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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. You must have built up a lot of acres in that time?
  2. AFL app frozen again. Anyone else got the same problem ( / benefit)?
  3. FRITZ!! THAT'S what he shows us sometimes at Casey!
  4. I bought a dozen last night in anticipation. The remaining ones are looking up at me with fear in their little eyes......
  5. What happened to the anaesthetic after effects? Push that nurses button again Jaded! Tell them you feel that you're in a world of pain - you won't be stretching the truth.
  6. 24km east of the G puts me a few suburbs away from B'wood. And a generation of difference that is.
  7. Thats why I said I was cooking chicken. Haven't you seen that 007 movie where Bond says "I knew you were a spy when you ordered chianti with fish"? Got to get the selections right with the food, but red is the colour of choice. Borewood is full of semillon sauvignon blanc latte sipping soft kocks.
  8. Making me hungry! My tally is 3 stubbies, couple of glasses of white so far while cooking dinner (chicken) before I switch to the reds a little later.
  9. Hesitate to answer. Saw some posts about blue rinse set and george pell. In that case I live a million miles away. Though I have passed through there on my way to the G.
  10. Yep - Fitzy / Fritz has done OK at Casey, especially when he has been the sole ruckman. But to me he is between 2 worlds. He can hold his own in the ruck and up forward at Casey. He can be the main big man for the whole Casey team. He can be the standard bearer when things get tough. He shows pace, dedication, persistence, resilience and can see the whole game out. He deserves to be tried at the next level. But put him up into AFL land? Overwhelmed, underperforms, gets starved of opportunities, has 1-2 cameo performances in a game, and really shows nothing like the dominance he can display at Casey. It's disappointing, but I've seen it enough to believe he doesn't have a future in the big league. Yet with only 2 rounds to go, it's not enough of a trial period for Roos et al to give him to show what he can do.
  11. Thanks. That challenges some of my previous perceptions of the many wonderful characters on DL, but I'll take your word for it. Imagine that - a talking cow!
  12. Have hardly ever visited this thread, and the last couple of pages give me no idea where it has come from, where it's going, and it's prime purpose in life. But I like the absence of angst and all the other stuff on the other threads. It's not a troll question, but can anyone give me a thumbnail sketch of the story up to now for this thread? At nearly 500 pages I have no hope of catching up by myself.
  13. I thought it meant we were putting Spartacus up for sale - at least I think that's who Kirk Douoas played. Am I missing something (again)?
  14. bjDee

    Round 22

    36 scoring shots to a measly 12! Malthouse either is tanking or he has Roos as his back line coach and Lyon as his forward line coach.
  15. How much is a prime potato paddock worth? Enough to tempt a spud farmer?
  16. bjDee

    Round 22

    Are you there Caro? Time to show how even handed you are in dealing out the crap that gets smeared on clubs in order to sell papers. There are a lot more Blues fans than Demon fans. Should be good for the circulation figures.
  17. bjDee


    The issue I have with silence is that it ignores the fact there is a winning team with winning fans cheering, a PA system blaring the winning team's song, scoreboards trumpeting the winning team's win, winning players running around the ground and high-fiveing their supporters, the winning team's supporters and cheer squad applauding and cheering them, radio commentary chattering through the winning team's stats...... You get the picture. Silence is filled and drowned out. There is no silence. A silent, cold stare is not effective when the targets avert their eyes as they walk down the race. The only thing that actively breaks through to the LOSING team is something as audible, sustained, identifiable, amplified, consistent and disapproving as a boo.* *I was at the game. I was there until the end and well after. I was near the GWS cheer squad and copped their antics all day. I wasn't anywhere near the Dees players as they walked off. I don't think I have ever booed a team I support. If I was near the players race, I don't know if I would have booed. But I support the rights of those who booed and expressed their displeasure in ways I was not capable of at the time. I just trudged out, shattered, in silence.
  18. Might revisit late Saturday night after several beers / wines / bundys.
  19. Can't bring myself to cast a vote.
  20. Quite right Macca. And you went on to support keeping Watts for 1-2 years more. My contention is that Watts has played every game this year when others have come and gone, some multiple times (M Jones, Gawn, JKH etc.). Why hasn't Watts been treated the same way? I want the FD to stop treating him like a protected species, and he might just start playing like its survival of the fittest. As at now, he's not showing me that he can step up and earn his spot on merit alone rather than on some fantasised potential. Lets all just forget what pick number he was!
  21. As long as we keep him and select him each week like we have been doing, we are saying to all the players that its ok to go half arsed at any contest, one on one, tackle or any chase. Not good enough - the decision to keep playing him could also be contributing to the pi55 weak culture. Not only Jack's fault. The FD needs to HTFU. Trade.
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