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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. It’s all about the media PD. With an extra round added the GF will be decided by the team with the best injury luck / planning.
  2. By AFL standards that is a pittance. The 7.5 was to Casey not the MFC. The state just gave $15 million to netball. We are getting scraps from the table.
  3. We will be in the ground before the southern stand development even starts DC. And what if there is a change of government have the libs promised to do the southern stand? They are hiding behind secrecy IMO.
  4. Spot on Gouga I think you have nailed it. Why can't they admit it and move on?
  5. Perhaps nothing is happening rjay and no one wants to admit. They seem to waiting for a hail Mary.
  6. That might have washed five years ago JD but this insistence that it has to be close to the G is the biggest problem. Has the membership ever been asked where we would like it?
  7. The big problem as I see it is there are no votes in giving money etc the the MFC. On top of that we are trying to do the near impossible and that is getting a spot near the G, last spot went to the Pies. To the Club, For gods sake tell us something, enough of this " we cannot talk because it will spoil Negotiations" What negotiations? That may have washed five years ago not now. Oh there will not be a members info night this year, it maybe early 2023. AGM date unknown but it will be early in the next year. Reason? it is required by the law of the land I wonder would there be one if it was not. We are looking a lot like a mushroom factory these days.
  8. I wonder if they reviewed the last two games?
  9. Its the big fail of the 21th century dc
  10. I have got to the point where it is all a bit of a joke MR. WE are mushrooms! Some days I feel 100 but back then we actually had a home.
  11. Is there a "member update meeting" this year? Does anyone know when the AGM will take place?
  12. Don't worry dd we will get a home soon!!! I am confident it will be this century.
  13. In my view George the pies system is more democratic than the MFC.
  14. Six weeks ago my eldest Granddaughter ( heading to 12 ) decided that she wanted to play Basketball. She had only ever messed about at school lunch times. She is amongst the taller girls at her school in her age group so that helps. She is now four games in and she is playing well and really enjoying it. On top of that Pa is enjoying it just as much to the point where I have to say I am enjoying watching her team more than the Dees in 2022. Never thought that would happen. May this continue! Yesterday I jokingly told her I will be too Old to see her play in the Olympics. She just smiled and that smile was worth a thousand words.
  15. While you have games like last night where 5 mins from the end the scores where 14 playing 16 there will not be a lot of incentive for people to go to games. These are finals teams !!! No idea what the TV ratings are but I suspect they do not justify the position they occupy on FTA.
  16. I went to VFL GF at Carlton a few weeks ago and it reminded me how poor all the old VFL grounds were and Carlton was one of the better ones.
  17. That covers it DC. The AFL is addicted to money they will do anything that increases their coffers.
  18. We are a couple of weeks out from an election and all things MFC are as silent as the grave. Don't hold you breath rjay it is as far away as ever because we are attempting the near impossible.
  19. Oh no the mighty Lunar Flare has been scratched. What do I do now? More form analysis.
  20. Well the netball girls today got a $15 million sponsorship from the Victorian government. And still nothing for the MFC. What gives here? There is no votes in money for the MFC is the club praying for a change of government?
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