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Posts posted by Demon17

  1. 11 hours ago, dees-picable said:

    Bennell in for Pickett who was terrible tonight

    Fritsch in for AVB

    Harmes in as a forward for Hannan

    Oscar out for Lockhart possibly or Jetta  

    May to Canberra as Minister for Defence !

    Nailed it. On all counts.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Jaded said:

    Clearly touched after the line. Umpire in perfect position.  

    As you say - " perfect position"

    as opposed to Kane - sitting on the couch 2000km away with only 2 useless camera angles, neither of which was remotely useful.

    I don't mind Cornes but this time he's a spud. " Gee, how can I get people talking about me today and remain relevant to my new-found media career?"


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  3. 2 minutes ago, monoccular said:

    Some moron commentator ( don’t know his name, don’t care) on ABC radio is talking about the heat and the humidity - currently 17C and 15% humidity.

    Must have his head somewhere warm and dark. 

    Just ignorance . Night time in the alice is great footy playing weather this time of year.  It will help us acclimatise for the warmer weather at finals time too.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:


    I don't believe the late to training thing.  I think it's more than just that perhaps attitude plus the above.

    Fritsch's performances this year have been a tease and whilst he's shown potential, he hasn't really delivered what he is capable of.  He is too good a player to keep kicking these ridiculously inaccurate scores.  With the opportunities he has had, he should have kick a few bags of 4 or 5 goals by now.  Perhaps a good kick up the backside is what he actually needed.

    I like the Fritta and hopefully he comes back into the side better and launches himself and the side to new levels (not sure he could actually physically come back 'bigger and better' ). 

    I reckon you might have something here.

    He is too talented to be out long .

  5. 15 minutes ago, Pates said:

    Pies could well drop out with their injury list, they’re our chance. Dogs are better than what people have them credit for and are setting themselves up nicely for a tilt. 

    Agreed. The pies could well win only 1 more game v the suns. Dogs deserve a finals spot and if we beat saints i think we make it at pies expense. Lose to daints and over deservedly. Win tomorrow anf back on track.

    Having said that looking possible now cats might pull this one out of the fire through brilliant system play.

  6. 4 minutes ago, bing181 said:

    Hard to argue with the outs. Lockhart perhaps, but he's been OK, nothing more. Could be more to it, who knows, no-one here does in any case. Perhaps the FD feel that Rivers brings more.

    Fritsch will be missed.

    Not if he was going to kick 2. 4 or similiar.

    The Eagles analysis shows they won 8 or 9 straight by being the most accurate team, kicking low numbers of points, and goals from everywhere.

    But last night hey lost that accuracy kicking 9.7 - and lost.

    Fristche's innaccuracy lately is too risky on this must win game and he needed the message. I support this particular change

    • Like 2
  7. 5 minutes ago, Jaded said:

    Don’t think the number of changes is the problem and nobody seems to be upset about TMac or Harmes being dropped. They have been [censored] all year. 
    I am just confused by some of the changes against a fast team, after we got burnt by a fast team 6 days ago. That’s all. 



  8. On 8/26/2020 at 11:09 PM, The heart beats true said:

    Just a thought...

    We’ve all seen the lack of connection between our midfield and forwards the last 2 years. Any chance Jesse had a reason to be upset, and actually helped cover over that glaring issue during his time at the club?

    I’d love him back. We need natural competitors with skills.

    yes, and plus he had a huge engine as a runner.

  9. 1 hour ago, TRIGON said:

    Where has this been reported? Not attacking you, just curious.

    I would take Hogan back in a heartbeat, trusting the club to nuture him. He was the closest to an A grader we had pre-max and Clayton's arrival  and can be again.

    Hogan/Weideman/Jackson - scary IMO

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  10. 6 hours ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

    You missed my point, it wasn’t that he didn’t get suspended by the tribunal for that incident. 

    Got it and well made.

    Was it a convoluted method by Christian to avoid the suspension but appear to be 'doing something', which was likely to be challenged by the tiges and redacted following a successful appeal due to to type of action. Maybe?

    • Shocked 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Demons11 said:

    How do you know he didn’t do anything? He very clearly said that he put somethings in place but the team defended as poorly as they have all season.  It’s on the players!

