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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Now while I did not watch but They scored three goals between them for the entire match, seems like the saga of ladies games continues to me. I did however watch the second half of the Cats / Pies game and it was crap. Just a series of scrums up and down the ground with the occasional kick going 40 meters. Those two teams have a very long way to go before you could call it a entertaining sporting event.
  2. Good timing 40 degrees predicted for Sunday afternoon. The game will be over at half time everyone will have past out.
  3. Spot on he might be lucky to start anywhere in March.
  4. Not sure her advice was too far off the mark.
  5. Thank god for that Ernest. I look for to a decade of sustained success.
  6. It was our country zone in the old VFL days Ernest which probably accounts for it. I spent my early life in Bendigo which was Carlton's zone they got a lot of good players from there. I have as a result had a soft spot for the Blues. Helped of course by my old team being two blues.
  7. Now that one was a new one for me Bbo I had to consult the "Oxford" ( Perhaps Mr. Shadow is correct! No definitely not).
  8. Agree but that is a value judgement. And being respectful is another important element. If you are respectful and don't play the man then I have problem with people giving opinions different to my own
  9. I disagree quite often with dv8 but it is a fan website where most the comment is opinion. So he is entitled to give his.
  10. It would need to have improved because the standard has been crap so far.
  11. This line says it all Vagg, “she who must be obeyed" Tarax knows how the world works. Good effort!
  12. I love the Vanders types. They play tough and every opponent knows it. They must constantly wonder where he is. When he tackles you know it will hurt.
  13. Thanks for the advice Deemania, I am mainly a red wine drinker. Have been to Italy and have enjoyed the majority of the wine I have had there. Going again in May to Puglia and Sicily. Looking forward to a few of the local numbers.
  14. Neither am I but I reckon we will win a flag before we get a base in Yarra park.
  15. That streak will continue for another 4 weeks minimum.
  16. I don't I want us to be hated for the same reasons. Decades long success and numerous premierships.
  17. We had one last year and two right now. Why a third?
  18. Just like they did in the finals!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Not in Australia however they are riding on the back of Nissan infrastructure so the costs are probably carried mainly by the Nissan network. If you view it as another Nissan vehicle with a different name then they can probably afford to plod along with low growth for some time. It really depends on how long HQ in Japan is prepared to take the long view.
  20. I am happy to take their money dc. I just don't think it is going to be around for long.
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