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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Talk about titles I now live in a Lifestyle Community and a couple of weeks ago I got an email from the "Head of Experience" what the hell does that mean?
  2. Do we care Mr. Leg? My attention is approaching zero. Talking about approaching zero is anyone interested in the bash and crash world cup. To me it is just another game of cricket that means little. If ever a sport is over exposed it is cricket.
  3. Yes not one of our better efforts. Then again until the last 5-6 years we have been less than wonderful more often that not.
  4. God knows what the rest of this decade of the 21st century has in store for us all. I might just become a recluse. Still I wore platform shoes, flares and body shirts of dubious colours in the 70's so who am I to talk.
  5. Now I know this isn’t football but at this time of the year who cares about footy. For the big one on Tuesday I am giving you the early nod. Lunar Flare ridden by M Dee. Light weight is a talented horse and with that jockey name how could it loose. Remember you heard it here first.
  6. Sorry move her out, fill in the lake, remove the bats and we have the best facility in Australia.
  7. There is quite a big house we could use for offices etc.
  8. You may have hit on the venue for our new home Mr. Leg.
  9. What a joke personal information is these days! It is not as though we can avoid giving it out. IMO all these large organisations have failed us terribly. So far I am not affected but it is only a matter of time. It makes reading this thread seem funny oh our emails address etc have been given to someone else. At least this guy bares us no ill will. Well I don't think he does.
  10. The board and a reasonable number of older members are welded to G for historical reasons that have little to do with the 21st century. Until that changes forget about alternatives they simply won't consider them.
  11. They will shut you down faster than a lightening strike.
  12. That's a bit negative DF. I am nothing but positivity and light. Well for the next 15 minutes anyway. I think we should find a new home ground, we perform poorly at the G!!!!!!!!
  13. On the basis that we have been looking for a home for 40+ years I don't agree. It has been 6-7 under the current board and still zero. I have no confidence we will see a finished home before the end of this decade. The silence is deafening.
  14. Even after winning the flag in 2021 I still think October and November is best time of the football year.
  15. I have been to both several times DJ. I was referring to the multiple choice problem. Have you been to New Mexico? My daughter lived there for a while and we went back just before Covid decided to mess up our lives.
  16. Ain't it great to be our club now. We need to enjoy this time more.
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