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Posts posted by Demon17

  1. On 12/21/2020 at 7:40 PM, John Demonic said:

    Just to nitpick, but I'd rather we play Sydney at the SCG than the MCG :laugh:. They really get up for their away games against us. Bad memories.

    Of recent years they've been as bad at the SCG, as we've been on the MCG.

    fair comment. I only have 1 memory of beating the Swans at the G. 1987 first semi final .

    They have been far superior to us over recent times, but nonethelss they sure play the G well. 

    Its just avoiding the travl to the SCG thats a bonus probably.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, adonski said:

    Seems pretty favourable off first glance 

    Geelong at gmhba last round and eagles in perth 3rd last round.

    But no sydney in sydney. Brisbane once. Freo in melb only. So some upside as you say.

    • Like 2
  3. 17 hours ago, DemonOX said:

    Massive pressure on the goody and the dees next season. 

    Imagine if we lose to Freo at the G in Rd1 next season. It would be the beginning of the end for goody imo. 

    My hope for us to do well next season is the lowest it has been in a number of seasons. I really have bugger all faith in Goodwin. 

    Just about sums up my views Ox.

    I think Max , May and the leaders on ground will have to get it done.

    If its down to game day coaching Longmuir will be more than a match for Simon Goodwin - unless yze has started exerting his influence.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    I know you can’t judge a player on one game but Jones’s last game of the season against Sydney was un-AFL standard. He made 2 or 3 of the worst blunders you’ll see at half forward and looked to be a player who’s time was clearly up.

    Will be interesting to see how he’s managed next year to get to 300. Clearly he’ll get to 300 as there’s no other way he could’ve been retained given his age and decline in performance.

    In the q and a of last week's forum Goodwin was asked about ruthlessness and he had no idea.

    Consequntly i think nathan jones is a shoe in to reach 300.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Deemania since 56 said:

    Agreed about life-support for Goodwin but we all know under the surface that he just is not the Coach we need. These two appointments (Ooze and Chocko) - and the duality of skills and experience in such a role are critical to improving our players and game outcomes. Absolutely delighted that this will take place in 2021.

    I see the framework for a great succession plan- if needed.

    Yze first senior gig, with Choco offeering wisdom and experience as needed as well as ratcheting up talent developemnt big time

    • Like 2
    • Facepalm 1
  6. 18 hours ago, Wells 11 said:

    I wonder how open Goody will be to getting input from him? 2 good footy brains have walked into the building. 

    Brilliant appointment. You make an interesting observation too re Goodwin.

    Do you reckon Williams won't be forthcoming on views and feedback etc.

    I doubt it, which is why the appt. is a good one.

    Plus a great developer of talent.

    Well done to Pert, or whomever drove this deal.

  7. 1 minute ago, Better days ahead said:

    3 years was not enough time to finish what he started. He should have stayed for 5.

    And he lumbered us with Goodwin.

    Fair point. Thanks.  Its as if possibly he couldn't get Dew so opted out of the selection process. He definitely didn't leave Goodwin with any upskilling give Roos strategy pedigree. (He sort of invented the stoppage pressure game) Or so demetriou said.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 29 minutes ago, rjay said:

    It was probably coming after he missed the CEO position.

    Then the sideways/backwards move was the last straw.

    Interesting though that he wasn't their first choice.

    Not what the article says exactly.  The Bombers spoke with Trigg and Wayne Campbell but they "...were'nt offered the job..."

    You suggest they were and knocked it back.  

  9. 5 minutes ago, Half forward flank said:

    So true on Roos.

    Don't agree.

    He couldnt get his man  (Dew) because the swans rightfully enforced their contractual rightds - not Roos fault, nor Dew's.

    Roos stopped the bleeding and gave us some self respect. Set it up beautifully for Goodwin.

    Who so far has wasted that chance big time. Think Final round 2017, 2018 prelim car crash, 2019, Cairns 2020.



    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Roger Mellie said:

    Lamb does the pick trading.

    I'm a fan of Mahoney and prefer him to Richo in the role, but I get that Pert wants him out since they went for the same job.

    Just a natural progression for Mahoney. Missing CEO role alsways meant he would leave for other opportunities.

