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Everything posted by DemonWA

  1. yeah towards the end of the year MacDonald was killing his opponents, especially in the air. He is far from a list clogger in my opinion, he is a fringe player who can be relied on to do a job if requried to play in the 1's. Infact, i have a gut feeling that players who are willing to play a role for the team will be the types of players Neeld embraces as he tries to teach his style of game plan
  2. to put it into perspective if a club had these picks in 2008 they would have 1. Melbourne -- Jack Watts (Sandringham Dragons) 2. West Coast Eagles -- Nicholas Naitanui (Swan Districts) 3. Fremantle -- Stephen Hill (West Perth) 5. Essendon -- Michael Hurley (Northern Knights) 7. Brisbane Lions -- Daniel Rich (Subiaco) 9. North Melbourne -- Jack Ziebell (Murray Bushrangers) 11. Collingwood -- Steele Sidebottom (Murray Bushrangers) 13. St Kilda -- Tom Lynch (Sandringham Dragons) 15. Geelong -- Mitchell Brown (Sandringham Dragons) 28. Adelaide -- Shaun McKernan (Calder Cannons) 46. Collingwood -- Luke Rounds (Geelong Falcons) 64. Melbourne -- Rohan Bail (Mt Gravatt) 82. Brisbane Lions -- Pass
  3. I've met Jack and he is a great guy. Promising player too. He's in the leadership group, so its not as if he isnt being developed into a future leader As many have said, needs to play a few more games in a row before being a legitimate contender for the captaincy!
  4. Well aware of what he said that press conference, which was why i accused him of being a lier as soon as GWS made it public that they were interested in him.
  5. Well us traitors who called Scully a dirty lier need to stick togetehr haha
  6. Wouldnt say that makes him less knowledgable. Although i would say he couldnt admit that the casue of all the smoke was a big fire which was burningout of control!
  7. Footy Clubs will never fit into a traditional org chart structure, if it was done propperly there would be dotted lines bypassing people all over the place.
  8. Jeez alot of people writing Barty off. Seems like there arent many who think he can improve on any aspect of his game? Give the guy a break - will be around for a few seasons yet
  9. i think the hunger aspect is more important than the strength. Nev Jetta has the hunger, Jordie Mac has the hunger, its time that a few of the other younger guys get hungry too!
  10. Not sure about Brown, or Neeld for that matter. Looking forward to 2012 though -the results will speak for themselves.
  11. Range Rover's posts during the height of the epic scully threads were by far the most entertaining IMO! Also a big fan of Old dee - tells it how it is in a couple of short lines I enjoy Beelzebub's posts, somthing entertaining about trying to decipher what he is actually trying to say from all of the pseudo-intellectual gobblygoob .
  12. The OP is a tad harsh on Bailey? IMO he preached the united message of rebuilding and development as well as anyone and was a key member of the MFC team. I think preople are to quick to kick bailey to the kerb? Yes we didnt probably deliver during his time at the club, but i doubt anyone would have?
  13. FWIW I dont think it matters who skippers the side.... any side At the end of the day, if a player needs his captain to step when the chips are down up to motivate him to do the same then its a pretty sad state of affairs. If Neeld is as much of a hard arsed straight shooter as we are lead to believe, then every player will be playing a selfless brand of footy, doing the 1%ers - effectivley doing all of the things that we want to see a captain do... Give green another year, to strip him of his captancy would create another media circus and IMO there isnt much upside
  14. i've been sucked into posting on this thread again! Sign him up! and im happy for green to be the skipper again in 2012. As bad as his year was i dont think there is anything to gain from changing captains. If anything, stripping green of his captaincy now could create a rift between some in the playing group and the new coaching staff. At the very least They should hold off until the end of the preseason until they make any rash decisions on who will captain the club in 2012
  15. i want the cats to win again. Admire the way they play, and they have alot of likeable players - Chappy, Corey, Ling, Selwood etc etc
  16. i hope he gets a gig somewhere, he has plenty to offer, but unfortunatley MFC got a bit too comfortable for a while there, so things needed to change
  17. absolutley, and unfortunatley i guess this comes with the territory. Wish he'd hurry up and put pen on paper!
  18. i'd love to see the MFC org chart... all of these new positions confuse me!
  19. he's reasonable. He keeps the content coming and we cant ask for more than that. My only gripe is the teams chat - its a waste of time and effort becasue he can only speculate on why players were dropped or selected, just like everyone else
  20. Fixed Not saying he doesnt haev value, but he's not the superstar that many make him out to be IMO
  21. Off topic, but Chirs Dawes is the most overrated player in the comp. Plays 2nd fiddle in a premiership team but gets talked up like thes the Coleman medalist.
  22. Maybe he has joined up so that he can monitor what the players are saying on it and subsiquently tell them to pull their heads in!
  23. Carey? Seriosuly? The guy was a champion player, but also a champion [censored] post footy! no thanks!
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