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Posts posted by Demon17

  1. 4 hours ago, Pates said:

    Definitely not locking in anything, we're looking good but if we've learned anything from the first few rounds it's that being off your game by a little bit can catch you out big time.

    I live in the UK so let me say this to any Dees fan that can make it to the G, GET THERE AND MAKE SOME NOISE!!!! When I watch it this week I want to hear a noise level like what we had in the elimination final against the cats in 2018, be that extra element that gets the boys over the line like the cats have at KP.

    Max Gawn noted in his after match on ground interview in the 2018 final defeat of the cats that it felt like a MFC home game given the overwhelming support for Melb from the crowd.

    Fear not - I am expecting the same this Sunday.

    As Chris Scott siad in an insightful interview on Footy Classifed this week  -  "...Everyone outside the club hates the Geelong coach..."


  2. 13 hours ago, CHF said:


    Oliver copped a heavy tag as was not able to work it out. The coaches moved him forward where he managed to get his hands on the ball


    Great read CHF and thank you.

    Your comment on Oliver and my observations gave me great hope for the first time in a long time that Goody and (new) coaching support are capable of dealing strategically mid game with an issue. I havent seen this much before now.

    But someone recognised Olivers predicament and thoughtfully made a change that, short of straight kicking, could have been a masterstroke. With the remaining midfield standing up.

    Fills me with confidence, given the Chris Scott is a great match day coach, that we have the brainpower in the box to counter it. Yze - I'm looking at you.

    • Like 1
  3. 49 minutes ago, Dee Zephyr said:

    I was very slow working this out, was wondering why Langdon has played the wing furthest from the bench in the first 3 games and Gus the nearest.

    Makes sense to have a winger that hardly leaves the ground for a rest on the other side of the bench and the wingers that get rotated more frequently nearer the interchange.

    I was slower. Esp live watching the freo game and having to watch gus close up all day battling it out. 

    Can't be for any other reason. Inless he likes being in the sunshine all arvo.

    Thanks DZ

    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, leave it to deever said:

    I love Oliver but needs to stop grinning afetr misses like that. Especially your 3rd.

    Oh well Ill watch the Kozzie replay.

    Until he starts hurting teams on the scoreboard Trac will always be top priority to keep.

  5. 12 minutes ago, PaulRB said:

    With Saints going down to the hapless Dons, and the Blues towelling up Freo, I’m getting an uncomfortable feeling that beating both means little, and we may be in for a shock today...

    Gotta start well.

    Go Demons.

    Totally incorerct assumption here PaulRB. - although undertsandable.

    The issue this season is that once the Dees beat you, you stay beaten for at least another few weeks.

    Seriously, the saints would have pencilled in the game last week as a win - Rude shock .

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  6. 1 hour ago, rollinson 65 said:

    Never need to post these days. It all gets said better than I could say it. 

    Let's harken back to the Northey days, when we had finally shrugged off the easybeats tag and had belief.

    Langdon reminds me of the Febey twins. There is only one of him, but it always looks like two of him out there. 

    PS Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated, but the nusing home staff have learned better than to let me watch the dees games live. Too many solid objects thrown at too many screens.?

    Got my 50 year MCC membership earlier this year. Wondering if that trumps my 50 year ban from the members.  ?





    Well Posted there Rollinson 65!

    I'm with you on the great Swoopwer.

    My Northey take away is of teams that were never prepared to lie down or be beaten till the end. 

    Last week I saw the team challenged twice and deal with it professioanlly. Small sample size as they say but I felt the saints game would be some sort of marker for this season. I expect the same today at Canberra and be 3 - 0 by 8.30 AEST.


    • Like 1
  7. 18 hours ago, rjay said:

    Yes 'dazzle', Caro's a bit late to the party on this one.

    Hardly being poached but it makes a better headline I guess.


    To Eddie's credit at the end of the breathless spiel by Caro, Eddie noted that personal reasons were behind the move and Burgess needs to have some privacy. Of course he was always going to leave, and credit to him he stayed the course for 2012.He didn't have to.

    But gee his efforts are showing in how the team performs fitness wise

  8. 10 hours ago, A F said:

    Glad to see Charlie get some wraps. I've long stuck up for him on here and at games - my sister isn't a fan.

    His thing - that will come (is coming) with maturity - is staying in games long enough and ideally getting it more. Most of his possessions are in scoring chains. He's a very rare player in that regard. Doesn't get it lot, but when he does it usually results in a score, due to that decision making you mention, and also probably the role he plays.

    His pressure has gone to another level now though, which means he's staying in games longer.

    Well done, Charlie. Keep it up.

    The Age this morning used the words"..cleverness and pressure..."   to describe Spargo's performance.

    That sums it up for me. Sure he has downsides, but I never doubt his decsion making ability and courage which is essential in a team. 

    • Like 5
  9. 2 hours ago, leave it to deever said:

    Interesting post. Jake seems to have lost a lot of form over the last 2 years.

    But since Tmac has turned things around and 2 key fwds injured and inaccuracy issues, this could work.

    Hibberd if fit in for Hunt. Although Hunt was better this week.

    Otherwise back to the mantra, if it aint broke...

    And it aint broke.

    I'm not a Hunt fan but I suspect his pace off half back complimets the execllent trio of May Lever and Tomlinson . He provides a different option also to Salem.

    I think he deserves some time given the  - so far - overall defence performance.

