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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. Never said "everyone" i said "some", and the capacity for M Jones and Watts to play outside of the boxes many have them in simply highlights how much can change in a pre-season and that any player can improve. My key point which you've chosen to ignore is that your evaluation of Grimes based on these three Nab cup games is wrong, does not align with his stats, and has been made without any awareness as to his role or how well he played his man. It simply derives from old fixed viewpoints. Its interesting to me that INSTEAD of looking at his stats, who he played on, etc... to actually explore if he's playing better or worse, you simpy restate your negative belief and pull bizarre references in to "argue" your case... Its like you'd be pleased for him to be limited, scarred, etc... because then you'd be right!
  2. Our coach made a general throw away statement about the broad culture at the MFC, in which there was no reference to Grimes. You've taken it and applied it to a player 6+ months later and now attribute it to Roos... Did I miss Roos coming out after the NAB cup and saying Grimes was still carrying mental scars!?
  3. I'm not arguing Grimes is without flaw, but rather against viewing certain players through a fixed set of beliefs that may now be obsolete. All players on our list are being developed and are working there asses off to become better players. They all believe that they can get better. To allow some players the possibility of improving while condemning other players as incapable of improving is illogical and disrespectful to the player, who in this case is also a former Captain of our club. It has more to do with the supporter peddling the fixed belief, and then highlighting examples that validate the belief, wanting to get an ego boost by being seen to be "Right"... irrespective of the current facts.
  4. No, I think you've decided on Grimes and ignore any event that contradicts your negative fixed viewpoint on him, while highlighting any event that supports your negative fixed viewpoint on him. I.e. highlight one dropped mark, while ignoring the six marks he took.
  5. Love it, Grimes drops a mark and he "lacks talent", where as Hogan can drops several and it's ok as he just a bit rusty and will be fine. And then "It's just the way it is." Yawn...
  6. Gotta love the pop psychologists and pure guess work of several on this site! "Mental scars" please! Grimes and Garland haven't been molested as children, nor done a tour of duty in a war zone... so can we ditch the pop psychology and start to assess their performances based on what they did and what we assume they were meant to do? For example, both are back men... which generally means they're responsible for stopping an opposition forward, how did their opposition forward go? were they damaging? defensive rebound, delivering the ball forward and setting up attacking rebound, Are they implementing the game plan? are there skills ok?are they creating effective forward moves? as senior players (and Garland in the leadership group) there role is also to assist and guide those around them, cover for them and generally support the less experienced players (i.e. OMac, Wagner), are they doing this well? or is it impacting their effectiveness? I don't know the answers to these questions, but I put no credence in player evaluations that simply look to gain approval by regurgitating to old prejudices and group think without reference to their actual role and performance. And I reckon we owe our players the respect to actually analyse their work objectively before we bag them out.
  7. King played footy under Dennis Pagan, an old school authoritarian coach, who ran the show at North his way or the highway. Roos is consultative and content to develop his team of coaches and players, to the extent that he can bow out with the club continuing to grow. Chalk and cheese. David King has no idea.
  8. I reckon the Ox only wants Hogan to play well. He (the Ox) probably knows from his own experience that a few harsh words can work wonders on focusing a proud competitive kid to take it to a higher level. Hogan, now lifted a lot of expectations and is going to have to get used to, ignore and use the media's scrutiny, criticism, advice...
  9. I think some of the issues Steve and other raise above about skills and KP depth will be addressed as our out players return and we trim back to our best 22. I like the way our flanks and even pockets can play as mids. Vince and Salem rotating, Kent and Kennedy rotating, etc... With Brayshaw, Vandenburg to return who can also play forward or back, some of our delivery, decision making and application issues should ease up further. I'd be in no rush to bring Lumumba back, feel he's too slap dash with the ball. I like M Jones, Harmes and Watts on wings. On Tall Key Position we are exposed, but with Dawes and Spencer on the mend, should be ok for depth there in a month or two. Also, I'm hoping that once Petracca is in forward line, Frost and Pedo could be freed up to go back if necessary.
  10. Race on for spots at Dees as quartet nears return
  11. Totally agree re-Jones, he's going to relish being fully fit, with other physical mids also drawing heat, tags and doing damage. His aggression around the ball was inspiring today.
  12. I don't mind Vince playing at HBF, and rotating on the Kick outs as well. Kicks like a mule, generally delivers to our advantage and can play tight when required...
  13. First time with Hogan that I called out his name in frustration, he fluffed a few today.
  14. Thought Tyson has a good solid game, and has tuned up nicely for Rd 1.
  15. Good to see the Russian doing well for the Dons! Equal highest scorer at the moment!
  16. Liking our forward and midfield pressure, holding down opposition attempts to clear our forward line.
  17. What twaddle! Leave them to learn their craft and earn a call up in the VFL. Didn't do Hogan any harm, nor impede his development. Only reason either should play AFL this year is if two of our big three forwards (Hogan, Dawes Pedo) are injured AND they've demonstrated dominant consistent performances at VFL level. If either kid plays 5+ games in AFL this year, it will simply mean we've put the cue in the rack (re finals) for another year...
  18. Be nice to get closer to 4 quarters of "competitive" high quality footy for our best 24 for NAB 3. Assume we're aiming to pull it all together and wean it back to best 22 in preparation for Round 1.
  19. Given the gushing over Oliver... we're going to pee our pants when Petracca finally plays.
  20. Young team, long season, especially if we're pushing to make the 8. Get him cherry ripe, he'll be an asset fully fit as we hit the second half of the season.
  21. Would have thought Petracca would play a similar role to Kennedy and from all accounts would be an upgrade..?
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