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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. Well, Earl, I'm sure the bike could make it there, but it's rider is not yet capable. I've looked at it via the goggles on the goggle map but have been hamstrung by a couple of hamstring injuries brought on by that wretched game of hockey that I insist on playing. I promise you I will one day make it to Timor on the bike, but should I be looking for Wild Timor or Timor Leste? And if I go off course and hit West Papua, is it just a turn to the left to get me to Timor?
  2. I have a theory that red wine can solve the climate change debate. I always find that by late in the first bottle or early into the second, any concerns about cold, or any other variation on climate seem to magically disappear.
  3. Huge delays by car due to roadworks around the ground.
  4. Nice try, but no, that's just the way it's pronounced these days...The last Seth Effrikan I saw was in Syd-eny.
  5. Well....yes! Without Burwood to push us north, Bok Hill would slip south and further away from the ski fields!
  6. Not sure d-l. Posted from iPhone where the DL smileys aren't available, so I used an Apple emoji - nasty purple little devil head (reminds me of a certain journo now I think of it). Now I'm back on a laptop I see it translates to something quite different. Don't tell R&BB though - he'll be all over the chance to use another type of smiley.
  7. Thanks Sammy. And thanks to all for the posts and radio relays. And AngryAtCasy - surely you are now DomesticatedAtCasey. Next time we'll bring along a nice rug, hot water bottle and flask of hot chocolate so you can come to the game. ? Cheers all. Nice to have a bit of a winning feeling after being gutted on Saturday.
  8. I live for the day that we achieve complete and utter vengeance for that head on hit of Long on Simpson.
  9. Go Scorps. Will be missing the game due to travel to Sydney for work. Appreciate any updates you can give from the sidelines - as much as you can handle.
  10. IIRC it's called the Peter Principle: Everyone rises to his or her own level of incompetence..... So Earl, based on your confession, you are due to drop down to one level lower that an earl, unless you can keep your head down low enough to avoid the gaze of madam Windsor at Buck Palace. As for BBO, well if 'those who can't do, teach'; and those who have no qualifications to teach have yet to determine whether they should be in the game, then, well.....
  11. Nothing ugly about Jazza's cows, especially when the rib eyes are done in a teriyaki marinade and seared to a nice medium-well on a hot BBQ, served with chips.
  12. It's a whole lot of people gathered in the same place. And don't call me Shirley.
  13. So the Tigers are playing frogs in their team now??
  14. And I agree with Samael. The Grouseburger (egg and bacon roll) should have been in the best list this week. I think they recognised we were cold supporters so they piled on extra bacon.
  15. Nice work AAC. I was thinking very similar - I thought Michie started off on fire but slipped out of the game, and at the same time Newton stepped up to take over his lead. Harmes had a pretty good first quarter but just kept improving all game. Thought he was stiff to not be paid the spring-heeled speccy in the last. And Fitzy beat anyone near him down back all day. Hunt only came into view with his first goal at half time, but then seemed to keep popping up in the range somewhere between a kick ahead of the pack and the goal square. His first goal was a pressure one after the half time siren and he did it very well. Jamar had many strong marks against the bigger Simpson all around the ground. Many players can be happy with the games today.
  16. Been off line - phone went flat. Hunt was playing forward of centre. He came into his own in the third and more so last qtr. two really good marks outside top of goal square for 2 set shots. Second one the final siren went just before the ball drop and he shanked it but the marks were very impressive contested ones for a young guy who hasn't beefed up much yet.
  17. Hunt took overlap handball and ran into open goal for his second.
  18. 2 good marks to King. 2 set shots. Both on an angle in either pocket. 2 behinds. Not easy kicking from the pockets in these conditions.
  19. See saw third qtr. Misty rain stopped for last 10 mins.
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