editing of a 30,000 word report tomorrow.
  18. We better get some quality pictures.... and by quality I mean close-ups of players who have worked particularly hard over their break :D Damn you and your free time!
  19. So I'm assuming nobody got stickers? Hopefully we get them once we pay, because with the quality from the previous years, they come in very handy as annual replacements for the previously faded ones on my car.
  20. Men; they are the source of all evil!
  21. This is a great move. As much as we want a fresh new start, it's good to have some people around who know the players, especially our young players. Mark Williams has worked with all of our kids at one point or another, and so his input will be invaluable to Bailey.
  22. I know exactly what you are saying, it probably explains why Cousins' ex girlfriend stuck around for so long, and went to be by his side when he recently got arrested. On the one hand it's good to have that sort of support around you, but on the other hand, if people stay by his side, it's almost as if they are validating his behaviour.
  23. Drove past Junction Oval this morning and saw a group of players training. The only one I could pick up was Jonesy, as his bald head was shinning in the light :D The players might be going through some testing before the official pre-season start on Wednesday.
  24. Hmmm.... you raise (no pun intended) an interesting point Admit it QueenC, drugs or no drugs, do you know any female who would refuse a night out with him? That's half his problem, he is completely messed up, but his charms probably get him out of most sticky situations (definitely no pun intended).
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