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Everything posted by binman

  1. Mids, mids ad more mids. Thankyou. And look at those 3 mids. All strong big bodied with heads as tough as cats heads. This is what Roos is looking for.
  2. Anyone who wears a live dog shawl is alright by me (is that why he failed the psych test?)
  3. What you can see from a 2 minute clip is technique. And my man petracca has an excellent kicking technique. A good start. Compare to hogan who on set shot appears to have a technical flaw. Hard at that age to completely fix technical flaws.
  4. Yes I did. When I selected him as my avatar. Mind you I also selected dangermouse, lever and a blow up demon (thanks supermarcado).
  5. I was just thinking that in a parallel saints universe to DL the cries of angst will ring out when Petraca burns it up from the get go whilst Paddy takes a few years to hit his straps.
  6. Don't worry Demoneeyes. i'm with you. We will get Petracca and Brayshaw (i hope). If so your prediction that we would have taken Lever over PM will remain untested and i will choose to believe your assertion (and your sources) that we would have. Mids, mids and more mids please
  7. Just watched the vid and he nails very kick in it, including a bunch of goals, with one from the boundary line about 50 meters out. If he is a poor kick then the majority of MFC players are not even on the scale
  8. THE INSIDE WORDPowerful inside midfielder/forward who is strong overhead and a clearance star. Motivated and determined, he breaks tackles with his agility and strength, tackles well and his kicking is an asset.
  9. No remorse there. I like Bernie. But i will spare the rest of y'all and make no further proclamations that any player we draft will be better (or worse) than an alternative selection. I do like Lever though.....
  10. Taylor has plateaued and Salem will be a gun. Taking Salem not Taylor will be prove to be the correct decision.
  11. Yes, yes i know. I am actually trying out some reverse trolling. To Picketfence's credit he has refused to bite. That said i'm excited by the Toump and whilst Wines is a gun (not a bad level to plateau at!) i do think that he had a ready to rock AFL body and has no injuries and plays in a very strong midfield, which has to help. The Toump will come good and really it is too early to say one way or t'other which decision will prove to be correct (notwithstanding Wines went at 7 not four, so we should also be discussing Mcrae for instance)
  12. Geez you'll be torn. You won't know which trade decision to gnash and wail about. Oh BTW Wines is overrated, will plateau now and the the decision to go to with the Toump will be proven to be the correct one.
  13. I'm getting nervous DE! Starting to worry i have might have made my second avatar blunder. And i will blame you!
  14. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/troubled-wa-footballer-dayle-garlett-films-himself-driving-at-200kmh/story-fnhocxo3-1227128818878?nk=37ea15507a5d47ef840b037f8f3c8414
  15. Oh i don't know perhaps that silly, over the top PC brigade my think their act was appalling given one of them was a convicted pedophile. But seriously are you for real? You make a shocking comment seemingly aimed at minimizing and trivializing Rolf Harris's crimes and now this? Really? And just in case you seriously did not know about Zig and Zag (which i struggle to believe given the coverage) here is a reminder (a quote from this article): ' And publicly there was no-o-o trouble. They were even named joint Moomba Monarchs in 1999. That honour was withdrawn when it was revealed that Jack Perry had been convicted in 1994 of sex offences against his grand-daughter. The case had received no publicity and the comic team kept working with kids. The scandal not only meant that one of Australia’s most famous clowns was a pedophile but that his partner, McKenzie, knew it and for years continued the charade as a comic duo with his child-molesting partner.'
  16. Could not agree more webber. What amazes me is how often this fact is ignored. I know it is part of footy club culture not to blame injuries but facts are facts
  17. I reckon there is something seductive for clubs when it comes to big kpfs in the draft. This despite reiwold being the only true kpf taken at one who is a bona fide star. Also despite the fact that in modern footy you really need 2-3 true a grade muds (and 5-6 b graders) to be competive. And despite what some people say gun mids are not dine a dozen. Would be very happy with petracca and brayshaw - should i be changing my avatar again?
  18. Poor bugger. Seems to be one of the worst injuries in terms of getting back on the park. Good luck young fella.
  19. Take it from me you don't get ripped lifting a beer glass
  20. He may well have been undecided about which long term lucrative offer from a premiership contender he was going to accept before the end of the season. But i very much doubt he was undecided about whether he was going to leave or not before the end of the season. He was gawn from the moment he put talks on hold. But i guess if you think other wise you're probably right - coz you do have the ear of the players.
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