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Posts posted by Demon17

  1. 15 hours ago, Better days ahead said:

    I may be wrong but it doesn’t appear that an external party is assisting with the review which makes me very sceptical about its value. We’ll see what eventuates but I expect to see some significant changes. I’ll be mightily disappointed if we get another whitewash like last year.

    Pert is the right choice.  He understands football and the current club issues.

    But importantly By putting him front and centre gives him a major stake in accountability to now get results. A whitewash will be the worst outcome career-wise for Pert and he will understand this.

    Spare me the external consultants in the current situation.

    • Like 5
  2. 27 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Just received an email from Pert.  In part it said:

    "From a broader program perspective, due to the $3 million cut in the soft cap and our inconsistent performances this season, I'm conducting a review of the football program, with a deep dive into the coaching program. The outcome of this review will ensure we have the right leadership, resources and programs to maximise our potential in 2021 and beyond. All changes will be communicated to members when appropriate, over the pre-season period".

    It isn't an external review like many of us had hoped.  But I live in hope we get a high calibre coaching group that is the equal of top 4 teams.  Our players and supporters deserve nothing less.

    I'm glad he acknowledges that our 'inconsistent performances' is a reason for the review. 

    Just received also. The key words for me are  "...deep dive into coaching program...".

    That's the problem so hallelujah and go Perty. I say.

    • Like 2
  3. 14 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

    Of late, the club has tried to sign up key players a long way out from contract expiration so maybe talks are in progress or will start once the sal cap is known. 

    Oliver has a big decision to make.  He either signs for an extra 2 years to his FA year when his options are open. 

    Or, he signs a mega 5-6 year extension that takes him to the latter stages of his career and then becomes a demon for life ?.  I suspect this is what the club would want.

    If he follows Petracca, Brayshaw and many other AFL 'young guns he will sign for two years.  There is no reason for these guys to sign up beyong their FA year.

    Of course, he could put off contract negotiations but that would surprise.

    Excellent and realistic post LH

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Lord Travis said:

     good result for the club as he is definitely a heart and soul player. 

    Now we need to balance the midfield better and play Jack to his strengths. 

    Agree and I love his heart for the fight(just like his Dad).

    But gee I hope someone helps him with his right side over the term of his future with us.


    • Like 2
  5. 15 hours ago, nosoupforme said:

    Just having  Adem  Yze  coming home to the Dees will have a big inpact. Can you  imagine  the awe and the respect . One of our greats and not using the term loosely. His foot skills were exquisite and goal sense was uncanny. 

    Clarkson has honed Yze's coaching skills he is ready and waiting. 

    If he does come home  it will be something.  I can dream.  


    But why on earth would Goodwin take any more notice of him that he has with other assistants.

    Two time premiership player - I know what I'm doing.?

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 minute ago, picket fence said:

    In my view this result  vindicates the "Blunder" of letting him go when we did. I saw enough of him in HAWKS games to say that his "Percieved"  deficiencies have been eradicated to a greater degree and he played some good solid football. Its interesting to see what coaches that know how to get the best out of players do so. I reckon though, that Sam Frost will continue to improve not dissimilar to Bachar Houli when he went from Essendon to Richmond. If that happens then the blunder in letting him go will be even more pronounced and damning. I  Was disappointed to see him leave Melbourne and even more so now!

    The blunder isn't letting him go.

    Its the clubs inability to develop and improve  raw talent. (Oliver, Brayshaw, Viney, are the best examples)

    Petracca being the exception but likey down to Burgess.

  7. On 9/27/2020 at 11:27 AM, binman said:

    Great post JG.

    I listened to Jennings a few times in the ladt part of the year. I found him really engaging and interesting. Good ability to explain things simply.

    He made a really interesting comment about us after  I think the freo loss. Basically that our current game plan is now very defensive (implying, at least that was my sense  too defensive). and default play is down tbe line and slow movement. 

    The model  players to be clear about their role and play it to the letter. Not much scope for individual creatvity and flair and natural football. Ironic then for goody to criticize his players of boring.

    To be fair to goody his game plan reflects where the game is at, though there is a question if we have the required skill level and players for thst model (and my answer is no).

    Leaving the game plan aside though  i share your concerns about how easy he is to work with. I'd add i wonder how he goes managing syers who perhaps are a bit different or don't have total buy in to his approach (which every team at every club had).

    I know he us big on relationships and I've read on here that his players love him. But - and I'll hasten to add that I've never met him so perhaps this is unfair - my feeling is that he may not have tbe highest EQ and may not manage conflict or dissenting views very well.

    He has always struck me as a my way or the highway sort of person. Which is  an outdated 1980s style management not suited to such a big group of people who make an AFL football club in 2020.

    In his public speaking he struggles to relay a strong message and connect. Whilst pressers etc are a different forum than communicating to his players, i do wonder how effective his messaging is to his players.

    On this last point many pundits and indeed dl posters have noted that players have often looked confused about their roles. And then you get the strange messaging around his scatter shot approach to selections.

    I may be wrong, but if not if goody is as committed to learning and personal growth as he says he us then I hope he addresses this opportunity for improvement.


