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Posts posted by Demon17

  1. 7 hours ago, Clint Bizkit said:

    No lateral movement either, rarely is able to evade opponents.

    I think this is his major weakness, apart from kicking to position.  He doesn't have the tricks, despite his speed to evade an oncoming tackler.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Nelo said:

    Not sure if it’s just me but I find Dal Santo adds nothing to my footy knowledge and is boring as bat poo. 

    I call him Splinters. Always sitting on the fence and predicting a no change to the 8 regardless of historical trends is an example. 

    Cornes has admitted he was wrong on a number of occasions and is aggressively opinionated which is more than most in the media. Doesn't' see himself as part of the club like Dal Santo.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Demonland said:

    Look away Dees fans Kane Cornes has tipped us to make the 8. 

    ? Kane Cornes has made his top eight predictions and premiership tip for the 2020 season! ?


    1. West Coast

    2. GWS

    3. Richmond

    4. Western Bulldogs

    5. Melbourne

    6. Collingwood

    7. Port Adelaide

    8. Sydney

    interestingly this is in line with historical trends with around 3 changes to the Final 8 each season. Based on his commentary and effusive praise of Melb this morning I think he is clearly  Believer.

  4. 1 hour ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    Did you manage to find out the answer?

    At the Pies game you could only get food etc inside the Holden centre and the queues were so long I gave up . Nothing available around the ground, but likely a sales strategy by Eddie. North may be more working class and actually look after the fans??

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Don't discount the possibility that the club wanted to sign him up for longer but he refused. It would make perfect sense to me that Petracca wanted a shorter-term (ie 2 years) while the club wanted longer (3-4 years) for the same reason - in two years time free agency and better form could significantly increase his asking price.

    Good point  LDVC on the 2 year term requirement by Petracca - perfectly understandable.

    But the huge upside for the club in this deal , is that he will absolutely pull out all stops to have a stellar few seasons to 2022, then at the age of 26- ish and a huge payday, deservedly, beckons.

    I suspect that won't be the key motivation next to team success and camaraderie, but all incentives help. And if the club has to pay him a Mill. from 2023 imagine what he will have done to deserve this!

    This player could be the highlight for supporters this season.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

    I see your point and I won't stick at this like a dog at a bone. 
    Perhaps now is not the time for Jack to do this. Nonetheless, I would like to hear something from Jack a bit further down the line. It doesn't have to be at a full blown presser. Just a doorstop interview where he confidently and assertively commits to the cause.
    Unfortunately, nature abhors a vaccuum, and it will be filled by those with an agenda if not filled by us. At some point, it needs to be addressed.

    I think Jack will show what he thinks when he crunches his first tackle in the first minute of the first game this season.

    He knows no other way and this minor setback  - if he sees it as such - will be the making of him. 

    • Like 1
  7. 17 hours ago, Moonshadow said:

    You mean, who's going to grab the ball, run flat out for 50m, kick at full tilt to no one in particular and then watch it sail over his head for a goal? Or whose going to chase down an opponent then kick it out on the full? Or whose going to break team zoning rules, only to be told off by senior players?

    Tough call, but I'd rather a disciplined Oscar than Frosty. 

    A beautiful set of reminiscences Moonshadow. I reckon I saw all of these. 

    Good luck to Frost , and " Frostball", although coined last year was maybe said in just, just didn't fit the modern game and the team's objectives.

    I think there is still hope for Oscar and his kicking is underrated.

  8. 8 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Couldn't have Viney at the presser as it would have taken the focus off Maxy and offered an opportunity for the gutter dwelling journos to question Viney about how disappointed he might be etc

    I have no doubt Viney would be hurting about the decision but I also have no doubt his number one priority is the success of the MFC

    Absolutely DG. The story is Max and the non-leadership group thing as explained by Goodwin. Anything else would have been a distraction for the lazy journos in the room.

    I also felt the interviews showed out a solid relationship between Goodwin and Gawn which is important.

    Albeit on a number of occasions whist Max was speaking it was all Goodwin could do to hide a smile and not look too amused by Max's utterings.

    Lots of air time coming up this season which the club and the AFL will love.

    I also suspect most journos will take a press opportunity with Max than most or any other skippers around.


    • Like 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, Wiseblood said:

    I'm glad Jack is still vice-captain, and it sounds like the club handled the situation well in that they kept Jack in the loop the whole way and didn't just surprise him with it.

    I think Max is the right man for the job and he could very well lead us back into the finals this year.

    Another quality off-season call by the club.

    Having seen the Ep 3 of the series to hell and Back, they'll all lead at times during the course of a game IMO.


    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, whatwhatsaywhat said:

    they were talking about this on the commentary

    even jono brown said 'well they didn't have 20-odd off-season surgeries; in fact they didn't have one, so that's a good start'

    Excellent observation by Brown. Garbage comment by Fagan from whom I expected more. Should have qualified his statement at the time, thus rendering it meaningless

  11. 14 hours ago, Dees2014 said:

    For pure skill l think hunt is class. We don’t have all that many very fast runners and he is one. I would very much like to see more pressure from him, and he will be invaluable with at half back or the wing. We need pace and we don’t have an abundance now...

