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Posts posted by Demon17

  1. 13 hours ago, dworship said:

    The amount of discarded stuff I've resurrected over the years would astound you. I recently saved two wall heaters ($450ea when new), both are in excellent condition and manufactured in 2015. They were missing mounting brackets which cost me $40. They are now installed in a unit I own. The point is; discards can be fixed if you have the nous and the will.

    Good call and last comment.  With the coaching panel improvements (Yze), Burgess, Richardson we are(should be) streets ahead of the Kangas in player development and nuturing given their post season upheavals

    I have faith the Daw thing could work for the team as well as anywhere.

    Up to him also largely. But worth the shot. 

    • Like 3
  2. 10 hours ago, 58er said:

    DS the topic is Our best midfielder of the 21st century. Most posts have sat on the fence but Jones on balance is 1 with Oliver 2 and Petracca 3.

    Within 2 Years ( and hopefully Clarry and Trac   And Angus  have winning finals and a flag on their CV ) that would change it to 1 Trac probably and 2. Clarry then Jonesy 3. 

    Fair comment 58.  But gee if Nathan Jones, great warrior though he has been, in terms of 'Best' midfielder the the group of 2000'ish era has him well covered. If he gets the nod , what an indictment of the first 20 years.

    I often wonder whether its just an understandable sympathy vote. Maybe Iv'e just watched him try the long kick across ground and miss too many times.

  3. 3 hours ago, 58er said:

    Really the memory does tricks !!

    You are virtually saying that Rigoni is our Second best midfielder Of this century !!

    Really ??? A three match finals block plus solid form during the season for one year!!!! Better player they year than Woe??

    I didn't say that, even virtually.

    My comment re: todays team was that I would pick him 2nd down for midfield after Trac if he was on the list today (obviously hypothetical). No reference at all to century standing. That's another question. A mature age recruit that grabbed his opportunity with both hands, lost to injury.

    Certainly a more even and effective finals player head to head with Woey from 98 onwards until injury.

    But I'd have Woey any day as well in the current team playing with Trac ahead of others as I'm sure you would.

    At least we have an outright A grader from that era now on the coaching panel, which is something I guess. Yze.

  4. On 2/11/2021 at 1:24 PM, drdrake said:

    I think the Midfield group of White, Yze, Leoncille, Rigoni, Johnstone, Woewoden, MacDonald (A & J), Powell, and Bruce are a mile ahead of any midfield group we have had in the last 21 years.  Pretty hard to argue considering this group took us to our last GF appearance and 5 years of finals.  

    Our current mids have achieved little, underperformed and more concerned about individual performance then team.

    I think this post sums up well DrD.  Looking at the stats for this group, and their big game performances players like Guy Rigoni should be in this discussion. Good user of the ball, tough and a goal kicker. he led from the front in all of the 2000 finals. I'd have him ahead of all our midfielders today (bar Trac that is)

  5. On 2/12/2021 at 3:21 PM, picket fence said:

    NEGATIVES  We still have issues with kick out strategies. other teams seem to be able to do this at will but we struggle and a few times played on only to bomb hopefully. we stiil will over rely on our core group , but i can see visible narrowing of superstars and next tier. Hitting targets under pressure needs to be the focus

    No slitherers seen today thankfully 

    Cheers PF

    Thank you for the highly informative report Pickett.

    Can you expand on the narrowing of superstars and next tier? Do you see the up and comers getting better or fewer players of high talent? Its a negative so i am assuming the latter?

    Thanks again.

  6. 5 hours ago, Biffen said:

    You're one of them.

    SO your point was to be a pedant.

    Mine was to instuct .

    BTW It's "you're correct".

    Please structure your replies correctly. You note I'm one of them?.

    A First Lord of the Admiralty?. Don't be ridiculous. I've never been associated with the Royal Navy.

    Looks like you'd be good at instructing us on typo identification though.

    Better I guess than half arsed history rubbish.

    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, Biffen said:

    You are clearly not well.

    He commanded the Navy. No he didn't. The Admiral of the Fleet commanded the Navy. Churchill was their political master. Next you'll tell us Morrison 'commands' the army? Using correct terminoligy would be helpful.