    Agree on the issues and I wonder would any decent coaches actually want to come and work under Goodwin now, given the likes of McCartney and jennings have moved on, and rawlings as well.

    I know I wouldn't. It could be a career killer and may not help assistants with their ow development.?

    • Like 1
  8. 10 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Both Dangerfield and Bont named at half forwards..

    Dangerfield = 11 goals

    Bont = 11 goals.

    Meanwhile true forward specialists players in Papley and Butler miss out...

    Papley = 26 goals.

    Butler = 27 goals.

    Worst AA side ever!

    But its not a team.  Its just  a group of players considreed the best 22 and then name slotted in somewhere.

    This exercise makes no sense. Some are obvious, like Trac, Gawn, Moore, Andrews,  - rest are slot fillers.

    Hugely dissrespectful to the rest of the hard working players who "own" their positions.  e.g. Papley, Langdon, 

    • Like 1
  9. On 9/21/2020 at 4:43 PM, dazzledavey36 said:


    We had a family zoom Saturday night and my aunty is related to the Danihers ( from her side of the family so we have no connections nor have I ever met Joe ) but she was asked about the Daniher thing and she mentioned that Joe won't be the only big name player. Merrett, Hurley and Hooker were others that were named.

    There you go wasn't aware of that.

    I'm always amazd that a player with the surname Daniher would even contemplate leaving the Bombers given the family history.

    Given that, nothing else would surprise me coming out of that club re transfers. All the old stars, like lLoyd and Watson, will always mount a defence for the status quo. Daniher leaving , or even thinking about it, suggests otherwise.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Demon17 said:

    Kennedy kicked 7 on Moore, On May he had 4 disposals for no goals, Weitering had 2 on him by Lynch, Andrews had also 3 kicked on him by Lynch.

    Lynch kicked 3 on Moore, and 3 on may also.

    if you take the best full forwards this year, ( Kennedy, Hawkins, Lynch, Hipwood, Dixon, Naughton Max King)they kicked a total of 7 , yes 7 goals on May. For an avaerage of a goal per game.


    For Harris Andrews, the media's love child, goals kicked on him as follows:

    Kennedy   1

    Hawkins   3

    Lynch  3

    Dixon  0

    Naughton  1

    Max King  0

    Total 8 , for an av of 1 goal 2 behinds a game 

  11. 15 hours ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    Tom Lynch and Gunstan kicked 3 goals on him in rounds 5 and 7. The rest of the games were 1 or 0.

    Maybe Weitering and Moore didn't have multiple goals kicked on them in any game this year? 

    I'm absolutely flabbergasted May didn't get nominated. His games against St Kilda and GWS were near flawless for a defender, and he was dominant in other games too.

    Kennedy kicked 7 on Moore, On May he had 4 disposals for no goals, Weitering had 2 on him by Lynch, Andrews had also 3 kicked on him by Lynch.

    Lynch kicked 3 on Moore, and 3 on may also.

    if you take the best full forwards this year, ( Kennedy, Hawkins, Lynch, Hipwood, Dixon, Naughton Max King)they kicked a total of 7 , yes 7 goals on May. For an avaerage of a goal per game.


  12. On 9/19/2020 at 11:45 PM, Dr.D said:

    why is this even a thread?

    We're a professional football club. We're not a charity. He isn't in our best 22 so we must part with him. end thread


    Harsh language but spot on.

    This error was compounded last year and will define the resolve of the Board/Club to improve.

    The sporting field is littered with players who never know when to quit.  But being on a 6 figure salary who can blame Nathan for wanting to stay.

    Very few of us get to retire fully satisfied and on our own terms. 

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Pickett2Jackson said:

    We better not screw this up.

    Docker a big chance to knock off the Dogs.

    Saints winning was the best outcome for us IMO.

    It removed the issue of sweating the %  - did we kick enough goal?., avoids the 2017 heartache., etc

    Simple -  Dees win and dockers win, both by a point, and finals are reality.

    GWS have imploded and the Dockers winning was always going to be a better option for success. 

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, Mr Steve said:

    Dear oh dear some of you guys just have not been following this club long enough. Giants win easy tonight  Fremantle belt the doggies on Sunday but the Bomber get up in a stunning upset tomorrow. Im really sorry but you all know it will happen. 

    As night follows day.

  15. 3 hours ago, FritschyBusiness said:

    Thats 10 years before my time, what happened?

    I was at that last match. We beat the pies at vicpark but other games didn't go our way to make finals.

    The upside was it resulted in the Pies winning their first evet wooden spoon. Not much consolation though.

    Monday’s Herald Sun headline after the game wad  "Demons spoon feed Magpies". 

    The great Laurie Fowler was knocked out cold in the first quarter. 

    • Like 3
  16. 2 hours ago, PaulRB said:

    Interesting that around 50% of the votes have the Saints losing tonight, but just 10% the Doggies losing on Sunday...

    So it largely rides on tonight's game, and on us following it up with the Dons tomorrow... 

    Tonights game has 1 team with massive finals experience (GWS)  vs a team with none (Saints)  - with Zak Jones out.

    Thats what I'm hanging my hopes on why GWS get.  


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