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Everything posted by binman

  1. That's great. They wont select him if they don't think he is ready. And they obviously know where he is at in terms of meeting his KPIs etc. If he is selected fans can be confident he is ready to roll.
  2. Not quite sure what point you are making here. We should select Jefferson because there are key forwards who aren't great with their second efforts? A better comparison would be Sam Weideman vis a vis the key reason his AFL career is a bust.
  3. Agree. I reckon he's lucky to be in the side at all to be honest.
  4. I'm confident. My eye is in this weekend on the punt. Excellent results on port and the giants. As a rule, I don't back the dees, but if I did i reckon the 33 points line is great value. We are getting close to our optimal shape and think we will go hard early to establish a break. The eagles could bounce of the talk players are nor behind Simpson, but equally that could be a bad portent. Dees fans know all about how corrosive such chatter can be. And they are comimg off a six day break and travel, to our 8 day and no travel. As always the key will be taking our early chances. If we do I could see us giving them a touch up. By the by the other bet that I reckon is value is the crows making their 27 point line.
  5. I doubt he will. Not AFL level fit enough yet. And whilst he has improved his second efforts, they are nor instinctive yet.
  6. Anyone at the ground? If so, can you please advise if the top of the Ponsford is open.
  7. And for those driving in a song by a much underrated artist:
  8. Thanks KC. You are a gem, and seriously your contributions are one of the best things about Demonland. Those numbers for Jed Adams are a horror show given how much time the ball spent in our defensive 50. I watched the first 2 and half quarters, and I'm pretty sure he didn't come off injured. Did he after that point? Where do you see Adams at? Of the dees listed players, Howes was the only one giving me pick me vibes. Do you think he'll come back into the ones at some point?
  9. I wish some of our players had the same level of OCD when it game to kicking for goal. Or kicking full stop for that matter. The anecdote highlights how driven, myopic and selfish elite athletes often are, perhaps have to be (the same is true I think of many brilliant surgeons, musicians, artist, writers etc). I would nor be surprised if there is a correlation between being an elite athlete and neurodiversity, for example conditions like adhd or being on the spectrum that have 'symptoms' like an ability to hyper focus on specific activities, OCD, preparedness to train solo for hours, self absorbed and self sufficient and not caring what others think of you (eg in the hockey players example, he could probably care less that many would suggest he is over-sensitive about his weight). @Engorged Onion - what say you, am i barking up the wrong tree here?
  10. Jeffo nice mark and goal. The caller says its 'fitting for his rewards'. He could replace BT or Derm
  11. McAdam has been good. Some excellent marks.
  12. Schache the unstoppable drops a sitter
  13. The kid on camera duties must have had a bong hit at half time.
  14. I know you are a muso Mel. Am I right to assume you are a drummer?
  15. 'The dream has started' the caller bellows after jeffo snags the first in the ladt quarter.
  16. Almost does an awful lot of work in that sentence.
  17. Not a brain fade, but was in the supermarket yesterday wirh my dees beanie on. A little kid, maybe 5 or 6 points at me and says very loudly x 2: Demons? Boo demons.
  18. Funniest call I've heard for a while. On Schache - when he's on 'he's almost unstoppable'.
  19. Fair point. Rubbish team was too strong. Though we did finish 11th with a percentage of only 97%- 8 points and 8% behind the roos in 8th spot. And it's a bit of a stretch to imply 'if we won our last 2 games' is evidence of being an ok team. I mean, if my aunty had a beard and all that. We could only manage 58 points in a 20 point loss in our second to last game. It was against the blues - who won 3 less games than us and finished 14th. And in our last game, we could only manage 44 points, the cats scored 155 and flogged us by 111. So, sure rubbish is unfair, and yes we had potential, but we were certainly no world beaters. And certainly a long way behind say the cats and swan teams Scott and Longmire, with whom goody has a very comparable record, took over. Both took over far superior teams at clubs who were settled off field, had recently won a flag and have big home ground advantages. Both are respected coaches and i don't hear many talking them down But the relative strength of the side goody took over doesn't change my central argument - goody has a fantastic coaching record.
  20. Brilliant forward pressure from pup sets up a Schache shot on goal
  21. Who took that strong pack mark? (And then proceeded to turn it over)
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