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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Bow to your superior knowledge bb. I was under the impression you need much more than a couple of weeks ( eg Collingwood and now others ) At altitude to get the desired result. But hell mate I have not studied the subject so who knows. My gut tells me it is more about team building than anything else.
  2. Chippy I am sorry to disagree with bb however I believe that training at altitude is about increasing the amount of red blood cells in your system. This increased level of red cells enables you to carry more oxygen and therefore increase your performance. I think it has little to do with thinning your blood. As you suggest pop an aspirin if you want thinner blood.
  3. I propose a Levy Biffen Sort of like a GST The MFC should get 7.63% of all funds paid at the gate on every event held there Between March 1st and October 31st.
  4. We will give you an apprenticeship nutbean If you promise to not mention Caro once in the next month we will give you full membership. Becoming a "Not so True Dee" is not something that is handed out on a whim
  5. Over a year ago I heard him bag CS said almost outright that he tells pork pies. There is lots of bad blood there. I suspect that if CS ever left his attitude would change quickly. But you are spot on wyl Start winning games is the way to shut him up. 100% guilt edged method
  6. I think so yes SMF You are now branded as not a "true supporter" Welcome to the club. Perhaps we could start a splinter group called "The Not so True Dees" We could negotiate a reduced membership fee, say only pay 90% of normal. The main requirement would be to have a sense of humour!
  7. Spot on, I too am struggling to see a negative. With all the things that have been wrong with the MFC over that last 6 -7 years surely this is one for the positive side of the ledger!
  8. A couple of good ones there CtM Just personal preference mate but I still like the Hurricane still in my top 5 Pity he could not sing as well as he wrote.
  9. Two wrongs don't make a right A little advise from an old geeza You wiil never win a discussion by calling names. Put up an arguement with substance to support it. That way people will take you seriously. Even if they don't agree
  10. And he has stuck up for the Dees on a number of occasions in the past. There was a difference today. Quite a number of dees supporters rang in having a go at Denham. One said something alone the lines of " are you on the same thing as your team in Wa was on a few years back" Had no comment on that line. did my heart good
  11. Your secret is safe with me mate, I won't tell a soul Promise
  12. Jnr had no stage have I ever said that the players were trying trying 100% I have never said the FD told them to lose. However the reason they did lose is because the FD / coach made ridculous positional changes. We all know what they were. Player experimentation is done one or two at a time not six or seven. The example you give was probably the only one that dayand it was from early in the game and worked. Why were some many dees supporters celebrating after the game? why were many celebrating the loss for the next two years?
  13. I hope you are right bb I hope it is not needed but if it comes to it I hope the MFC board have balls for it
  14. I did and still do. Play every game to win and worry about draft selections when the time arises. Otherwise you risk "186" as a possible result
  15. Easy Crawf Richmond were even worse than us at the time. We really had to pull out all stops to get the desired result and even then it almost did not happen. I heard and saw large numbers of dees supporters cheering when the ball sailed through. I was disgusted, still am. On demonland there are still people making positive comments about the guy who kicked the Goal ( forgotten his name ) Makes me feel ill. Oh diet is going slowly but well mate
  16. Macca unless the MFC is going to take it to court ( they are suggesting such but have not actually said it) then the AFL can do exactly what you are suggesting. They can say the MFC is bringing the game into disrepute. They make the rules. the question they will be asking themselves is will the MFC go to court? That is the $64 question. Personally I think the MFC should go to court if we are sanctioned. For a change lets push this to the limit, no holes bared approach The MFC wants to be a tough team. Test number 1 is approaching
  17. bb my comment "If you commit a crime it is not a defence to say that 50 people committed the same crime that week." was a comment in general not about this situation it was not aimed at wether or not we had committed a crime. I understand that a lot of dees supporters passionately defend the club. But some of it is just zeal with no consideration as to what actually happened. Do I want the MFC sanctioned for the Richmnond game or any others? No But there is no doubt in my mind that the FD in that last quarter did everthing they could to lose. I will go to the grave believing that. For whatever the motivation it is a sorry day in the history of the MFC
  18. I was listening to SEN this morning while driving. As usual i was yelling abuse at Venom Denham. Look sideways to see someone doing a similar thing, two windows down and the other driver said F------ Denham? I have been smiling ever since
  19. Ha Ha Biffen But thanks for the support
  20. So has Garland. The down side is he missed a season. Not sure how long Hird was out but I seem to remember it was substantial.
  21. That is not the point If you commit a crime it is not a defence to say that 50 people committed the same crime that week. I just get a little fed up with all the self righteous stuff some Dees supporters keep pedaling. Please are you suggesting that the AFL will change their opinion based on what I say on Demonland. They do not know or care that I exist. We do not deserve the current investigation as the AFL set up the position that we and a number of teams tried to exploit. But lets not get too outraged
  22. Marvelous how some comments morph into something different. I started with that I was surprised how little impact the news of the injury had on me. I am still that way. What you say may well be correct. Obviously the FD have a much higher opinion than me they made him captain. I would be much more concerned if it was Grimes
  23. Poor choice cards13 Find an alternative
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