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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Hi dc how is the ticker?Any date yet? Good luck mate.
  2. I thought exactly the same dc.I turned it off because I thought getting tough on this runs counter to CH 7 needs they were so docile i could have pucked.
  3. IMO Reverend he will never do that. He is simply not that sort of player and never was that I have seen. I think he is still worth having but at the right price whatever that is, other people will make that judgment. If he does not like the price trade him for a good deal nothing more nothing less. if that cannot be done then let him go into the pre season draft or whatever it is called these days. Time for the MFC to play fair but tough.
  4. Spot on I turned it off could no longer stomach the Ch 7 lot. A couple were almost weeping for poor James Their empire is near collapse and they know it. As for Mcveigh I remember him in the first week of this saying they only ever had Vitamin injections. Ha Ha
  5. I Still think that however I have no desire to be correct just what I have seen so far. If he turns into an AFL player I will be very happy. Just wanted to know what you thought. Thank you.
  6. Ok How is this "was Strauss in your opinion a poor draft selection"?
  7. Islay RB. Not my favourite, too earthy for me . But it has been know to roll around the tongue and slid past where my tonsils once resided.
  8. One more d and you had it RtG. Glenfiddich Exactly what I was drinking.
  9. Having one myself. Single malt? What sort?
  10. Greg Denham was not far off the mark when he said we were being run by a rum bunch.
  11. Surely you are not suggesting dc that MFC people would not be telling us the whole truth! I am shocked.
  12. Not quite still giving the occasional kick. But I hope it only has a few more days
  13. It is a two horse race and look at the other horse!
  14. Quite obviously Bbo the Burma trip was not as expensive as planned.$200 on the Dees! I would struggle with a 200 cent bet on them. I actually think the GWS will notch their first win. Might have $10 on them
  15. There is no other choice it is that or the end of the MFC. Take it or leave it IMO
  16. From that I deduce a number of things but the very clear one for me is the AFL is our administrator. Not news but is clear that they are approving every move we make. I am happy with that. Roll on Mr. AFL and Mr Jackson we are in your hands. If you cannot save us no one will.
  17. Jazzayou have improved my day out of sight! How about "Carpet Bombed"?
  18. As soon as someone wants to call themselves "Honourable" I wonder why? Are they thinking we don't think they are?
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