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Everything posted by binman

  1. I've always liked Nev as a player and for what its worth i am reasonably confident he will become a regular best 22 (cue stupid comments about that showing us where we are at). On his elevation and selection, both are completely consistent with how Roos goes about things. He has consistently said form in the twos (as he always refers to Casey) is really important and will be rewarded. As Saty has pointed out he ha been in the best at Casey for most of this year and the second half of last season. You play well for long enough you will be selected. Full stop. As someone elese has said he could have gone with the Toump or Clisby but no at the first opportunity he has elevated Nev and put him straight in the side (and i'll bet he strart on the field).
  2. he's uncanny is nostry. Always seems to know where the ball is going to be
  3. I was joking - i should have used that stupid smiley face or some other similarly daft emoticon but i can't stand them. I also like consistency from posters, though i must say i also like it when posters change their views as a result of logical discussion
  4. Another point about those threads about NN was that many posters were vehement in their views that NN was the obvious choice between the two, with some resorting to lazy, sneering, dismissive insults of any one who did not agree (Ben Hur says hi). Those views was shared by many if not all in the press, including IIRC Gary Lyon. Now most still would take NN probably but that view is shifting and maybe by the end of say next year, if Watts has two big seasons, a lot more people might say Watts was the right choice. I think there is a lesson there in the current debate around Wines v the Toump and the looming Kelly v Tyson/Salem discussion. Most DL posters and football commentators are pretty adamant we made the wrong call. Which may prove to be correct as Wines has obvious footy smarts and can play (though i think there is some validity in the argument that he has hit a high level very early and may not get much better - not that he needs to). However as the NN v Watts example shows things can change and the absolutes that get sprouted by self professed football experts can be proven to be hollow.
  5. I recall quite a long Watts v NN thread (s?) in which i argued that we made the right move taking Watts. A point i made was that so much of NN's potential was based around his athleticism - in particular his leap, but that was also potentially a weakness as it meant that if he experienced any injuries that impacted on this strength he didn't have the football smarts and skill to cover this. I think we have seen this come true a bit. He struggled last year with injury and again the pre season just gone (and potentially again now). Injuries impact on all players however they have exposed his lack of true footy skill.
  6. Please DL its an insult to Dunn to have a newbie like Tyson on the banner and not have Dunny. Please can we have the Dunnster up there!
  7. works a treat. Full screen and can replay key moments to my hearts content. Many thanks
  8. Great, thanks. New to me and have installed FVD and am downloading replay now
  9. But be prepared to watch the replay cropped in a useless box and with no capacity to properly navigate and crap functionality. So annoying. And it appears that for regular season games the replay can no longer be viewed on Bigpond. Did i day annoying!
  10. And he could teach some of our boys about leadership, perseverance, courage and standing up when needed. One of my all time favorite players and i reckon underrated in terms of how good he actually was. Often played on players much bigger than him, was super strong in the air, rarely got beaten one on one and was ahead of his time in terms of taking calculated risks by going third man up, running of his man up field and zoning off to to help other defenders out. Edit : to be clear and for fear that psychodemon will misappropriate my words when talking about perseverance, courage and standing up when needed i was not in any way making an oblique criticism of Mitch. In fact if i was meaning to make an oblique reference to Mitch it would be to suggest he has shown all those traits by retiring. What a truly a courageous move. I'll bet London to a brick his family is super relieved and proud
  11. Before the season i had penciled this in as a must see game (ie live) with the kids. But as good guide to where we are at i'm now considering staying home, getting some work done around the house (and putting some much need brownie points in the near empty bank), watching the Sydney races on tele (great days racing hopefully not ruined by rain) and staying warm and nice and dry on the couch watching the delayed coverage from 3pm. Oh and i'd save myself close to $80 bucks once all the bits and pieces are added up, not to mention saving myself some of the inevitable stress. Plus going might put a final nail in the coffin of my kids interest in the MFC. Still i'm torn. Webber i fully acknowledge i'm delusional (by the by your area of expertise is the body not the mind is it not?) - but i can't shake the funny feeling we might win. I hate missing wins. Watching a win on TV is not even close to the experience of being there. It's bloody exhausting barracking for the dees.
  12. Totally agree. The tiges have done really well to keep him but by some accounts still very, very high maintenance. Imagine him at the dees with Moloney and Sylvia as his role models. Who on earth would have pulled him into line?
  13. Oh please don't give Kali whatever oxygen. Mods please ban him now
  14. Look, from your post there is little to be gained form entering a debate or even going to the effort of pointing out how misguided your position is. You are unlikely to change your view and as in all things people have their right to their opinions. However one thing i would ask (rhetorically really as as i say there is not much point n a debate - we are not going to come together on this) - if he had been diagnosed with cancer and was retiring because the treatment meant he couldn't commit to football (but he otherwise if successfully treated would come back) - or not retiring would negatively impact on his health - would you still feel he is a coward?
  15. I step back? Jeez Louise can we go back any further? i was hoping we had already reached ground zero.
  16. Hawks got bugger all because as the winner of the flag their first round pick was 18. The compo for such highly paid players is the next pick after their first round pick. Its sad to say but we are almost certain to finish last and therefore have pick number 1. And if Frawley gets a long term deal around the 700k mark we will get pick 2.
  17. I can't either. Which reminds me. I had to laugh hearing Malthouse say he didn't see the loss against the bombers coming. He really was Neelds mentor wasn't he.
  18. True. What if we win? Would be ironic if the blues were then accused of tanking. I have to say it is just our luck to come up against a side 0-3 and that is 'seething'. That said surely we need no other motivation to beat them. What joy that would be! Roosy should email our list a link to the Brock Mclean interview where he put us in it. I have to say the pressure is all on them not us!
  19. To my list of defenders who have been regularly among our best i'd add Garland. He was terrific last year and showed true leadership. This was reflected by his second in the Bluey, only 5 votes behind Jones (365 - 360)
  20. I don't care about what they say in the papers. What about your opinion as footy follower.? Lets take the 3 games this year. Has he been our best player - or even among the best - in any of the 3 games? How many games last year do think he was one of our best players? My answers are none and very, very few. And the bluey is decided on by the club not footy journos who don't recognise a truly valuable performance. As for being named in the best when you are continually under siege as defender, Laurie Fowler won 3 Blueys when were consistently near the bottom. Steven Icke won one when we were struggling as did Danny Hughes and Steven Smith (who played as a backman in the year he won). Gary Hardeman was both a star and a true leader for us. Peter Giles and Sean Wight were two more inspirational players that played well in key posts down back in struggling sides.
  21. Oh no - i feel ill thinking about the Wright (nee kruezer) cup. We'll blow it again! Crucial game this week?
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