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Everything posted by binman

  1. Isn't moonshine forged with fire?
  2. Exactly. I don't have a digital wallet. To show my vax status i always scan the QR code to bring up my services app and vax certificate. Or for my regular haunts that i have saved, just pull up the app. Love the fact that this year i'l be adding the g as a favorite
  3. Yep. The same rules as for pubs and restaurants - the logic being that in those environment people are sharing a space for extended periods so the risk of transmission is high. So, the fewer unvaccinated people in such environments the better - for them (coz they won't get covid and get super sick) and more importantly vaccinated patrons (coz unvaccinated people are more likely to have covid).
  4. Sorry DS, but i think you've got this muddled up. The team we selected for the tiger's practice match last year was the same as lined up in round one of the 2021 season against Freo. It was our starting 22 and our best team at that point of the year. That game was the full dress rehearsal for the start of the season. We didn't muck around with a big bench, using only four for much of the game and played at near match intensity, with all our key systems and tactics reflecting how we played though the season. And we played all our guns Then against the Dogs we took a completely different approach. We used heaps of players that were not in our round one game and rested some key players. We also kept out tactical power dry (not bothering to try and stop the dog's mids, being less defensive). And we used the six man bench, which is decidedly non match sim. Interestingly the dog's fielded close to their bets side and, unlike us, approached the match like full match sim. Given how much emphasis Goody has placed on repetition and predictability, i think they will take the same approach this year. Why wouldn't they - after all that preparation was a step towards a premiership The Roos game was our dress rehearsal and i think the starting 22 will be close to our round one team. And in the Blues game, just like the dogs game last year, we will select a whole bunch of players who will not see round one action, with some second year players getting a run, maybe one or two first year players and a number of our fringe players. In any case we don't have long to wait to see if i am right or wrong.
  5. Agree on all of the above. The other thing i'd add is we are a systems based team. And with a flag under our belt we have proof positive that the system works, so we have complete team buy in thta system (not that we didn't have it last season). But also another year to cement that system, so it becomes completely automatic. Every player coming into the team understand the system and know what role thay have to play in it. I think that was a huge factor in the Tiger's run of success. Also, other teams face a big problem against us, a problem that was evident last year - to what extent do they modify their own system when playing us to try and beat us? That's a problem because system based football has proven to the most effective model in the last say decade (longer probably). Sure every team will employ tactical tweaks to blunt opponents strengths and exploit weakness, including us. But if teams move too far away from their own system in their attempt to beat us, it is doomed to fail. So i think the 'other teams will work us out' narrative is a furphy. The only path to wining a premiership, and finding a way past the dees, is to develop a rock solid system that works - whatever that may be. And as dees fans know all too well developing and cementing an effective system takes years. Which is why why i see the Bombers and Freo dong well this season. Both have been developing an effective system in the last 2-3 years, one modeled on the dees defensive structure. I think both will be really hard to score against this season and are on the right path to be top 4 teams in say 2023 or 2024.
  6. That's not the case at all. We ran with our best 22 in the practice match against the Tigers, just as we did against the Roos (except injured players of course) and then experimented in the dogs community series game. In the game against the dogs the following non best 22 players lined up (albeit with a 8 man interchange): (Note: best 22 is a bit of a nebulous concept applied retrospectively to a preseason game, because some of these players ended up in the starting 22 , but were not considered as such at the end of the previous season, or even coming into the game) Oskar Baker Toby Bedford, Bailey Laurie Jake Bowey (obviously made the senior team, but not till the end of the season) Aaron vandenBerg Tom Sparrow (made the senior team, but not 'till about mid season and then as medi sub for much of the rest of the season) James Jordon (trained super well over the preseason, but given he had yet to play senior game, he was no lock to get selected round one and beyond - at least from a fan's perspective - ended the year outside of the starting 22) Kade Chandler Jay Lockhart Harrison Petty (was not best 22 at the start of the year - obviously was after tomos injury) In addition to that list the following players were borderline best 22, as reflected by the fact that they by mid season they had lost their spot in the senior team: Neville Jetta Nathan Jones So, 26 players selected in total. And nearly half of them not best 22, or in the case of 2 or 3 borderline at best. I suspect our selection policy will be much the same for the blues game on Thursday and in all likelihood we will see some second year players like Rosman and Laurie get a run, maybe one or two of of our first year players and a number of our fringe players like Smith, Melksham, Chandler, Bedford and Weid.
