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Everything posted by binman

  1. Love that Jesse looks like a stoner http://i.embed.ly/1/display/resize?key=1e6a1a1efdb011df84894040444cdc60&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstorify-upload-images.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fe80595a59ce18ca03448209a594935cd.jpg&width=810
  2. The mark i really liked was the one he took on the city side wing from a kick from Dunn ( at 22 second mark of this video). I was sitting on that side and said to my mate before Dunn kicked it that Hogan would demand the ball and take the mark. Dunn was a little slow to get it to him but kicked it out in front and with no one in the hole Jesse was never not going to mark it. Great use of the body and super clean hands. Been said before but he is just a natural footballer and the most talented player we've had at the club since Schwarz markI (ie prior to his first knee injury).
  3. If he can play above his capability for the next decade he'll have a good career and I'll be happy
  4. One thing that seemed not to have received much comment is that bar our win over lions (which we won by 15?) our wins have all been pretty comfortable. Which given we beat some OK teams must be a positive
  5. I've loved your support of viv this year Samael. And viv has repaid your faith. A strong end to the year, looks more at home at senior level, makes good decisions and whilst no suckling is an excellent kick who can do the basics of putting to a teammates advantage
  6. Mick owed us something after giving us neeld
  7. Can't provide link but afl.com reporting suns have announced they're going to trade him
  8. Lets say you're right and that the bouncer ws baiting him. The funny thing is that you don't get why him reacting to being baited is a problem
  9. Spot on. Made all the more frustrating by the free man ban got when he dived forward after minimal contact.
  10. That's not true, at least not in the Harvard referencing system. Single quotation marks indicate a quote and double quotation marks are used inside a quote when that quote contains a quote.. and you can quote me. Just sayin...
  11. My god there are some stupid posts in this thread
  12. Spot on AF. They looked flat and we should have won by more. Gawny was huge. Literally and figuratively
  13. Yep. I was being a bit facetious. I rate max. The problem is how poor our midfield is.
  14. He'll be even better when the player he taps it to is a team mate
  15. So to be clear you think we should let him go?
  16. Some positivity? I backed the total match points under 159. Freo will have to score 158 for me to lose
  17. Love your work rtg. You're one dees fan who isn't cloaked in a veil
  18. Totally agree. I don't get why they did. Just dug a deeper, even messier hole. Surely they could have done it in house - ie got the staff together and said don't worry crew we know all is positive here. Instead they gave the story more oxygen and worse, cheesed off a whole bunch of supporters, some of whom who had just paid good money to watch one of the worst displays in years on Sunday. As I've said i'm a big fan of both but they stuffed up this one.
  19. 100% agree. His comments were unequivocal. The whole club is the whole club. I'm a big fan of Roos and Jackson but they've both stuffed up here. Now there will have to be another back peddle from Jackson. We almost got to the end of the season without a major drama and now this. I heard a lot of KB today and he was merciless in his parody about it all being the fans fault. I went to a pre game function against the Roos and Daniel McPherson banged on about how important positive starts were and that it was something we were really focused on getting right. We then go out and don't turn up 'till the second quarter. The following two weeks we don't turn up to half time! Yes its the players responsibility to 'turn up' but jeez it's also the coaching staff's responsibility to ensure they do. KB said in the last 3 weeks we have kicked 3 first quarter goals and the opposition has kicked 21. Two goals to half time against the blues and dogs. You have to be joking. A veil of negativity? You bet.
  20. Like most fans i have endured some woeful days at the footy. But i don't recall ever being as disappointed and fed up as yesterday. At least in the late 70's and eighties we had Robbie to watch when we ere getting flogged. Yesterday was beyond pathetic. So many week efforts. Could pick any number out but Dawes and Lumumba top of my list. And although i've always been a fan Garland was also woeful yesterday. For some reason i assumed it was a home game so my day started poorly when i had to cough up $25. Adding my annoyance was that as usual - and despite there being a crowd of over 30k the bar at the top of the Ponsford (where i sit) was closed. Drives me nuts, particularly when the lame answer from staff is that it is because staffing cost too much. So i pay $25 to subsidize the bloody g. If they charge full price you should get full bloody amenity. And of course a biggish crowd means the one bar open in the stand has massive lines. Agree 100% with George on the Outer game review. One of the reasons i went and gave up family time was the statements from Roos and Rawlings that we would be fired up. Well we weren't. It was embarrassing. making it somehow worse was our predicable second half come back. We could have actually won if we had kicked straight and not missed some sitters and we if stopped just kicking to to their spare defender. To top things off Cripps killed us and perhaps sewed up the Risng Star, costing me more money. The only positives for mine was Michie, who had a go and apart from Watts is just about the only player who seems to be able to master the basic skills of kicking to a forwards advantage. Watts was also good i thought, took a nice contested mark and laid a great tackle, which he scored form. A woeful day that just about taken the wind out my sails when it come to the dees.
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