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La Dee-vina Comedia

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Everything posted by La Dee-vina Comedia

  1. You may be right and Freeman comes to Melbourne. But Emma Quayle's predictions this year are the most equivocal I can remember her ever writing. That suggests two things - that the players from about pick 3 to pick 15 are somewhat interchangeable and that club's are keeping their information much more in-house than usual. Makes for a more fascinating draft.
  2. Probably not the best place to be for Jetta to finish, assuming he wants to be re-drafted or drafted by another club.
  3. If we pick Salem, we should give him guernsey #3. That way we'll have a Christian and a Lyon to compare. If the Christian beats the Lyon I'm sure we'd all be happy. And I'm really looking forward to the photo of him training around witches hats so the media can use the headline "Salem witch trials".
  4. I really hope you mean Wayne and not Mariah. You'd be right either way, though - things would change around here very quickly.
  5. Good work. I appreciate that for fill in coaches the data uses a very small sample, but I'm still surprised to see Neil Craig with a lower win percentage than his predecessor. Of course, one more win would have moved him up the ladder.
  6. As much as I don't want Peter Jackson to leave, I assume if he does he would only do so after recruiting his own replacement. That gives me some comfort.
  7. Maybe the market heard a rumour they were about to sponsor Melbourne. Note: too much sniping going on, guys. Hence my poor attempt at levity. I suggest you drop it and move on.
  8. As a matter of interest, which other clubs have an ASX 200 company as a sponsor. I think Fremantle has (or had in 2013) Woodside. Does Sydney still have QBE?
  9. Hopefully you'll receive remedial training during the 2014 season.
  10. Clearly my challenge for today is to work out what word starting with a vowel is worthy of being auto-censored.
  11. Have we paid the $500,000 (non) tanking fine? Or is that separately accounted for? It's possible the $1.45m is actually only $950,000 in real terms if we still had to pay the fine out of those proceeds.
  12. Interesting comparing the size of Mitch Clark with Jack Watts. Adjacent photos both approximately doing the same thing (running to the left and about to kick). Jack looks so much skinnier. Still needs to add some bulk.
  13. Must be why we're allegedly recruiting bigger bodied midfielders
  14. Dank's resistance to speaking with ASADA may have nothing to do with the AFL and everything to do with the NRL (or vice versa, of course). Or nothing to do with either of these codes but something else he may have been involved in.
  15. I'm not pushing for (or against) Zak Jones, but I suspect his older brother's durability will have helped his cause. Conversely, Troy Menzel feel down the draft order because of his and his brother's propensity for knee injuries.
  16. We can assume it's a large number or else the club would only have agreed to front or back of jumper position, not both.
  17. I think it's pretty clear now that Tom Scully was just the set of steak knives needed to enable GWS to get what they really wanted - Phil Scully.
  18. Not everyone is a born leader. Some of the best companies and governments have had a natural leader in charge and a dour, detail person as deputy. They make great teams with one complementing the skills of the other. But the deputy should never take over as leader. What happened at Melbourne was that Don was forced to take over the reins when he was better placed to remain as deputy. I respect him for his efforts and am grateful for the time and effort that all board members volunteer. It's not like any of them join up to make things worse for the club that we all love.
  19. With Jetta delisted does that mean we now have zero games of experience with indigenous players on our current list? When was the last time that happened at Melbourne? The club should not recruit indigenous players for the sake of it, but I suspect we'd be a better balanced team if we had some of the obvious talent available from players with that background.
  20. The more I think about it, the gladder I am I haven't thought this one through.
  21. Back in the US, back in the US, back in the USSR?
  22. Can someone clarify for me: We can re-draft him (or any of our delisted players) in either the national draft or rookie draft, can't we? I'm not saying we should, but just want to understand the "three live picks" in the draft rule.
  23. I think you'll find that in the world of AFL "imminent" is a single word which describes the length of a piece of string.
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