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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. The Biz remained busy that qtr and we are seeing more involvement from Newton increasingly in the last 2 qtrs. Toump went into the rooms wincing and looking slightly unsteady after head knock at the start of the qtr. Wet, windy and friggin cold here at start of the last.
  2. So who is 74 for Scorps playing full back? Thought that was O Mac but not sure now.
  3. Mckenzies kicking seems to have radically improved. Long pass to Salem perfectly weighted and directed.
  4. At last. 1 back. See the kicker DDave?
  5. Turnover by Hunt on the wing / forward flank and they got their goal from that.
  6. Another goal to pies on the run for 8 now.
  7. Pies get set shot from 45m in the pocket. 7.4.46 to 4.4.28.
  8. 2 goals to Pies against the wind. Shorter chipping - they have learned to play these conditions and have the upper hand.
  9. Just saw Jayden Hunt walk off at half time. Forgot he was playing - haven't noticed him at all. But then I'm not the best observer. Terlich had another good quarter with quick disposals under pressure. Jamar was ok. Other than JKH comment above I didn't really see much else to report. Retreated to the Sherrin stand up our goals end for more wind protection while I was battling with a half warm VB (and on a day like today!) and half cool pie. Don't think these guys went to catering school.
  10. JKH has been more lively this qtr. Seems to have woken up.
  11. Poor decision then by Salem. Otherwise in the little I have seen of him, he looks switched on and going hard.
  12. Good quarter by Terlich, Fitzy, Jamar. Also to some degree by The Biz, McKenzie, The Toump. Toump showing some stand out pace in a couple of bursts. Riley had both good and bad patches. Spence had a shocker for mine.
  13. Mitch white shows them how to kick. Perfect.
  14. Wind is a shocker but it's with us and we're not using it well.
  15. Roosey is here in the stand with family. Parking right outside the ground was surprisingly good.
  16. I believe Homo Flacidus was being driven out, tail between its legs, of its own habitat by Homo Repossessivus, when Homo Flacidus came across a field of Papaver Viagralis. After partaking in a little of the blue-coloured weed, Homo Flacidus suddenly transformed into Homo Erectus. And the rest, as they say, is history.....
  17. What's the parking options around Vic Park? Anyone know?
  18. You do understand you've already featured in a Rod Stewart massive hit? Red(Hot)legs
  19. Down came Redleg for a banana split at the billabong, Up jumped ENYAW, 3, 2, 1 .......
  20. Does that mean they are covering only the 2nd half? OP says 12 noon start.
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