    Many books have been written on it.Not relevant

    Gallipoli was such a failure he considered suicide for years. Depression played a part in this. But also not relevant to my point.

    Why do you argue idiotic things? I only argue accuracy - that 's not idiotic is it?



    I am just correcting you "history buff".

    He was never a Rear Admiral, nor indeed a RN officer of any rank.' You still haven't addressed my point. Difficult to adjust is it?

    I have no comment on your other insights. Just don't set yourself up us some pseudo-historical fount of knowledge to other posters.

    I'm very healthy too and thanks for your concern.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Pickett2Jackson said:

    Dan Andrews good.

    Titus O'Reilly bad.

    Got it.

    Talk about drawing a long bow P2J(Predictive name tag I hope too - well done on it)

    Titus is my favourite MFC supporter. Highly intelligent writer, witty etc, and his comment was beneath him. Doesn't make him bad. Just a smarty-pants with no radar turned on.

    Dan - ???     I hate to see bomber tragics whov'e lived through the Danks/Hird debacle then get misquoted or verballed. That's for the police or filth supporters to do.

    Good or bad - ? - depends on the issue.


  9. 1 hour ago, Biffen said:

    He was the Rear Admiral of the Navy.[censored].

    Are your ears painted on?

    First Sea Lord is NOT the same as a Rear Admiral Officer posting.

    One is a political appointment, the other is a professional officer appointment. 

    He would have had trouble leading his battalion on the western front when he left the Admiralty from the deck of a warship presumably anchored in the Channel. (Being an army officer at the time also)

    Maybe you read that somewhere in your research and thought it sounded OK?

    He was instrumental though in having the R N fully prepared for war - which was admirable!

  10. 16 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

    Isn't Mifsud the guy who declared jihad against Neeld and it turned out to be just a misunderstanding?

    And if I'm not mistaken (stand to be corrected) he was in the lynching of Matt Rendell who made the seemingly uncontroversial remark that indigenous players from remote communities have a harder time settling in to big AFL cities?

    His track record in this area isn't exactly stellar.

    Correct on both counts. He should know better , but very well connected so gets away with it.

  11. 11 hours ago, Dame Gaga said:

    It really is a shame a report into and to address the problem of racism in the football club somehow became all about Eddie. 

    I'm sure victims of racism, past, present and future, would like to know what the club intend to do about what the report found and the recommendations it made.

    Eddie has hogged the limelight for long enough.

    Fair comment, but I was dissappointed in Jason Mifsuds comments this morning. He is/was part of the AFL machine and noted Buddy and Cyril weren't booed, even though Goodes was, and this somehow demonstrates that Goodes was personally the problem, not his colour.

    This is a disgrace from Mifsud given his own heritage and the widely-accepted veiws that Goodes' probelm was that he spoke out on indigenoius matters, and if there's anything racists hate its an indigenous person having an opinion and god forbid expressing it - as Goodes did courageously on many occasions, and rightly so.

    Buddy and Cyril were quiet on this issue thus not attracting the vitroil.

    Mifsud owes Goods and apology. The headline notes he is an indigenous "leader" . - really?   

    • Like 6
  12. 2 minutes ago, picket fence said:

    Hnmm Not ideal and can I add a triple and quadrupple PAAAAAAAAAAARK to the narative!??

    Righto agree with dazzle re could , should have invited both of the Robust forwards mentioned ... But we didnt.

    Mitch Brown ( who scored 2 Brownlow Votes in an eye catching display last year), LJ and Tommy Mac to eck out enough goals until at least Benny Brown comes back, Unless Goody thinks outside the square and plays Petty Back and May forward in what would be a "Bold" Move!???

    Good post and I fear you may be on to something that Goody plays the likely AA Full Back down forward.

    The defence is rock solid now and ripe for Goody to stuff up.

  13. 35 minutes ago, one_demon said:

    No great loss

    Well said OD. Weed played a couple of great quarters in 2018 finals. Nothing much before or since. If this was a big loss then heaven help us.

