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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I have come to the conclusion that are definately a fanatic WCW nothing wrong with that so enjoy.
  2. I don't think the funding is the problem, it's no location. But it is all so secret how would we know.
  3. Whatever melb gear you are looking for it is way more available than in the past. However still nowhere near the big clubs. There is a mountain of tigers gear. Good luck with your searching.
  4. It has always been thus KDF but since we won the flag in 2021 I have notice Melb gear is shops where there was none previously. Only a decade of success will change this problem with 2 or 3 more flags. It's not easy to change the direction of half a century of failure. Hopefully we are track for change.
  5. No your too subtle for me WCW !!!!!
  6. I don't know how long you are planning on being there but if can afford the time you should explore the area beyond AS. Get to the rock it is a must see.
  7. Excellent comment, hanger in there you are amongst mainly friends go Dee's.
  8. I didn't say all the changes were bad mono. Multiple umpires has stopped behind the play thuggery.
  9. You are not alone I blame the ageing process.
  10. Are you going DJ? Oh my error I thought it round 4.5 being discussed.
  11. I think it is much higher, I know a number of people who have contracted it over the last month and not one has reported it. They do the test and go to bed with some Panadol.
  12. I don't believe that for one second and the results speak for themselves.
  13. The game has changed dramatically since big Nicks days and some areas not for the better. I dislike the inter change rules and the number of players. It may well be my age but I lose track of who is actually on the ground.
  14. It’s amazing the change in player size not so long ago those sizes would have made you among the top 10% of player heights.
  15. They probably haven't worked it out yet.
  16. If there was a sponsor it would have been the Ford or TAB round.
  17. Obviously they could not get a sponsor to pony up some cash. I wonder why???
  18. That will be released during a world cup game tonight LH.
  19. It's not the only thing I read ds. And yes it explains a lot.
  20. Spot on LH, at this rate we will miss out on docklands as well.
  21. So what if you did? I have been buying/ reading the Hun for 65 years. Currently I have an electronic subscription $1 day seems a good deal to me.
  22. So there we have it a "Long Term Project". I have every confidence we will see nothing this decade. Abject failure for the MFC.
  23. Try breeds!. Just sent off my email to the President.
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