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Everything posted by gsmith12

  1. You nailed it, Robinson has the most punchable head in the AFL by a long margin with King a distant clear second.
  2. Exactly, nothing on twitter, news print or any of the footy sites to indicate where Col is at.
  3. Frustrating isn't it in fact Garlo told a mate of mine at the Casey game last Sunday that he expected to be running around this week. Erring on the side of caution it seems.
  4. I reckon Jetta deserves another crack, sadly it's not possible from the rokie list. Nev doesn't mind the bruises.
  5. Diehards, we can't help it, it's in our DNA. We need some genetic modification.
  6. A point well made however if we cop an injury early to a tall ?
  7. I've been through all the tough times since 1964 and just could not believe the rapid growth of support in the members sections of the crowd as we sustained a winning run in the in the late eighties. They literally jumped out of trees onto the bandwagon. May it occur again soon.
  8. No talls on the bench so the match committee must be confident that Dawes will see the game out.
  9. I know you guys aren't looking for repetitve pats on the back, nevertheless accept our thanks for the wonderful job you do under difficult circumstances.
  10. Sorry to hear that. My Grandchildren really had no choice, swamped with Demon gear from an early age courtesy of uncles etc, learnt the Grand Old Flag early on etc etc. Just hope they see some sustained success soon.
  11. Psychology is all in the mind.
  12. We are currently sitting on 32324 which would be considerably less if not for our tireless band of membership volunteers. MFC have thousands of lapsed members who will return once we have a period of sustained success similar to the late eighties, early and late nineties. Easier said than done obviously however we must retain faith in the Jackson/Roos process.
  13. Understand your frustration dieter however you are not Robinson Crusoe, in fact there a many posters on this site of your vintage or older who are suffering the same feelings. What hurts me more than anything is the disappointment I see in the faces of my sons and grandsons when we continue to suffer heavy losses. All we can do is soldier on and hope for some injury relief.
  14. Would be nice to know the true story about Garland. Why bother leading us to believe that Col would resume this weekend if untrue.
  15. So do I Andrew, both teams are desperate and the loser will cop heaps from the media. Don't think I'll venture onto forums if we get rolled.
  16. Love it daisy !!
  17. Fair point Doctor, if however Dawes remains on the park and Jesse returns prior to mid season, which is entirely possible, we may well look a different and more competitive unit.
  18. Seems nonsensical to be talking draft picks this early into the season.
  19. Been mulling over the same thoughts since the Clark announcement. Seems we are cursed.
  20. There are other clubs with longer lists than us, Freo for example and I see they have now lost Walters for the season.
  21. Sad day for Mitch and the footy club. Best wishes Mitch.
  22. We just can't seem to crack a decent run without injuries. Stuff it all.
  23. Never mind buddy, if all else fails you could always resort to watching replays of Marat, Marcos and Anna.
  24. I'm a third generation Demon, my sons are fourth and my grandsons fifth, changing allegiance never was, is or will be an option. We will come good.
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