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Posts posted by Demon17

  1. On 11/7/2020 at 11:07 AM, Diamond_Jim said:

    Decent question. Football is a business and Geelong gets a very good return on that stadium.

    Sure there's community benefit but that pales by comparison to the business returns to Geelong.

    Not necessarily.

    Its an elitist stadium and most locals couldn't afford the members reserved seat prices even if they wanted to attend a match. Very little GA seating in comparison to the rest of the ground.

    Community facilites in name only - try booking them. Tehy even objectd to Western melb Soccer using the ground when free last year.

    Further, the amount of Capex into this ground is sucked away from other deserving and more global infrastructure, such as the arts precinct, galleries etc. The new Library was only just finished a few years ago after decades of waiting - but not Kardinia Park. They got it when they neeeded it.

    And most games are never fully booked, looking at the records for 2019. So where is the demand.?

    Drop prices so more people could attend - you must be joking.

    Business benefits - locals will tell you its only the restaurants etc on a home game day after a win that benefit, but even now, most games are at night anyway.

    Don't get me started on this rort.

    • Like 1
  2. On 11/3/2020 at 6:22 PM, Rogue said:

    I can't see why people are ruling out Stafford as forwards coach just because he wasn't a forward. Coaching is about teaching, not about whether you are or were great at a particular thing yourself - and it's not like he has no elite footy background, if that's important to you; 204 games and 141 goals.

    Given he's been at the Club in ruck and goal-kicking roles for quite a while, we should have a very good idea of what he's like as a coach.

    Exactly.  And bear in mind Stafford did play as a forward for a few early years and his accuracy record histrorically in those years was up with Dunstall and the very best.

    He knows how to kick, but can he instruct smaller players who likely have varying actions?


  3. On 10/28/2020 at 4:45 PM, george_on_the_outer said:

    Yes....this is what Club culture is all about.  He will get games if he is good enough, if not we haven't shoved a leader out the door like we did with Junior.

    Bad call by both Nathan and the Club. So we are paying for the stupid decsion regarding James McDonald a decade ago.

    Best games this year were against the Crows and Pies. Both basket cases of teams at that time.

    But then if someone offered me 250K a  year to run around in the secounds I'd take it.

    But gee, life moves on and so should Nathan.

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/25/2020 at 10:12 AM, rjay said:

    As for Danger...the danger signs for him were there in the Prelim.

    That fake stony faced look after the game instead of joining in the joy of winning, of getting through to the GF.

    The all about me moment...

    It was nearly like the classic Crow's fake power stance.

    ...and he got the same result.

    He played as if it was all about him.

    There was no team in Dangerfield.

    I was confused at the time also. The tiges conversely against the power celebrated big time as teams making the gf should. It doesn't impact their performance the following week necessarily. Just demonstrates how much the penultimate success means.

    I suspect you may be right. Maybe danger over-thought the issue.  The cats would have taken any other team probably. 

    Not on Dusty's watch though.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Better days ahead said:

    They nicknamed a black man “chimp”. He has witnesses to corroborate this. Collingwood and AFL have handled this terribly and will be shown up badly. It’s another reason why I dislike the suits that run the game. They proclaim how woke and right-on they are but as soon as the rubber hits the road it’s a different story.

    There’s no doubt Lumumba is a temperamental character but he’s dead right here. I’m forward to seeing Collingwood and the AFL squirm.

    Well said.   And as an aside to your comment, Just because he's tempermental ( which he may or may not be ) doesn't deny him his human rights to call out racism.

    The Pies culture has plenty of form from the top on this issue.

    • Like 3
  6. 12 minutes ago, Demon3 said:

    Its all just absolute nonsense.. this would have to be the poster child for nonsense trade talk that snowballs into mass hysteria. Oliver is not going anywhere, does not want to leave, club would not entertain the idea of trading him. 

    Oliver was grumpy towards the end of the year and a bit frustrated, he is driven and to be fair is probably on the selfish side, BnF results, All Aus, Brownlow any accolades are important to him, some people value that, others dont. 

