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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. NC we have been holding onto that idea for the last 6 years and what do we have at this point? As the song goes wishing and hoping!
  2. BDA the actual position doesn't matter it is the perception, the average person see the MFC as a bunch of silver tails
  3. Over the last 6-7 years the FD has had way more hits than misses in player selection. We have a glaring need for KPF’s and it would appear we have taken the best one available at pick 14 so I will give them my support for the selection. However he looks skinny which I hope changes over the next couple of years, watching him develop will be a good reason for following Casey over the next couple of years.
  4. I have made that comment before but when the captain of your GF winning team makes a comment about the lack of facilities I have changed my mind. Just stop with this near the G idea, It is the desired position by our older members and a board who has welded themselves to the idea. Have the members ever been asked their opinion? Of course the answer is no. As I said two days ago we now have a labor government for the next four years who see no votes in the MFC and in fact a loss of votes if they allocate green space in inner Melbourne to a conservative football club. If we want something to start this decade we have to change this near the G requirement. It is like a giant anchor that stops any other idea or thought. Near the G or bust will see us bust.
  5. Doesn't even sound like square one to me.
  6. Well we can be confident he won’t want to go home to mum!
  7. I got an email from the club 2 hours ago with merch.
  8. No I didn't watch NC and by the look of the score line it is just as well. I was entertaining my Grand daughters who stayed last night. PS neither are interested in A rules. Oldest is a basketball fanatic.
  9. Was there a game today NC? I didn't think the season started till March. Oh you mean the girls thing.
  10. IMO that would be negated by people not wanting to lose green space. The MFC lost out when we turned down Olympic Park. Trying to get something now is extremely difficult if not impossible.
  11. Just checked junior members don't get a scarf.
  12. No idea DC. Does it say anything on the MFC site?
  13. If there were ever any doubts that there are no votes in the MFC it has been proven beyond doubt. The two areas where Labor lost votes is in the west and to the greens in the inner suburbs. From that we can bet there will be plenty spent in the west. Just watch the WU new stadium fly. And green space in inner Melbourne for a MFC home will not fly. It's is time the board looked seriously at alternatives to the G proximity plan if they want something this decade.
  14. Hmm I didn't think of that DF. 4-5 sounds good.
  15. Sounds like a good idea, I think just about every soccer game I have ever watched after an hour I get up go to the loo and come back and the only score of the game has happened.
  16. I am surprised so many were watching /watched later. Currently it is running just behind Rugby union for me. However I may watch some of the later games when we get down to the serious contenders.
  17. Sadly for me I don’t have the old membership cards to prove my membership. My first membership was 1974, from then till now I have missed four years membership during the 80s and 90’s. No big deal that I have no proof I am happy with what has been credited to me. I know I have been a member since 74 so that is all that matters. I wonder how many more I have to go?
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