  7. Don't know why. It's not like Cameron would lay a tackle on Joel.
  8. An interesting thing at the practice game happened right in front of me (I was standing on the fence). Rivers picked up a half volley right near the boundary line on the wing and almost immediately got tackled. Smith was providing cover and free behind the contest. Rivers took the ball over the line which seemed a reasonable option to me. But Smith gave him a bake for not releasing the ball to him, something they are brilliant at as a rule (quick handball/throw under intense pressure). I thought Smith was a bit tough on Rivers TBH, but it showed he is no shrinking violet .
  9. Fair points about Daniher dazzler. But he is a bit like Cameron. If he he is not kicking goals he adds nothing else. His issue is not talent. It's fitness - and always has been. Both games against e was totally gassed in the last third of each quarter and pretty much all of the last. I reckon Smith could stand him and do a good job, not least because he would exploit Daniher's lack of speed and woeful fitness by running off him. And he is more than depth. He was picked ahead of hibberd in that lions game and would have kept his spot if not for injury. It's clear that goody sees him as best 22.
  10. Yep. Funnily enough I happened to watch that game last night as part of my 2021 season redux (two to go!) Sure cameron was too clever for Smith on a several occasions - though twice Smith beat Cameron in a pure one on one racing back towards goal, the second of which was critical as the lions were really pushing at that point. Cameron is brilliant one on one But an important point is related to why they chose to leave Smith on Cameron. Spoiler alert - it wasn't because he couldn't pick another forward up. Sure Cameron kicked 5 goals. Great. But no goal assists, only 2 involvements other than his goals (by way of contrast viney had no goals and 7 score involvements) and crucially bugger all pressure inside 50 . 13 disposals, but 12 were kicks, so not bringing teamstes into the game. But the key thing is the lions only scored 4 other goals. Cameron was basically their only avenue to goal and they went through him too often and look to isolate him on one one too often. Added to that is they looked to create space behind him to help him score. That is a rubbish way to play against us because we allow so few opportunities for teams to get behind us. Bottom line is even with Cameron kicking 5 they weren't scoring enough, and goody was happy with that.
  11. I was basing that comment on how rubbish daniher is. Twice we played them and he had zero impact in either
  12. I do. But each to their own I went, and watched the replay for good measure, and thought he was super impressive. In my opinion comfortably ahead of Tomlinson at this point. Easy to forget he played in a semi final and would have almost certainly played in a prelim and grand final if not for his hammy nick
  13. Total bollocks. In fact Smith's flexibility is one reason 'they love' Smith. He could have taken any of their forwards - tall, medium or small. Hell, he would have thrashed Daniher. As an example of his flexibility, he didn't take a small or medium against the Roos in the practice match. he played as key defender and thrashed Zuhar, who was playing as a key forward.
  14. Agree on all of the above. But leaving aside whether Smith or Tom comes in for Petty, i reckon Petty will come straight back into the side when fit and available (perhaps after one or tow games at Casey). Who knows how that might factor into the decision about who comes in round one for Petty. But the advantage Smith has over Tommo is that he can also play Hibberd's and River's role.
  15. You're right, I'm sure tomo can play a more aggressive, intercept role. But in my opinion he is in the same position as last preseason where he is in a battle for the third key defender slot. Last season the battle was with Petty, and he won it. This season the battle is with Smith. And he may well win it again. But if it was a boxing match, based on yesterday Smith is ahead on points. Next weeks game against the blues may well decide the bout.
  16. Agree with the first two paras. On the last, I think the answer is yes. Or at least as much licence to zone off and intercept as petty has. Which is a fair bit.
  17. Why is it Tomo's spot to lose? He is not the incumbent. And as I have noted before Petty played a different role than Tomlinson. More aggressive. Less man on man. More zoning off and more intercepts It was noticeable at tbe ground tomo has slimmed down and I think that is so he can better play the role the way petty played. I very much doubt Goody will allow sentiment to cloud his selection decisions. And nor should he They both trialled for the Petty position yesterday. Smith played better. Moe athletic more intercepts, more run and more spoils. And with his leap, he has a weapon that tomo doesn't have, or any other defender for that matter. And it is worth remembering Smith would be a premiership player if not for an ill timed hammy injury, albeit at half back not key defender. So there is no doubt Goody rates him.
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