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Everything posted by binman

  1. Yobbo, or more accurately the Hird camp he is so slavishly the mouthpiece for, still does not get it. Hows this from the above article: 'There is a growing concern among Essendon fans and influential money men at the club that the AFL has played a strong hand in recent weeks. The belief — one denied by Essendon — is that the AFL convinced Essendon not to appeal and then urged Essendon to convince Hird not to appeal. Effectively, they want Hird silenced, which Essendon has ensured for the past 12 months, which has distanced Hird from the fans.' Yes Yobbo, its all part of an ongoing AFL conspiracy. The big bad AFL want Jamesey Wamsey to keep quiet and the EFC simply cannot make their own decisions. They will sack Hird but it will not be their fault, it will be the Politburo AFL. Oh and the EFC fans and influential money men are not happy. Poor sacrificial lamb.
  2. That post was an attempt at comedy? So i assume you think it was funny? And you have the hubris to say that my use of the phrase surely to goodness tells you something about me? Right Amazing and disappointing in equal measures you are still able to post. The expression arguing with fools comes to mind so i'll stop.
  3. Its a sad reflection on dees current position that whilst you said it's no different to a Jack Viney going somewhere like a St Kilda, implying there were other examples you could have chosen - in reality only the saints are lower than us
  4. But they just want the truth to come out. I'm confused
  5. Thanks to those who have posted thoughts. I'm simply too shattered to muster anything
  6. that was my thought too, though I guess if the right trade was there perhaps one might go
  7. It does indeed. For those who defended Welshes intemperate and unprofessional public remarks i think you have your response from the club
  8. not as weird as a kid with his name tattooed on himself
  9. As i posted a while back in this thread this will test EFC's and Hirds assertion this all about the players given they have said they just want it over nd done with and an appeal will be yet another delay. Well it appears the EFC have listened? James? nup. If he appeals I bet his rationale will be in part this is about his reputation. What a joke. Appealing will only trash it further and reinforce the impression of a selfish narcissist. Surely he won't maintain the charade of this being about the players. If he does he will add delusional to the character assessment list.
  10. Sounds difficult. Hard to polish a turd.
  11. Interesting timing. The EFC best and fairest is tonight. Hird's position must be shaky and we have Goodwin but what happens if Bomber goes to GC? This might force their hand? Love to be a fly on the wall at the board table.
  12. Great call Redleg. Good on Dunn for both sticking up for a mate but at the same time acknowledging he is disgruntled - which is in footy speak is actually quite a strong statement and at least gives us some insight into how the players might be feeling. The narrative that Clark made up his depression is just plain offensive. Who knows perhaps there is some truth in rumors that he had other issues but it is ridiculous to suggest that depression was used as cover for them. Many people experiencing mental health issues also experience other life issues (eg grief, trauma, financial problems, relationship breakdown, substance misuse, gambling etc etc) and it could well be that his health professionals have advised him a change of environment is the best thing to deal with the cluster of life issues he might be experiencing. That said i still maintain MC has handled all of this really poorly and if his manager is partly to blame he should sack him. After all the only comment we have had from MC was from set up interview grab (which was 'promoted by his manager) on Channel 7 that he 'would love to come back to Melbourne'. Since then nada and it has just became a given that he was going. There has been a suggestion (from his manager?) that he had been advised for health reasons to change environments but that he wanted to get the best deal for the club but nothing from Mitch. Surely at least an interview where Mitch himself makes those things clear would be the go. He doesn't owe us that but jeez i'd respect him for it and it might calm things down a bit. And as to suggestions that he might not be up for it, in so far as it might impact on his health i'd say that if he isn't up to a media interview he's not ready to resume playing AFL football. To be clear, i'm gutted he won't be playing for us. I think back to a post from GNF a while back and i remember the hope that it engendered and the much quoted blindsided post and the anger i felt. But like Machsy i'm over it. As for the trade I hope we play hard ball. Even it means we get nothing (now). I respect the club for how we've treated MC and also how they've handled things in the last couple of weeks. But we don't owe MC anything and if he has to go into the draft then so be it. I'm hoping we will be competing for ladder positions with the Cats in the next couple of years so even if we get nothing in the trade by forcing him into the draft at least Geelong won't have him to kick a bag against us. Seaford is by the sea. Go fishing there.
  13. I doubt he'll cost us pick 21. I doubt his possessions are generally uncontested and i doubt even if a little higher than Jones that negates 4.6% higher effective disposal. You could equally say Jones is likely to have more handballs which are hard to stuff up. Lumumba apparently had the second highest efficiency for disposals at Collingwood, which seems to contradict conventional wisdom that he is a poor kick. He'll be in our top 1-2 kicks straight away
  14. Spencer, Blease and Tapscott for Mitchell? joking btw
  15. I'll keep my new avatar for a while. If it falls over can someone with good photoshop skills prepare me a Heritier Lumumba one
  16. I'd be rapt to get him. Perhaps the upside of someone with a strong moral code is that he can see the righteousness of Roos and where we are going. Oh and the fact 'the Demons were believed to have offered superior financial terms.' But seriously, a vote of confidence and he is a good player who can carry the ball forward. As if we are in a position to knock that. Will be the only player in the side who has been selected in an AA team. Durable too.
  17. America is the most litigious country on earth, surely if such restrictions can work there they can here. By the GNF i agree 100% with your sentiments and think your idea has merit. I felt sick after the grand final lamenting with good mates who are dees fans about how we could not even imagine how it would feel like. Meanwhile i received texts from gleeful Hawks fans from the ground celebrating their 3rd flag in seven years. This is not sustainable and it is a folly - a two tier system will ultimately mean the TV rights will halve in value.
  18. I was gutted when he left. I had number 11 on the back of my tracksuit top (and no 1 on the front - loved big gary baker)
  19. Twenty, twenty, twenty four hours a daaay, i wanna be quoted
  20. The players are desperate to get it over and done with - so much so, according to the article by Grant Baker, have eschewed the idea of going to 'the AAT and Federal Court route — where players can test whether there is sufficient evidence for a possible anti-doping rule breach to have occurred — has been ruled out.'which will 'expedite matters by a year or more.' Well lets see how sincere EFC and in particular James Hird is about this being all about the players and their best interests. As Baker points out: 'A decision by Hird or Essendon to appeal Justice Middleton’s ruling that ASADA’s joint probe with the AFL into the club was lawful would delay any hearing of the players’ cases.' #moneywherethemouthistime
  21. indeed after all they're actully doing the supportive thing in welcoming Clark on board. Such saints
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