    Good for both him and Pert. Pert now can get someone he may or may not prefer and a good chance for the club to refresh.

    Best wishes to him. Done as much as he could with us, and he can't go on the ground and kick the ball. Up to Goodwin and the players now.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, WERRIDEE said:

    With Jordon getting rookie listed it got me to thinking who are our most important players in order. This is it.

    1. Gawn

    2. Viney

    3. Melksham

    4. Lever

    5. Petracca

    6. May

    7. Oliver

    8. Langdon

    9. Ben.Brown

    10. Salem

    11. Fritsch

    12. Brayshaw

    13. Hibberd

    14. Weideman

    15. Pickett

    16. Jackson

    17. Rivers

    18. Tomlinson

    19. Spargo

    20. Hunt

    21. Baker 

    22. Harmes 

    23. Sparrow

    24. Petty

    25. Jones

    26. Smith

    27. Hore

    28. vandenBerg

    29. Neal-Bullen

    30. McDonald

    31. Jetta

    32. Lockhart

    33. Bedford

    34. Draft Pick

    35. Draft Pick

    36. Draft Pick

    37. Draft Pick

    38. Mitch.Brown

    39. Jordon

    40. Chandler

    41. Neitschke

    42. Bradtke

    43. Rookie


    Thanks Werridee. Very interesting and a great thought - starter.

    Just could you clarify is someone's position on the list is due to their importance to the team if they played their role correctly, or is it becuase of their talent, latent or otherwise.


    for example, I don't think Viney is near No. 2 but you might think if he played to his ability and in his best role, he is the number 2 in team value? Thus why is Lever higher than MAy - because of his intercept acpability which you value more highly than May's lockdown ability?

    Can you expand?


  12. On 11/25/2020 at 7:14 PM, Wiseblood said:

    I was going to say exactly the same thing.

    I just want to see a solid game plan that stands up against the best in the competition.  I believe we have the talent to do it, but the pressure is on Goody to get them going in the right direction.

    If we miss the finals then I think the club has no choice but to pull the pin.  It would mean we've played finals once during his coaching tenure and that's just unacceptable at this point.  We aren't the basket case we were when Roos took over.  He has the players at his disposal and has had plenty of time to mould the list to his liking.

    Good call, And just as important is the off field support he's got over the journey.


    Getting in Steven May, probably Ben Brown, good recruiting (Luke Jackson and others), Darren Burgess. Adem Yze, Gawn as skipper, (I'm ambivalant on Richardson, but they went and got him in for a reason I presume, which escapes me up to now)

    No excuses for a minimum 2 finals wins IMO.

  13. 19 hours ago, Billy said:

    You need to watch Clarry closer, he does so many great things already

    He’s as good as any midfielder in the comp

    Lets look at scoreboard pressure - a amjor  sign of a great midfielder.

    1 goal in every 3 games, 

    In comparison, Kevin Bartlett, 1.9 goals per game albeit he played later as a forward,

    Gary Ablett Jnr.  - 1.3 goals per game, accuracy 

    Even Craig Bradly - 2 gaols avey 3 games.

    Oliver is top notch for endeavour and courage, and is a serious acumulatr and initiator of moves to the outside, but gee I wish he would hacve more impact that his numbers suggest he could.

  14. 2 hours ago, 58er said:

    But LT Clarry can go To another level to not just a Demonngreat but AFL hero by damaging the opposition by run snd foot carry plus kicking more goals when we rest him up forward in the future !

    AGree that the damaging by foot is not his strength and his status until then will not be in the 'Great' category.

    It reminds of a comment once by kevin Sheedy, when he said he didn't necessarily count all of Robert harvey's disposals as meaningful, and was happy that he got them where he did - in non- damaging areas of the field.

  15. On 11/13/2020 at 3:19 PM, old dee said:

    D17 I don't think it has anything do with all that. IMO they needed to shed $2+ million and looked at where best that could be achieved. Treloar was the big one and when his wife moved north that thought great he will follow her, here is our big chance and it blew up in their faces when he said no quite happy here. The others were just easy pickings. It was only after the event that they started making up excuses.

    Possibly. My point is teh club squibbed the resoning by rolling out a justifcation to them personally.

