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Everything posted by binman

  1. I for one hope you're right. There is no doubt they are taking a gamble and i reckon it is one that will put them under a fair bit of pressure. Surely top 4 is a minimum pass and that certainly is going to be a challenge. In fact Danger has already said to be careful of expecting him to be the messiah. I hope their fans go way over the top with their expectations and the cats can't deliver.
  2. Finally a riddle! I've got this one. Josh has a demons jumper in his bag?
  3. Very good point. There have been any number of excellent players taken higher than 25 that recruiters have simply missed or who have been able to go to a higher level (raise the draft age!). None the less drafting remains a lottery and i'm happy the club is looking at Melksham. A point i have made before is that the other problems with draft picks for us is that we are at risk of having a poor age profile with lots of young players and few in that crucial 75-100 game zone. A good age spread is crucial, particularity given we are likely to lose Howe who is in that category (and maybe Grimes?) and getting Melksham in, and to a lesser extent Bugg and Kennedy, allows us more flexibility with our other draft picks.
  4. I like the idea of McCartney working with Lennon again.
  5. By all accounts? Please provide a link to just on account of a reputable football who has stated that view
  6. I can't see how he could play with Dawes but to be honest I would rather we had Levi. He is a brilliant mark and perhaps limited in other ways but he and hogan would be an intimidating double act that would really stretch most defenses. Does he ever ruck?
  7. I heard track actually did a somersault, turned his back and caught it with his feet and before landing kicked a left foot 60 metre barrel straight through the goals three quarter post high
  8. Gold ted. Transfixed I read it all
  9. Funny the things you read on threads you haven't visited for a while on one of the several devices you read DL on
  10. To be honest i can't see how he could improve his worth. If anything he could drop his worth if god forbid he copped a bad injury
  11. Sure. Why not. It certainly opens up your options.
  12. If, sorry when, we win a flag we should have a demonland party. Come dressed as your favourite poster
  13. Yep, good point. His kicking penetration dramatically dropped off didn't it. I had forgotten that. If he doesn't have a long leg (in god awful commentator speak) it will really impact on his effectiveness.
  14. That's an excellent point as endurance is certainly one of his strengths.
  15. Yep so do i. As does making it clear Melksham, and to a lesser degree Kennedy and Bugg, is keen to come to the dees at this early stage
  16. Spot on - and a spooky coincidence. I just copied exactly the same part of that article to make my sig block
  17. I agree with stevethemanjordan that Trenners is a natural footballer. Total natural, more so than Scully who was the classic athlete first footballer second draftee. It is for this reason that whilst of course it is optimal he gets his pace back he can cover the loss if it doesn't by becoming an inside mid who, like say a Mitchell, compensates by how well he reads the game. The problem with this for the dees is we are so so slow across the board. A fit, injury free treners back next season will be absolutely huge for us. Even more huge if he regains his pace
  18. If that's an accurate assessment by bucks I can't imagine roos would be keen
  19. However if the missing word is [censored], or in trade parlance pedergrassed, then I guess the answer is humans are fallible
  20. I presume the missing word is dream. If so I ask the same question each year. Different strokes and all that and I applaud the effort to hypothesise deals that are out of all but the club's control, but I don't get it either.
  21. Sounds reasonable enough. I like that it appears a locked in deal. Sends a good message that a player, who despite the predictable spud labels, would have options has chosen the NFC as his club
  22. Bollocks. As if the afl or wada would give such an assurance. The club would have a best guess on outcome most likely and would factor a possible suspension into the equation in a similar way they would a potential injury.
  23. Yep, a little weak trade season satire.The joke was not on you I hasten to add. You have rock solid info and have named the most reliable source possible. The joke is on all those posters that require iron clad sources during this silliest of all seasons
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