    Mclure started this with a flippant, inaccurate comment about him being unhappy at the club and put little context around it.. its since spread and now the most over rated germalist in Barrett is fueling the fire with a ridiculous comment in his grade 3 level article on the AFL site today.

    Saying Carlton want Oliver is like saying Melbourne want Martin.. of course they want him,  and they would have asked the question.

    Oliver will be red and blue in 2021 and i believe beyond. 

    Below is the Barrett article on AFL News today.  If this isn't click bait I don't know what is and the thread should be shut down. I have boldened the type on the words "...May...", not Barrett

    "...IF ...

    there's a player the Blues may still want to add to their list alongside the soon-to-be official acquisitions of Williams and Saad ... THEN ...

    it may be the contracted Demon Clayton Oliver..."

    It may also be Fyffe, or Treloar, or Pendlebury, or Martin, or , Dangerfield, ... or,.... or.....................

    Barret no doubt has a KPI for bonus or salary on Views per Article, and possibly, number of times he is re-quoted, like I am doing. He's a hack and this is a brillaint piece of tabloid journalism gaming the process.

    Again - close this thread and lets not hear any more about it. Hutchy would be so proud of him.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 9 hours ago, 58er said:

    I think we should get Michael Voss  in as our midfield coach If he is available. Surely he could lift our mids a level or two.

    Tracs improvement may well be the benchmark for players to aim but that is more on an individual level.

    Voss would bring a new dynamic to the group which would be a great result IMO.

    I like your thinking.  Like many youngish coaches he will be better second time around and learnt development under Lethal.

  8. On 10/13/2020 at 11:32 PM, Pates said:

    That's a great little off-season win if true, he's done a good job with what he had over one season so hopefully two seasons gives him a chance to really hone the attitudes and fitness of the playing group.

    A credit to Burgess is my take. he could have easily walked away and under all  the current circumstances few would blame him.

    That he remains, hopefully, to honour his contract is a class act. 

    • Like 2
  9. On 10/13/2020 at 6:40 PM, picket fence said:

    Clarry Choo Choo would do well to aspire to the Lofty standards of a Dangerfield!! Sadly, unless Miracles occur, I cannot see it under Goodwins Regime!!

    Without a Brendan Mccartney-type proven developer of talent in the club I fear for the next crop also coming in like Jackson, Sparrow and Rivers. We had an alledgedly A-Grade list in 2017 onwards and I don't want any further waste from here.



  10. 35 minutes ago, willmoy said:

    I think we saw a glimpse of his talent with a handball to ANB some two years ago. Carlton had a player called Williams, and i can understand their older cult wanting someone with his talent. Peripheral vision in spades.

    By the same token we should hike back to who were the players around Williams and how good they were in common sense positioning. You don't go back from not being able to get the ball in the middle to being able to get it profusely to not getting it again. Utter madness.

    In my opinion Oliver is/will be Viney on steroids. There I've said it.

    Start kicking Coaches instead of players.....

    I thought that was my point - caoches getting their job done?

    My post was not a criticsim of Oliver if you read it carefully. At least he has a right foot, which Viney doesn't have.

    Williams had Bradley, Fraser Brown and the great Brett Ratten around him.  

    Oliver's the raw material.

    Coaches take responsibility for his development in the real world. Oliver is nowhere near Williams impact as yet. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Skuit said:

    The players can suck it. Get us over the line kids. If anyone can point me towards where Simon did wrong with Clarry then I'll go and rearrange my garden gnomes.


    Out to the garden Skuit.

    Oliver is an outtsdning talent that has stood still in terms of playing style . Goodwins had him for 4 years yet until the outcry mid season, from garry Lyon and others, about the bleedingly obvious lack of running away from packs first rather than the quick short handball, did we glimpse what Oliver can become. Then back into his shell later in the season to old habits.

    Goodwins head coach- ergo -he's responsible.

    Its not that Oliver is poor, its that he could be so much better in effectiveness it would be unbelievable.

    • Like 2
  12. 16 minutes ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    Rapt to have Yze on board.

    But I don't completely buy into the Clarkson/Hawthorn success comparison.

