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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. Fev also cited depression as the root of a lot of his issues, but people are worried about the damage he could have on a club? Why different with Tuck? And if VFL form counts for so much, why not get Valenti back on board?!
  2. yeah i've got absolutley no problem with any of our players playig in the Aus team. Put teh injury risk aside and they can only learn from playing with the Aus team and spending some time under a different coach or two
  3. I cant believe that he gets a potential "second chance" after allready having 3 strikes (chances). If we're happy to consider him, knowing that he was/is a recrational drung user, then why not give Fev a chance too?
  4. with the picks we have I'd be suprised if we could pick up anyone better than Wonna in any of this years drafts . Would be worth a rookie spot at least
  5. It's "for all intents and purposes" ! this website may be of use around here! http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/errors.html#errors
  6. See Brad Green's latest Tweet? "BradGreen18 GWS and Scull bring a whole new dimension to the Father-Son rule!!!"
  7. For someone that isnt "tall enough or hasn't the bulk(weight) to play a key positional role" he sure does a good impression of a KPB! His go-go-gadget arms on the spoil are a sight to behold. That game againt the lions in 2010 was great to watch. Garlo gave Fev an absolute bath and Chippa towled up JB too
  8. Tom Scully coming back to us? No thanks, and may his career be plagued with knee complications!
  9. The only reason to move him out of the backline would be to make room for McDonald and Davis, but surely you'd still be robbing peter to pay paul?
  10. I dont understand why anyone would want to move Garland from the backline. With Frawley we have a really solid backline pairing which IMO doesnt need to be tinkered with. Guys like Grimes, Tapscott and blease, yes try them else where if you want, but dont break up Garlo and Chip!
  11. I think our midfield (even if it stays as per 2011) will benifit from a better structure / game plan. I am hopefull we will see a few new faces added to the mix too, but i think a decent forward set up / game style will allow our midfielders to get the ball, look up and have options to kick to
  12. I always thought the saying was "if your aunty had ball's she'd be your uncle", highlighting the pie in the sky nature of speculating about ifs!
  13. I think Spencil showed as much as Gawn. He did his knee at the worst possible tiem though
  14. no proof. i'm just pissing in the wind, but to use another saying; where there is smoke there is fire. Why on earth would someone feel compelled to ring up and say that he [censored] on the bar if he did'nt? IMO He just got lucky that the CCTV didnt find him guilty, so he is presumed innocent.
  15. wow, just like Tom Scully wasnt telling lies? Beamer would have [censored] on the bar for sure, none of the CCTV cameras would have got a good view thats all.
  16. Wish we had players half as dangerous as Fev or Milne!
  17. it has little relivence to this incident, however it is relevant to the fact he's no model citizen. People would like to believe he was, becasue they somehow think it reflects badly on them personally and on the club if the players arent choir boys
  18. typo, should have read "Drink and Drive" Lets be honest, Colin Sylvia is a reformed girlfriend bashing party boy. BUT he kicks the footy alright, so i'll cheer him on the field. Off the field, he can do what he likes. These guys play footy for the club we love. I mark them against their on field performances. What they do off the field in the off season doesnt worry me in the slightest.I think some of us here need to stop living in a fairy tale world where they expect AFL players, especially those who playe for us, to be choir boys. I'd guess people drink drive into poles on a daily basis, yet when someone does it with a AFL player in the passenger seat it somehow becomes newsworthy.
  19. I wish the new season would start so the AFL sports writers could report on news worthy events
  20. Sloonie, stop being so precious. Colin went out with friends, he did not drink or drive. The reflection on the club is minor
  21. Same here. Im a big fan, but being a midfield/smaller player if he doesnt show a bit more this year he might end up gone. Which would again show us how lucky Juice/Dunn etc are
  22. DemonWA


    Could be right, story on the clubs website now
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