    Just say  "... Look wev'e overpaid you both and its stuffed up our salary cap modelling ..."  Sorry.

    • Like 1
  16. 15 hours ago, rjay said:

    Watched him being interviewed on Fox...he looked like a dead man walking.

    Tipping he's next out the door at C/wood.

    Was hung out to dry.

    Will be scapegoated to protect the bigger egos.

    Exactly RJay.

    Their Board would have signed off on all the big contarcts - Treloer, Grundy etc. 

    But Buckley's laying the blame on the senior players re: Treloar and  '.. Im just passing on the feedback..."  type comments, along with ignoring Stephenson is a disgrace and will be an ongoing blight on his reputation. Leader? - you're joking.

    Stephenson was likely troubled in his gambling year big time, media pile on etc, and then a maojr illness pre-season. What did they think was going to happen to the kid. He's only 21 for gawds sake.

    Message: Don't own up to mental illness or fraility at the Pies - your on your own.


    • Like 4
  17. 5 hours ago, Gawndog98 said:

    IMO one of Oliver/Brayshaw/Harmes/Viney/Petracca will have to spend the majority of their time in another position which Brayshaw and Harmes have tried and failed at. I think Viney has some really good attributes of a small forward, he's a relentless tackler and wins a lot of 1v1s, I think he'd be great at the feet of our tails. I just think out of our mids apart from Petracca he'd have the best potential to play well in a second position, would still get some midfield time, sort of like Kane Lambert. Apart from Kozzy I think Viney would be a better small forward than any other small forwards on our list, highly doubt it happens though knowing Goody, it's just what I reckon would be best for the team. 

    Good point on Viney.  It would greatly improve defensve forward pressure with him in the vicinity.

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    2020 Final 8 @ Rnd 18:

    • Port Adelaide
    • Brisbane Lions
    • Richmond
    • Geelong Cats
    • West Coast Eagles
    • St Kilda
    • Western Bulldogs
    • Collingwood

    History says one or two final 8 teams drop out the following year. 

    For us to make finals in 2021 which team(s) drop out?

    imv the most likely are:

    • Collingwood.  They have been sliding for the last three years: 2nd, 4th, 6th.  The loss of talent and  treatment of players during the trade period will rock them a bit so can't see them in the 8.
    • Bulldogs.  I'm not as bullish (no pun intended) as many media scribes.  From various accounts they have internal player/leadership issues.  Treloar improves them but will they get the most from the star studded midfield when some are played in other positions?    And while they will get JUH playing fwd they are still short of recognised tall fwds/goal kickers.  Naughton is a bit hot and cold.

    StKilda seem to really have their act together on and off the field so don't think they will slide out.  Top 5 positions might move around but doubt any will slide out.

    Other contenders are: GWS, Carlton, Freo.  Anyone of them can have a spot after we make it :cool:

    History actually says over the past 20 years its more lke 2.6 teams. Rounded up to 3.

    I like your analysis, but I see the saints , albet the current media darlings, as the most vulnerable.

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, drdrake said:

    The other side of this argument is the uncertainty that Brown will be able to get back to his best and our midfield can deliver the football to him.  He isn't a contested big body Forward, he is a tall hit up forward that his performance will hinge on how we kick the ball to him. 

    Good call here. I have very little confidenece in the coaching panel to effectively deal with the ' see ball - kick ball'  mentality of the midfield into the forward half for which I hold the panel esponsible.

    During 2020 when the eyes were miraculously lowrered for a few weeks it all came together , but made a big impact in the media and on here because its such a rarity to see of this team.

    It lasted maybe 3 weeks then back to old habits.  Whcih midfield coach will fix - which forward coach will fix.

    Adem Yze will be a hero if he can do something on this .

    • Like 1
  20. 1 minute ago, Nascent said:

    I reckon you're overthinking it. Just because it sounds like an amazing deal doesn't mean its too good to be true. We've done our due diligence with a medical and are going in with eyes wide open. And if he doesn't work out, we won't have paid the earth for him in either trade currency or salary. Can't see the downside to be honest.

    Fair point Nascent. I don't believe any 'inside info', just looking at the equation. 



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