    Equally premierships as a player:

    Yze:  0

    Goodwin:  2


    Sometimes I think it comes down to the luck of being in right place at the right time and just because you are associated with past sucess or not doesn't necessarily equip you any better.  That said all reports are that both Yze and Goodwin have quality skill sets in particular areas and hopefully that ultimately brings us sucess with them and our current team.

    There's no definitve eveidence or patterns on the benefits, or not,  to being a top coach to playing in earlier premierships. For every Barassi, there's a Hafey for example (or maybe a Fagan). Being a former elite player can help though. e.g. Phil Jackson in the NBA. Yze is an AA player. Some at Adelaide rate Goodwin as the Crows best to date skipper also. He definitely has pedigree - just not yet in coaching and off-field leadership.

    You last point is a good one. The Age reports Yze, apart from strategy,  has also been gaolkicking coach,, line coach, and a development coach under the greatest modern coach in our times.

    A real coup to get him into what I consider our glaring FD weaknesses (albeit defence is now sorted ).

    • Like 6
  13. 37 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    Goodwin's position this time last year and now are chalk and cheese as we all know.

    He now effectively has until the mid season bye next year and if unsuccessful Yze will be given the remainder of the year to see what he can do.

    Another performance like  2020 won't and shouldn't be tolerated.

    If by chance Goodwin is successful Yze will be into the next available senior coaching position which is probably North at the end of 2022 with a possibility of Adelaide or the Hawks.

    Interestingly there's only 9 months or so between them age-wise. 43-44.

    yet I would value Yze's near decade under Clarkson and insdie the hawks machine (with fagan as well) as far more valuable than Goody's time at the Bombers and with us under Roos.

    If Yze can build on the CV with a successful stint helping Dees into finals, he will be the enxt in line for elsewhere .

    Good luck to him.

    • Like 2
  14. 17 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    No pile on from me - Daisy is the best commentator by far.

    Have said in another thread, would love her as an assistant coach.

    Now we're talking. 

    Her playing style is when she tackles you stay tackled. hates losing. I bet its crossed her mind?

    • Like 2
  15. 17 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

    Daisy can’t captain the women’s side, work as a commentator and be on the board. But she can be asked her opinion.

    Lingy’s a good second? What does that mean? If Ling has made any sense for more than a second I’d be surprised 

    Not suggesting she join the Board.  You forgot the twins possibly also.

  16. 1 hour ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    From the reservations expressed he's no Fitzpatrick but few are. Welcome back Brad

    Personally I would also like to see Daisy on the Board.


    As Caro said this week on Footy Classified -  Daisy is now the premier on-air analyst.

    I want her in Goodwins ear somehow,   etc, etc., 

    Before the pile on - I know maybe not a lot to beat  - think McAvanaey, BT, Darcy, Richo,.............anyone on Channel 7 really (Lingy's a good second though)

    • Like 1
  17. 17 hours ago, titan_uranus said:

    Only 3?

    Richmond and West Coast "only" won three more games than us this year. I suppose we're not that far off them, then?

    Look, the gloating over Essendon struggling to retain players is understandable. It's not hard to dislike them. But when we're as devoid of recent success as they are, it's a bit dangerous really. Who knows whether we'll be able to retain all our players if we don't start winning finals soon.

    At last.  A sensible post on this rubbish thread.

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Yung Blood said:

    The Albanian has returned.

    I know who is favourite player is going to be at Melbourne. Wears long sleeves, plays on a wing. Hopefully he can sharpen his kicking skills too.

    Wears the great Stan Alves number too.

    • Like 1
  19. 20 hours ago, Pollyanna said:

    What's this story about Goodwin ever taking any input from assistants.  I know directly from Brendan McCartney that they had a close and fruitful relationship.  When Macca left everything he said was positive about Goodwin.

    McCartney had an excellent reputation as an asst. coach so on face value he may hold this view stated to you.

    Having said that, then if true and no resaon to believe otherwise, that means the disfunctional forward/midfield connection and lack of development of A graders (like Oliver) and lack of connection of Gawns dominance, the issues fall at the feet of the entire coaching team, led by Goodwin presumable.

    Thus roll on Pert's "deep dive"...?


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