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Everything posted by binman

  1. I reckon they could have been bold and tried fitzy on cloke from the get go. Yes he is inexperienced as a backman but he is a big boy and could match cloke for reach and almost also for strength. McDonald then could have run of white, with dunn floating
  2. I 100% agree xarron with all of the above, in fact was going to post similar comments so you saved me the trouble. Well reasoned comments and more balanced than some of the DL regulars. Keep up the good work lu
  3. Yes, i guess so. Unless you started the walk on Swan street at the close of the VFL game
  4. Willis what are you talking about? Make it a maggies home game and it is 200 metre walk across a bridge and oval to their home ground. Sheesh, it's a 4-5 minute walk. the VFL game would finsih at 2:20 giving people an hour to mosey across to the g. Perfect. I'd love it.
  5. Jesus, take a chill pill OD. The VFL should have made this a Collingwood game and scheduled it for 12pm next Monday. Perfect given the dees game starts at 3:20pm. They'd get 2-3 thousand people to it, easy. Make it an annual event. I for one would have gone. Channel 7 could have also broadcast cover it. Unless of course the VFL has no interest in promoting their comp.
  6. HH (presumably with a straight face) comparing himself to Richard Dawkins. Pure comedy gold. I reckon this thread has officially jumped the shark.
  7. Which will mean the debate that has been swirling since the hawks fans booed him will continue. Which will please goodes and others who believe the related issues need to be discussed. The beautiful irony is that such debate will frustrate the hell of many of the dimwits who are booing. Another irony if booing continues is that it won't be about playing for free kicks.Well played adam
  8. A few comments on this post PD. The first is that i agree that like any community the Aboriginal community needs strong leaders, a point Micky O made in the article i linked previously. And i agree with him that Adam Goodes is showing this leadership (as is Micky O for that matter). The second is that, it is my view that we can't simply draw a line in the sand and move on, so to speak. Healing has to occur, on all sides - Aboriginal people and the rest of us. Until we heal we will never be able to mature and grow as a country. We will remain stunted. Reconciliation will never truly occur and Australia as county will be the worst for it. Healing requires a frank and honest reflection on what has happened in the past. Not wallowing but revisiting.By not doing so we will never be able to move on - and by we i mean all of us. This need to reflect and accept what has happened in the past is why the current Royal Commission into institutional sexual abuse is so important. That Royal commission is relevant to the view that people should move on from the crimes against Aboriginal people in the last 225 years - leave it in the past, its nothing to do with us etc etc. Some might argue that people know about the abuse in the Church and in other institutions, its all in the past, it wasn't the current church and institutional leaders who allowed it go on, the guilty have been charged and prosecuted, most are dead etc : so why is a new Royal Commission needed, can't the victims and their families just move on? You only need to listen to the survivors of this abuse, their testimony and their reason why it was so important to both testify and the to RC occur to understand how vital proper acknowledgment and clarity on what occurred is in terms of enabling healing. Just as importantly the process helps to ensure such crimes are less likely to occur in the future. What's that quote about being doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past if you don't learn the lessons? Rudds sorry was a step in the right direction, but only a step. None the less it was one of the most significant days in Australian history and will be remembered as such.
  9. Me thinks there will some posters who will have a a somewhat visceral reaction to that clip. Fashionable lefty and all that. For what its worth waleed is spot on
  10. I like to use the bones from a roast chicken. Edit: misread thread title
  11. Deefrag the truth will set you free. First you need to be able to handle it. Can you handle it? You are so angry and hurt. Adam has hurt you with the truth, that much is clear. He scares you doesn't he. Its OK to admit it. Do do and your journey of healing will commence. One day you will thank Adam.
  12. The truth. Pure and simple.
  13. Fair enough AK, you seem sincere. Apologies for implying you might be trolling, though to be honest i suspected you weren't. Good on you for wanting to make an effort to reach a deeper understanding of what is a very complex issue. Too complex for a footy forum. I reckon a good start to understanding this issue is getting a handle on the history of colonization, the impact on Aboriginals and the subsequent history. Geoffrey Blainey's works might be a good place to start if wanting to read about it or perhaps get hold of the documentary series that aired on SBS a while back, The First Australians (an excellent series).
  14. Please AzzKika unless you are deliberately trolling stop and think before you post. If you are trolling then you have certainly perfected the art
  15. In all seriousness it is really positive to see that there are so many posters with enlightened views about the various issues covered in this thread. Of course, as this a microcosm of our society there is a small minority who display shocking bigotry and lack of understanding however it is heartening that these are in the minority, at least here on DL. Australia has a long long way to go though. It is shameful to think that it was 1962 before all adult Aboriginals were eligible to vote in federal elections, 1965 before all states gave Aboriginals full voting rights in state elections and 1967 before Aboriginal were counted in the census - 1967. Many posters on this site were probably born before then. And some wonders why Aboriginals can't let things go.
  16. Genghis khan had a pretty intimidating war dance
  17. That's it deefrag, let your anger at adam out. Internalized it will only eat away at your soul. But be open to his healing force. Go on your journey of healing. I know it is confusing for you now but you will one day reach a level of understanding. Good luck
  18. Yep, i agree. Backed him before the weekend, annoyed i missed the $8 at the beginning of the season but he is still great value at $3.50. A big plus is RS is voted on by the All-Australian selection panel, which last year comprised Gillon McLachlan (chairman), Mark Evans, Danny Frawley, Warren Tredrea, Glen Jakovich, Cameron Ling, Luke Darcy, Matthew Richardson, Kevin Bartlett and Kevin Sheehan (Rising Star selector only). Mostly ex players who i reckon will love Jessie's competitiveness. An his consistency means he will be in people's mind all season
  19. Insert joke about cream of the crop or a player who danced to the beat of his own drum
  20. He seems to be helping you. By the evidence of your posts (those gifs are wonderfully revealing) on this thread he has clearly struck a very raw nerve for you. He has upset you. He has hurt you. This is the first step for you. By exploring why he has had such a deep impact on you, you are well placed to deal with your issues in a constructive healthy way and move to a better place. You will come to thank Adam for his help. Perhaps you have already. Confront your fears Deefrag and heal. Good luck on your journey.
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