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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. I'm happy for Greeny, really good for him to continue to be involved in footy at the highest level
  2. I think that the average punter probably doesn't even read these now daily updates on this saga. If I wasn't a dees fan I wouldn't read each article. We should boycott reading this rubbish, I'm sure the more hits we give her 'articles' the more likley she is to continue to spit them out
  3. Sorry to hijack lads, but perhaps this thread could be renamed the "No tank No B$ thread"!
  4. BUMP! Seriously, its becasue of posts like this that i read demonland. As a relitivley young fan, living on the other side of the country, this type of stuff is pure gold!
  5. good post mate, i agree regarding the leaky sieve investigation.... What worries me is if the AFL go into damage control and feel obliged to punish us to make the public percieve they are doing all they can to protect the integrity of the game
  6. that 'tin rattle' saved the club, and is being replicated by a heap of other clubs. Also, show some respect to the passionate supporters who are happy tp back he club financially.
  7. i can only judge my opinion on what i see (not what i hear 2nd hand). Is good for the financial position of the club and is passionate about the club and its history
  8. There were obviously some shady dealings in 2009, however to say what she is reporting is correct is way off too. She is making snippets of info into a narrative of her choosing. Twisting the story to drive her vendettas. Absolutely no balance in what she is writing, and is sensationalising the story by releasing a rehashed versions of previous articles on a daily basis.
  9. A sponser i have 'supported' is Tyrells Wines through their Emblem & Team of the century Shiraz series!
  10. Agreed. Hopefully the AFL can wrap up their investigation and the whole mess can come to a conclusion at some stage between the draft and the NAB cup. I dont want a final chapter to the horror story of 2012, or to have the club start 2013 on a similar foot to last year.
  11. Agree that the decision made will have far reaching ramifications. Thats why i cant see a resolution before draft day, and why i am somewhat comforatable with the way things currently sit
  12. The club will survive whatever comes its way.
  13. Any journo's interested in discussing the test squad or rehashing the winners and loosers of the trade/FA period? FFS report on this investigation when its over. Drip feeding the masses partial info and speculation helps no one.
  14. Cam Pederson looks like guy smiley! https://www.google.com.au/search?q=google&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_nf=3&pq=google&cp=6&gs_id=m&xhr=t&q=guy+smiley&pf=p&sclient=tablet-gws&client=safari&tbo=d&oq=guy+sm&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=9067b9920e2585a4&bpcl=36601534&biw=768&bih=928&biv=i|2;d|VH6Uso0M9zm7-M:
  15. Maybe we knew theres a good chance we will get smashed and loose draft picks next year? Maybe thats why we used pick 3 & 13 to secure Hogan now, because next year our 1st pick could be 60!
  16. Bail, Spencer & Strauss re-signed for 2 years. Wonder what that means for Jetta, Davis and Sellar?
  17. Doesnt have much impact on games at WAFL level from what i've seen. Pass
  18. yeah the old adage about deck chairs and a famous boat comes to mind here. Not sure if they offer anything that the likes of Sellar, Jetta and co dont offer us already
  19. I hate the use of the word 'clutch' a clutch of 1st round draft picks? FFS
  20. No point crying over spilt milk. And if you want to go that way, how about wait to see how Pederson goes until you write the report card for this time-line of trades (Mclean - Gysberts - Pederson)
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