    Disagree on field kicking. One of our poorest IMO. And it is football after all

    • Like 1
  12. On 1/9/2020 at 8:17 PM, Fifty-5 said:

    My guess is readin' isn't one of your strong points.

    Good Point.  Missed that lengthy preamble.


    So you put him in the team, even though he wasn't selected, because...

    Anyway, I must admit also at the game the round arm looked serious to me at the time and started a blue from memory so interesting to hear that It may well have been soft.

    Strawbs did seem confident when coming off after the game that he would be exonerated. This was reflected by comments to me from his father whom I worked with at the time.

    hard done by is the family version.

    Go Dees

  13. 9 hours ago, don't make me angry said:

    It's not only the media that overrated him, more posters here where crying that we were letting him go, if you never watched him play, and read the thread about Frost going, you would have thought we were trading  SOS.

    saw most of his games live.

    All I will remember of him is the killer torp in the Hawks finals match in 2019 at the 5 minute mark of the 1st 1/4.

    We wouldn't have improved if he kept getting a game with us.

    Good luck to him at the hawks though, but gee they are a seriously good outfit disposal quality- wise and I just cant see it for him there.

  14. On 2/17/2020 at 8:53 AM, ManDee said:

    I think Champion data do a fair job of counting but they are terrible at analysis.

    Very good point here MD

    Champion Data are interesting in- season because the data is as close to real time as you can get.

    In 2018, I found David King's insights using this data interesting and he never lost the faith because of the what he saw the indicators doing inside the Dees.

    However, they don't produce forecasting material. Just predictions based on history and now have rated our list as poor, when in fact a non-existent pre-season for last season was the issue and doesn't translate to a 2020 forecast.

    Burgess and other factors need to be factored which they don't do.

    Just stats collectors really and should be seen as such.

    • Like 1
  15. On 2/16/2020 at 7:15 PM, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    According to Dal Santo and other gutsy media pundits, the 8 won’t change despite at least 2 changes every year since the final 8 was introduced in 1994

    North, Hawthorn and Port to replace Essendon and 2 other clubs that cop significant injuries. And yes it could be Richmond who couldn’t cover for their injuries at one stage mid season (losing to Geelong by 75 during their worst plight)

    The descriptor on Nicky D was a joke, right?

    Very much a fence sitter but looks good on the tele.

  16. 13 hours ago, MyFavouriteMartian said:

    Potential list Re ages,  entering the 2023 AFL season.



    Here, this shows what our list could look like come 3 years time.  And so how we should look at using our players,  to ready them for this time,  which I think will be our best time to strike.

    Thanks and Great job on this FMF. Very interesting and says if things go OK the group in their prime of 27/28/29 will be/could be formidable maybe?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  17. 22 minutes ago, big_red_fire_engine said:

    I would not be so certain over Collingwood, Geelong or Brisbane. 

    Agree with this.

    What we do know is that 2 to 3 teams from last season WILL fall out of the 8 and its often hard to predict. The only certainties for me are Tigers (given talent), Eagles (with home ground advantage and talent) and probably GWS (talent) and Lions (talent and coaching)

    This is last roll of dice for cats and still some flakiness in their list.


  18. 11 minutes ago, Accepting Mediocrity said:

    . We all overrate our own players, but I genuinely believe that, on paper at least, our list is good enough to be top 4. 




    I watched the post of Garry Lyon's 10 goals in the 1994 final. (and saw it live).  Looking at the talent that day such as Lyon, Stynes, Tingay, Lovett (B and G) Ox, Febeys, Obst and Neitz (the best CHB Carey played on he said.) Wight Viney etc,... says to me the current list is nowhere near as good as that one, nor the 1998 finals list for that matter.


    I just think our list IS overrated at present, as shown in some pundits lists of A Graders - we only have 1 legitimate - Big Max for example.

    We are still in re-build IMO talent-wise


    • Like 2
  19. 2 hours ago, Demonland said:

    What's your pass mark for the Dees in 2020?

    What would mean a successful season for your team?

    Top four? Finals? Six wins?

    AFL 2020 predictions: Every club's pass mark for this season


    Qualify for the finals

    How do you bounce back after a season from hell?

    Internally, Melbourne have probably set the bar higher than this, but the reality is, they won just five games last year with pretty much the same list. ( A quality journalist, instead of a hack, would have qualified that last statement by adding.."...Except that only 2 of 40 odd list players completed above 80% pre-season, and 17 surgeries impacted... " )

    They should be in much better nick come round one this year and will hopefully have learned some lessons from 2019.

    Having been handed a favourable draw, this season will be the year where we learn if the 2018 preliminary final appearance was the outlier or the Dees are ready to finally challenge again.

    This is so lightweight its a disgrace in regards to analysis. 

  20. 4 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    Sloppy "journalism". Right now, it's quite correct that our opposition are the favourites, but if we beat WCE in Round 1 and GWS loses their first game to Geelong, we could well start favourites. To write definitively that the opposition "will start as favourites" is just silly and asking to be criticised.

    Couldn't have said it better.  Fox sports/news Corp rubbish and click bait. 


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