    Ben Brown is the key for this season. Tmac played correctly by Goodwin and others can carry the load. Jackson will be miles ahead of Weed by years end.


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  14. On 2/6/2021 at 11:12 AM, Dr. Gonzo said:

    A lot of the suburban grounds were like that I think. Windy Hill and Moorabbin wouldn't have been much better. In the early days of the VFL Carlton and North supporters were notorious for their behaviour including multiple incidents of throwing rocks at umpires and opposition players.

    Your'e probably right  and issues at other grounds.  But Vic. Park was seen as a special case by the umpiring fraternity.

    The thing my friend says is the VicPark was hostile to a high degree,  even if the Pies won.

    The members in that stand still had the focus to abuse the umpires even as their triumphant team walked off victorius.

    Strange mindsets IMO. What he hated more though was when he was stuck at the cheer squad end goals.

  15. 20 hours ago, Pickett2Jackson said:


    The Collingwood degeneracy transcends race, colour and creed.

    Let us not forget the cowardly filth supporters who attacked Nathan Jones dad in the MCG carpark as a very young Zak Jones looked on helplessly.

    Also clearly recall them spitting on Allen Jakovich at Victoria park and no doubt countless other players.

    A good mate of mine, and former Grand Final Umpire, tells me that when the umpires in the Vic Park days were told thursday night where they were allocated, if it was Vicpark they were simply told "...Your at the Zoo this week..."  They all called it by that name and entering and leaving the arena was only for the brave. They hated it.

    Mainly the spitting from above the wire roof of the race he says. He could deal with rotten fruit and other rubbish.

    Their culture was and is an effing disgrace.

    • Like 3
  16. 23 hours ago, Deespicable said:

     . There is one coach who has a loud voice. He's 62 years old and he was out there in shorts while others were rugged up.  "Pick easy targets, not long and wide - that sort of thing just doesn't happen" he bellowed to make his point crystal clear......

    ......Mark Williams will annoy the [censored] out of Goody and Ooze and our other coaches all year with his comments, but he will inspire the players with his gung-ho spirit and love for the game. I was almost about to jump the fence for him.




    Well done on this insightful observation Deespicable (and rest of report)

    Williams is spot on, especially for a team that lacks the target - hitting ability often at any distance. (nathan Jones take note)

    Lets hope he ignores protocols and calls out issues when he see's them rather than taking permission from Goody to speak up.

    Exactly what the team needs I reckon (amongst other things of course)

    • Like 2
  17. On 1/6/2021 at 4:18 PM, 58er said:

    Why unfairly for  Lions and Suns?
    They had the advantage in 2020 now it's our turn!!!


    Youre right on this, but I thought that given how well QLD has managaed the virus its tough they would still get impacted by the southern bubble. NSW is a bit of a lottery virus -wise (masks not generally mandated mostly for example).

    Our turn for sure as you say though in any case.

  18. On 1/21/2021 at 9:25 PM, NeveroddoreveN said:

    We wanted to change the way he played if i recall correctly, we wanted a far fitter, more mobile May who was going to get to and impact more contests....he broke down with new loads he was not used to.  He has been the person who i would say shows more leadership than our actual captain, no sleight on Gawn but May is/has been  inspirational. Should have been All Australian last year.  He is an Ex- Captain who is in career best form and he is driven to have success before his career ends.  Why would you wait to have him in leadership group, you'd only be punishing the team!

    Who would you have above him in the leadership stakes?

    Good summary on May. 

    The fact that he turned around his poor start, for many reasons, and became AA standard, and likely chance for  AA FB in 2021 ,speaks volumes to his character.

    He's 28 so lets get the best from him now as a Leadership Group member. He deserves it.

    • Like 3
  19. 17 hours ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    I really hope we’re not hubbing in QLD again this year.


    Conversely , and looking how the current Vic - NSW originated outbreak is being managed by all states, I think there is a reasonable chance if a hub is needed it will be a combined WA/SA/Vic bubble, and NSW and QLD (unfortuantely and unfairly  for Lions and Suns) teams will relocate here.


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