    • Like 5
  10. 2 hours ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    Just looked at our run home.. horrendous to say the least

    would be good if a few of those 7-12 teams were out of the running early.

    GWS is one of them. Loss today and fingers crossed another loss next week would severely dent their chances.

    Who are the others.... Hawks and Sydney come to mind. Freo perhaps along with Carlton

    Conversely thosr teams late in season might be dreading fronting the Dees. 

    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Jaded said:

    No change for mine. 
    But Melksham is a Goodwin favorite so I assume he comes in. 
    Hunt had a good game, so is safe from a Hibbo return for another week. 

    Hunt had 6 tackles and kept the saints Talisman quiet. Butler IMO was always the key danger and Hunt completed his task and compliments the other defenders with his speed. I wasn't a fan but he's winning me over so far this season.

    • Like 7
  12. 57 minutes ago, Jaded said:

    He is so important down back because he allows Lever to take intercept marks and May to, well, being his ridiculously good self. He is the decoy. A thankless job but a very important one. 
    Had a sensational game last night and that deliberate call against him was a joke. 

    Timely post .  A decoy that had 11 marks and 100% TOG.. Was he wearing a saints jumper, or just also a good reader of the play?

    • Like 1
  13. 29 minutes ago, John Demonic said:

    Will be a cracker. Langdon has so far proved many of us wrong that said we should've targeted Hill. So far.

    To be fair, he did Improve it last year right around the time of the "red myst" fox footy critiques.

    Hill doesn't have langdons engine. I expect him to do well as our link player. And as usual about 10m in the clear 

  14. 32 minutes ago, Pickett2Jackson said:

    Calling it now, if the Cats lose tonight they wont play finals.

    They would be 0-2 and still have Danger and Cameron out a couple more weeks, and these home games are ones they'd have penclilled in even against a very good Lions team.

    In other words... GO LIONS!

    On Footy Classifed this week Matthew Loyd noted the stat that teams that start the season 0 - 2 have only a 1 in 10 chance of playing finals.

    Thus blues are gone-ish. Cats in  trouble if they go down tonight. Dees are so far so good

    • Like 1
  15. 11 hours ago, CHF said:


    This is my biggest concern in the game.

    The midfield will need to sort out the problems of last week with their cohesion with Max and each other. I am not asking for perfect, just an improvement.


    Dees by 4 goals, 2-0 and 8 premiership points in the bank come late Saturday night and a pleasant Sunday.

    Thanks CHF . Great read.

    I agree with the above on midfield. But why would it be fixed in a week when the stats have highlighted for 2 years there is a problem. 

    My hope is the Yze factor is working on it.  And Goody is listening and acting.

    So on the last point, I too am a glass half full type like you.

  16. 16 hours ago, Lord Nev said:

    Would assume it's because it makes the tracing easier when it's done through the govt app as opposed to having to chase up TicketMaster (who are terrible at everything) if needed.

    The same people complaining about 'Dictator Dan's' contact tracing are probably the ones complaining about this as well.

    spot on Lord Nev.

    Eliminates the need to download data across systems, and we know how that goes when Govt. (State and Federal) systems attempt to talk to each other. Only the ATO has this figured out. Most others are a raffle.

    . Teams can commence contract tracing immediately

    • Like 2
  17. 6 minutes ago, JimmyGadson said:


    As far as I'm concerned, Brayshaw, Viney and Oliver should be our starting mids with Trac and Kosi starting forward and rolling through the middle. 

    The wing position is more important than ever this year with the new man on the mark rule. Langdon has been huge for us and I simply can't understand why we haven't brought another one in or at the very least given Oscar Baker the chance to make it his own. 

    Gus simply has to be playing in the guts. He is being absolutely wasted on a wing. Unbelievable. 


    Well said.  Langdons wing performances last year and last week show just what top class wing play is about and Gus doesn't have it.  Its another example like trying to turn Nathan into a winger, or finding him a spot. 

    Sitting on Gus's wing I thought he was very ordinary on the role last week and just watched from afar Langdon's exposition. Inlcuding his 96% TOG.

    • Like 2
  18. 6 hours ago, Macca said:

    I remember the figure as being $38k for Tilbrook and $62k for Big Carl

    But the actual details would be difficult to ascertain D17

    The Wells transfer fee (midway through 1980) was rumoured to be in the region of $200k - did the club need the dosh to pay for the homecoming of RDB? 

    Wellsy picked up 48 disposals in his last game for the Demons and in his first game for Carlton (2 weeks later) he picked up 31 disposals (against Melbourne) Ugh!

    No you're spot on. $ 38000 was the correct figure. My mistake.

    A 7 figure sum in todays money.  

    • Like 1
  19. 5 hours ago, Superunknown said:

    My man! My 5-nearly-6 yo LOVES Trac. (And Romsey Lever, coz his grandma used to teach him. And Ed Langdon, coz dad loves that Energizer Bunny in long sleeves.)

    Trac sells memberships, wins games.

    When Petracca gets bullocking, lightning stands still.

    -Old Jungle Saying

    Thanks for the backup for my opinion.

    And your post is a straight out work of art.

  20. 6 hours ago, monoccular said:

    ✔️  Totally without equal. 

    I may be wrong but I thought Cardwell had moved on by the time of the Diamond Jim purchase. 

    Very good question. But I have 100% memory of the great Jim Cardwell sitting with Tilly on World of Sport and introdcuing him , being interviewed on the recrutiment process. At the time we paid an unbelievable transfer fee of $30,000.

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