    Fair point but when the Bont kicked his first goal after 1/2 time he was fed a handball out away from the pack and was in the open by miles. No tagger or Goody was let down by the appointed role player. I know which I believe. I guess this week we'll see if the players are right to go on instructions

  12. 9 hours ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

    Lynch cleared by the tribunal for his throat punch on Hurley. Another fine by the MRP would have seen him suspended under the three fines and you’re suspended policy. Was he sent directly to the tribunal to be cleared and avoid another fine, therefore avoiding a mandatory suspension? 

    It was an open hand. Move on.

    Lynch is now a proven recidivist so will get his come uppance eventually. 

    And Dimma is wrecking the Tiges brand of inclusion and enlightenment carefully nutured by Gale, , Paggy O'neil and the Board by his reversion to type when under pressure.

  13. 12 hours ago, Demons11 said:

    They were up at half time and fluffed it in the 3rd, nothing to do with not being ready.  So let me guess against Collingwood he did something completely different?

    I assume being 'up at 1/2 time' means on the scoreboard only and luckily as another poster said here entirely due to Steven May saving the day.

    TheDees  midfield was being creamed in the first half and it was a matter of time unless Goody dealt with the Dogs run and the Bont.

    He didn't and it was over 5 minutes into the 3rd quarter

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, buck_nekkid said:

    When I see things like ‘bring in Smith’ or ‘move May to the forward line’ it confirms that we are feeling desperate and have lost faith.  You would think the club has plans and an understanding of players capabilities and development needs (holding Weids back until he sorted his presentation and marking), but after what we see, we have no trust.  So instead, supporters are left to make up ‘Hail Mary’s’ of ideas in the hope that something will fix this crapola we are delivering.

    i am not a fan of these- maybe a little in game to change things up is ok.  I would rather see the players decide how much it means to them and actually follow the system.  Set up, run hard both ways, be ferocious.  Not the ‘let’s outrun them’ that they tried on the weekend, and will give us a 50 point loss against the improved saints.

    if you are not going to bleed for the jumper, then out you go.


    I agree with the above but think back to the GWS/Dogs final last year where Cameron unveiled the strategy to deal with Bontimpelli.

    Ignore history at your peril - as Goodwin did last Saturday. This is the big weakness in game day work. Its not shuffling players around, its the coaches box actually earning their pay.

    The Bont is far superior to any of our midfield and a main key to the Dogs. Have a plan to deal with him for God's sake.

    A 243 page and counting thread on Goodwin 'being the right guy'  says it all IMO - and Bont gets 9 coaches votes as a result.

    And I consider Ratten a far superior coach to Cameron - scary for this week.

  15. 5 hours ago, Gouga said:

    Agree, but will never happen. At the end of the day Eddie and Sam are just a couple racist morons.

    On a slightly related matter, the article describeded Muir's disgraceful treatment at Vic park by the crowd and cheer squad in particular.

    A friend of mine is a former multiple VFL/AFL Grand Final Umpire and he tells me the story that when umpires were asked where they were appointed each round, if it was to a Collingwood game at Victoria park - they would usuallly just say to each other inside the umpiring fratenity,  in short hand, that they were umpiring at the Zoo this Saturday.

    It wasn't meant to be funny. More of trepidation.

    My friend was routinely abused and spat upon each time after a game there when walking back to the rooms and up the umpires race.


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  16. 16 hours ago, chook fowler said:

    Ratten will wipe the floor with Goodwin 

    This is what worries me most. Ratten this week. Then finishing off against Cameron Longmuir Longmire .

    The bombers dont matter as it may be over by then.

    Real test of the coaching box coming up.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 5 hours ago, Cheesy D. Pun said:

    Tough game. This will give us a fair indication of where we're at.

    Don't underestimate English - he's probably travelling better than Grundy.

    Go Dees!

    Good call - Champion Data has Grundy 8th best ruckman at present.

    As you say Engish can play. I hope Goody gets Preuss right mentally in that it doesn't happen automatically.

    This could be a career defining game for Braydon value-wise.

    I hope he succeeds - he was fabulous last week and arguably had the most media coverage because of it - exluding Lynch that is.

  18. 10 hours ago, Wiseblood said:

    I agree, but does he want it enough?

    If Freo jumped off him after two years then you would have to question what is going on with him, especially considering that they gave up Pick 6 to get him.  He should be in the prime of his career right now and he can't get a game.  That has to be a concern.

    Especially that he went home and should have been far more comfortable over there personally.  I hope he can get himself right. He was our only shining star there for quite a while. Wev'e moved on.

    4 goals on Rance in 1 quarter against the tiges was magic.

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