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Everything posted by binman

  1. The first game of 2022 is near the end of March. Based on the South African experience, surely the Omricon wave will have run its race by then. Assuming we don't get another variant of concerns (a big assumption i know) the 2022 season should not face too much disruption you'd hope. However, there will likely be any number of disruptions between now and then. The AFLW will almost certainly be impacted, particular given most players also have other jobs and so therefore are more at risk of getting Omricon than the men. The lists are smaller too, which will make fielding sides problematic if too many players have to sit out games. And of course the AFLW is starting with numbers super high and possibly not peaking till a fair way in the AFLW season. For the AFL, teams are almost certain to face a range of disruption, for example an impact on the training program because of positive cases in the playing and/or coaching teams. Apart from disruption such as having to isolate groups of players and/or coaches, even with Omricon being less severe, as Kate Roffey pointed out at the Bluey elite athletes do not want to get a respiratory illness. Nor do they want any interruption to their preseason, such is the carefully calibrated program they have to complete. (On the severity of Omricon, there is an interesting narrative developing. All the talk is about Omricon but Delta still makes up a high percentage of cases and as i understand it also a high percentage of hospitalisations. It is still very important to take measures to reduce transmission, one to try and stem the Omicron tide and get to the end of this wave as quickly as possible and two to prevent the spread of the more virulent and dangerous Delta variant.) The AFL teams that manage this situation the best will have a definite advantage come the 2022 season. Any team that can get through preseason with minimal interruption to their training program will have an edge over teams that have interruptions. Good management and luck will play a part, but i reckon a key determining factor will be having a team of young men who are motivated and disciplined enough to keep their eyes on the prize, minimise risks, avoid unnecessary risks and possibly eschew activities they would normally participate in over the preseason (eg nightclubbing, going away with mates, having a drink at the pub, going to parties etc). I reckon the dees have such a group of players.
  2. Without a doubt one of, if not the, greatest goals by a Demon. Ever. One thing I really loved about that goal was the set up. Jackson, famously taking centre bounces at a critical stage in the game, follows up and has time gather and look for an option - and sees Clarry running through the corridor. Jackson weights a perfect handball into space so Clarry doesn't have to break stride. Clarry never looked like missing - incredible given his struggles with accuracy all season. Everything worked with that goal. One of our young stars rucks and wins a follow-up possession, our clearance set up worked (inside mid, winning the contest and getting it out the front) and we get it to an A grade mid, who is running at speed in a dangerous position. And Clarry puts the Grand Final to bed. Awesome team goal.
  3. Overnight sensation. Assuming of course overnight is defined as 30 odd years of being one of the best operators around. But sure let's wait to judge.
  4. Ta. I read it as: Best Friends Forever only bite at Home and Away and are not FINAL as far as Count Dracula on Friday night is concerned
  5. 100% agree with all comments. Absolutely already playing as a mid, albeit low minutes. But that is because he covers the inside mid role viney plays when Jack is resting. Key player in future seasons.
  6. Can't complain. Don't play any team twice who finished above us. And I reckon only playing the swans once is a good outcome.
  7. I have been all over the world, but have never been to the Alice (or NT for that matter). I was going to go last year, and all things being equal plan to go to the game next season. And combine it with a holiday up there. Agree on making it a blockbuster. It sort of was the year 7 and the AFL put money into it, but it has tailed off since. But now that we are premiers, we have some serious drawing power and cred. I reckon they should make it an annual game against the eagles. Two big clubs from opposite sides of the country. Both teams are likely to be in final contention for the next few years (the eagles more from a perspective of the advantage they get playing home it must be said), so the game will always have a lot riding on it. And both clubs have worked hard to build connections with aboriginal communities. Given we own their home ground, happy for us to play our home game against the Eagles at the Alice.
  8. If it was me i would have gone with the old WE have 15 flags between US
  9. Now the bolded bit is something i can relate to. After many years of hard partying in my younger days, i learnt to pace myself much better. First rule of partying - put the base down or ya gonna go face down (translation: have a solid feed before your first drink, or face the consequences) Second rule - don't go too hard too early Third rule (only applicable if the first two rules have been followed) - don't stop until the sun rises (and even then it is negotiable) As for being better for it, well that is disputable.
  10. Not sure if it has been mentioned in this thread (or any other for that matter) - but Lyon, when calling up Jack Viney said he cracked three of McRae's' ribs at the opening bounce. First i'd heard anything like that at all. Three questions: Did i hear that right? If yes, was he joking? If yes, why has it come out previously?
  11. I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control - and I think I like it!
  12. I sincerely hope so. Or else, whilst the club's aim of tommorow being a day fans will remember forever, it will be for entirely different reasons than they think.
  13. Yep, fair point. The opposition goals are going to come from somewhere and we are brilliant at getting it to ground down back. And i think Rivers improved his defensive work and Bowey added another element that helped tighten up our defence against smalls and mediums
  14. I actually think our least best area was our ability to shut down small and medium opposition forwards. So our defence!
  15. Weakest is a relative term. Our forward line is ridiculously underrated IMO. How many other forward lines have two players with a realistic chance of winning the Coleman medal next year? The Cats maybe? Not the dogs with Bruce out for almost all of next season. The Lions? Not with Hipwood out. If Fritter and Brown stay fit both are odds on to kick 45 plus goals plus next year. So both are well in contention for the Coleman. Fritter kicked 59 goals from 24 matches last season, finishing only behind Hawkins (62 from 25 games) for total goals for the season. Brown kicked 25 from 13 games. Kozzie kicked 40 from 25 games. And T Mac had 33 and Trac 29. Assuming Brown retains his current fitness levels, he'll improve next season. Kozzie has scope for improvement, as does Jackson (who kicked 16, as did Maxy). And on top of all of that we have Weed who will be busting a gut to get into the team. Hopefully the same is true of Melksham - and Spargo and Nibbler will continue to tick along. Only three teams kicked more points than us in the home and ways season (two barely any more) and from memory we were number one in the AFL for contested marks inside 50, total marks inside 50 and percentage of scores per inside 50 entry. If the forward line is our weakest link, then we are doing ok
  16. It's part of the club's 1970's activation. When you get to g you put your keys in a bowl. And grab some fondue too
  17. I want to see the director's cut of this post - ie before the producer forced an edit over creative and commercial differences!
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